function[obj h] = pupil_response_function(obj, t, n=10.1, t_max=930, f=1/(10^27)) %% Hoeks and Levelt, Behavior Research Methods 1993, vol 25(1) pp 16-26: % % Parameters of the Erlang Gamma are n, t_max % # n+1 = number of laters % # t_max = response maximum % # f = scaling factor % % Erlang Gamma = Gamma distribution with shape parameter (k) set to an integer % For more information, see: % % Hoeks and Levelt reported for n a range of 10.1 +/- 4.1, % NB: They question the use of 10.1 as a value for all subjects, % but following deconvolution this is a minor issue. % % t_max value reported in H&L : 930 ms with a standard deviation of 190 % ms. % h = f.*(t.^n) .* exp(-n .*t ./ t_max); h(0) = 0;