function[objs] = setPattern(objs, type, pattern) %% define possible coding styles of markers ton_codings = {'trial onset','trial on', 'start trial', 'trial start', 'trial_start'}; toff_codings = {'trial offset','trial off', 'end trial', 'trial end', 'trial_end'}; son_codings = {'stimulus onset','stimulus on', 'soa', 'stim on', 'stim_on', 'stimulus start', 'stim_start'}; soff_codings = {'stimulus offset','stimulus off', 'stim off', 'stim_off', 'stim end', 'stim_end'}; bon_codings = {'baseline on', 'baseline start', 'baseline onset', 'bl on', 'bl'}; boff_codings = {'baseline off', 'baseline end', 'baseline offset', 'bl off'}; if (~ischar(pattern)) error('Pattern must be character array') end for i = 1:length(objs) obj = objs(i); %% trial onset if (ismember(lower(type), ton_codings)) obj.trial_start_pattern = pattern; end if (ismember(lower(type), toff_codings)) obj.trial_end_pattern = pattern; end %% stimulus onset if (ismember(lower(type), son_codings)) obj.stimulus_onset_pattern = pattern; end %% stimulus offset if (ismember(lower(type), soff_codings)) obj.stimulus_offset_pattern = pattern; end %% baseline onset if (ismember(lower(type), bon_codings)) obj.baseline_onset_pattern = pattern; end %% baseline offset if (ismember(lower(type), boff_codings)) obj.baseline_offset_pattern = pattern; end objs(i) = obj; end