function[data] = export_data(e, file_out, varargin) % Export routine for the PDExperiment class: % % Exports a datatable with relevant properties and statistics % % Thresholding: % % Quality -> Thresholding.Quality = [0/1], % Default Quality Threshold adopted from % PDExperiment class, can be altered in % extra parameter QualityThreshold % % Baseline -> Thresholding.Baseline = [0/1] % Check whether baseline is within range % BaselineThreshold specifies this setting % % BlinkCount -> Thresholding.BlinkCount = [0/1] % Check whether BlinkCount is within range % BlinkCountThreshold specifies this setting % % MissingLabels -> Thresholding.MissingLabels = [0/1] % MissingLabels is an optional cell array % to filter trials without those labels/fieldnames % % MatchingLabels -> Thresholding.Label = [0/1] % MatchingLabels is an optional cell array % to filter labels with a certain value % settings = struct('Delimiter', ',',... 'LineEndings', '\n',... 'Thresholding', struct('Quality', 0, ... 'Baseline', 0, ... 'BlinkCount', 0, ... 'MissingLabels',0,... 'Label',0), ...), ... 'QualityThreshold', e.settings.QualityThreshold, ... 'BaselineThreshold', [],... 'BlinkCountThreshold', Inf, ... 'MissingLabels', {},... 'MatchingLabels', {}); settings(1).QualityThreshold = e.settings.QualityThreshold; settings = parse(settings, varargin); max_typelength = -1; max_tl_ind = -1; for i = 1:length(e.subjects(1).sessions(1).trials) if max_typelength < length(fieldnames(e.subjects(1).sessions(1).trials(i).type)) max_tl_ind = i; end max_typelength = max(max_typelength, length(fieldnames(e.subjects(1).sessions(1).trials(i).type))); end types = fieldnames(e.subjects(1).sessions(1).trials(max_tl_ind).type); type_header = '';format_type_header =''; for t = 1:length(types) type_header = [type_header types{t} sep '# of chars' sep]; format_type_header = [format_type_header str_f sep]; end header = ['Subject' sep ... 'Datafile' sep ... 'Subject Id' sep ... 'Session' sep ... 'Trial' sep ... 'Quality (%)' sep ... 'BlinkCount' sep ... type_header, ... 'Baseline (raw)' sep ... 'Max' sep ... 'TimeOfMax (rel to s.o.)' sep ... 'Mean' sep ... 'Median' sep ... 'Mode' sep ... 'Q1 (25%)' sep ... 'Q2 (median)' sep ... 'Q3 (75%)' sep ... 'AUC' le]; format = [str_f sep ... % subject str_f sep ... % datafile int_f sep ... % subject id int_f sep ... % session int_f sep ... % trial dec_f sep ... % quality int_f sep ... % blinkcount '%s' ... % types are formatted within trial, so string with no formatting dec_f sep ... % baseline dec_f sep ... % max dec_f sep ... % maxtime dec_f sep ... % mean dec_f sep ... % median dec_f sep ... % mode dec_f sep ... % q1 dec_f sep ... % q2 dec_f sep ... % q3 dec_f le]; % AUC data = {}; for s = 1:length(e.subjects) for sess = 1:length(e.subjects(s).sessions) for t = 1:length(e.subjects(s).sessions(sess).trials) trial = e.subjects(s).sessions(sess).trials(t); %Continue with the next trial if thresholding is enabled and %trial suffers quality if ((settings.Thresholding.Quality) && (trial.quality < settings.QualityThreshold)) continue; end if ((settings.Thresholding.Quality) && (trial.quality < settings.QualityThreshold)) continue; end %% Baseline items can be skipped if (strmatch(trial.type.TRIAL_VAR_stim, 'Baseline')) continue; end tt_string = ''; % build string containg type identifiers for tt = 1:length(types) if isfield(trial.type,types{tt}) if ischar(trial.type.(types{tt})) numchars = length(strtrim(trial.type.(types{tt}))); else numchars = -1; end trial_type_value = trial.type.(types{tt}); tt_string = [tt_string ... sprintf([str_f sep], strrep(trial_type_value(1,:),'"', '')) ... sprintf([int_f sep], numchars)]; else tt_string = [tt_string ... sprintf([str_f sep], ''), ... sprintf([int_f sep], numchars)]; end end if ~isempty(trial.stats) fprintf(fp, format, ... e.subjects(s).name, ... e.subjects(s).sessions(sess).datafile, ... s, ... sess, ... t, ... trial.quality, ... trial.blink_count, ... tt_string, ... trial.baseline, ... trial.stats.max.value, ... trial.stats.max.time, ... trial.stats.mean, ... trial.stats.median, ... trial.stats.mode, ... trial.stats.q1, ... trial.stats.q2, ... trial.stats.q3, ... trial.stats.auc); end end end end fclose(fp); display(sprintf('\t*) Statistics written to %s', file_out)); function[settings] = parse(settings,varlist); if length(varlist)<2;return;end f=fieldnames(settings); for k=2:2:length(varlist); if ~any(strcmp(varlist{k-1},f)); error(sprintf('invalid field %s\n',varlist{k-1})); end if isstruct(varlist{k}) substructfields = fieldnames(varlist{k}); for sf = 1:length(substructfields) settings(1).(varlist{k-1}).(substructfields{sf}) = varlist{k}.(substructfields{sf}); end else settings=setfield(settings,varlist{k-1},varlist{k}); end end