classdef BSM1 id = 'BSM:Monitor:TooManyInputs'; msg= sprintf('Too many inputs given.\n Use: \t obj.Monitor\n\tobj.Monitor(true)\n\tobj.monitor(false)\n'); throw(MException(id,msg)) end if numel(varargin)==0 obj.MonitorState=xor(obj.MonitorState,true); else if ~islogical(varargin{1}) id = 'BSM:Monitor:InputIsNotLogical'; msg= sprintf('Input is not of type logical\n'); throw(MException(id,msg)) end obj.MonitorState=varargin{1}; end end function Calc(obj,varargin) % obj.calc to apply calculate to all SPM.mat files % obj.calc(n) to calculated the nth SPM.mat file % obj.calc([1 3 6]) to indicate which SPM.mat file to calculate %only initialize once. Every subsequent call to this function, %do not reinitialize. persistent InitDone if isempty(InitDone) || not(InitDone) % initialize spm job enviourment spm_jobman('initcfg'); InitDone = true; end SPMidx=[];% will contain the index to the SPMs to work on if logical(numel(varargin)) SPMidx=varargin{1}; end %check number of input arguments if ~logical(obj.NumSPMs)%nothing to do fprintf('== == == Nothing to do: done == == ==\n') return; end if isempty(SPMidx) SPMidx=1:obj.NumSPMs; end if ~isnumeric(SPMidx)||~all(isfinite(SPMidx))||min(SPMidx)<1||max(SPMidx)>obj.NumSPMs id='BSM:Calc:InvalidIndex'; msg='Invalid Index'; throw(MException(id,msg)); end if numel(SPMidx)>1 obj.SPMIndexList=SPMidx; SPMidx=obj.SPMIndexList(end); try obj.Calc(SPMidx); %handle the single case catch ME %if the identifier matches, just continue with next SPM if ~any(strcmpi(ME.identifier,... {'BSM:CoreCalc:SPMxBFOrder:invalid'... ,'BSM:CoreCalc:SPMSess:invalid'... })) rethrow(ME) else disp(ME.message); end end obj.SPMIndexList=obj.SPMIndexList(1:end-1); if isempty(obj.SPMIndexList) return; else obj.Calc(obj.SPMIndexList);% recursively run the rest of the list end else % deal with single entry obj.CoreCalc(SPMidx) end end end methods %constructor and set/get methods function obj = BSM(varargin) %BSM Construct an instance of this class %option: parse the info of a matlab batch file? see %tbx_cf_bsm? %TODO: % set default values obj.SPMPath=[]; %get the SPM path if nargin>0 [val,TF]=obj.MyGetVal('SPMs',varargin);if TF;obj.SPMs=val;end [val,TF]=obj.MyGetVal('Type',varargin);if TF;obj.Type=val;end [val,TF]=obj.MyGetVal('Acfl',varargin);if TF;obj.Acfl=val;end end end function val=get.NumSPMs(obj) val=numel(obj.SPMs); end function set.SPMPath(obj,~) SPMFound=which('spm'); %check if SPM in searchpath if isempty(SPMFound) %SPM not found error('please add SPM to your path before trying to run BSM'); %to do add a check on spm version end obj.SPMPath=fileparts(SPMFound); end function set.Clean(obj,varargin) if isempty(varargin) %% this option is obsolete obj.Clean=xor(obj.Clean,true); %togle state elseif ~islogical(varargin{1}) id = 'BSM:SetClean:InvalidType'; msg= 'Value passed to obj.Clean is not of type logical'; throw(MException(id,msg)); else obj.Clean=varargin{1}; end end function set.Prefix(obj,val) if ischar(val) obj.Prefix=val; else id='BSM:SetPrefix:InvalidInput'; msg='Input needs to be a char array'; throw(MException(id,msg)); end end function set.Type(obj,val) %check allowed input if ~isnumeric(val)|| any(~ismember(val,1:5)) id='BSM:Type:invalid'; msg='use a value in the range 1..5'; throw(MException(id,msg)); end obj.Type=val; end function set.Acfl(obj,val) %allow clearing if isempty(val) obj.Acfl=[]; end if ~isnumeric(val) || any(val<1) || any(~isfinite(val)) id='BSM:Acfl:invalid'; msg='set an array of positive integer values to the Acfl field'; throw(MException(id,msg)); end obj.Acfl=val; end function set.SPMs(obj,val) %set the SPMs to be analysed %obj.SPMs= %possible values for % {} : clear the SPMs field % {'ui'} : ask user input if ~iscell(val) fprintf('%s\n',... 'Use any of the following options',... 'obj.SPMs={}',... 'obj.SPMs={''ui''}',... 'obj.SPMs={}'); return end if isempty(val) %allow empty input return; end if strcmpi(val{1},'ui') [P,sts]=spm_select([1 Inf],'mat','select the SPM.mat files',obj.SPMs,pwd,'^SPM.mat'); if ~logical(sts);return;end if iscell(P) val=P; else val=cellstr(P); end end % capture file not found somewhat clever TF=cellfun(@exist,val); if any(not(TF)) id='BSM:SetSPMs:FileNotFound'; msg=sprintf('file not found\t%s\n',val{not(TF)}); throw(MException(id,msg)); end obj.SPMs=val; end end methods (Access = protected)%private functions function CoreCalc(obj,idx) fprintf('working on :%d: %s\n',idx,obj.SPMs{idx}); % how to store the current status of warning and restore curent WarnStat=warning; warning('OFF', 'MATLAB:MKDIR:DirectoryExists'); %this try catch block will handle any errors that might ocure %warning will not remain off by accident try SpmFile=obj.SPMs{idx}; load(SpmFile); %#ok %% exception block %NB these exception has not been tested properly by the if (SPM.xBF.order ~=1 ) %#ok<*NODEF> %TestBSMClass program %throw an error. The calling function should properly %handle the error. id='BSM:CoreCalc:SPMxBFOrder:invalid'; msg=sprintf('%s\n','Problem found', ... 'No canonical HRF was used to model the data', ... 'Current file will be skipped'); throw(MException(id,msg)); end if (length(SPM.Sess) > 1 ) id='BSM:CoreCalc:SPMSess:invalid'; msg=sprintf('%s\n',... 'Problem found', ... 'Multiple sessions in one SPM.mat not supported', ... 'Current file will be skipped'); throw(MException(id,msg)); end % end exception block %% set local variables SPMOrig = SPM; UOrig = SPM.Sess(1).U; [ActCol,~,~]=obj.GetColDef(UOrig); LocalTargetFolder = fullfile(fileparts(SpmFile),'BSM');%RR replace BSM by a obj.BSMDir so user can modify this %% create directory mkdir(LocalTargetFolder); % loop over ActCol for c=1:length(ActCol) % get current col, get other col CurCol=ActCol(c); OthCol=setdiff(1:length(ActCol),CurCol); TargetFolderCurCol=fullfile(LocalTargetFolder,sprintf('col_%04d', CurCol)); NEvents=numel(UOrig(CurCol).ons); DirTrialList=cell(NEvents,1); BetaTrialList=cell(NEvents,1); for e=1:NEvents% loop over events U=obj.GetU(UOrig,e,CurCol,OthCol);%build U DirTrialList{e}=obj.GenSPM(U,SPMOrig,TargetFolderCurCol,e);%build SPM % obj.RunJob(DirTrialList{e});%process SPM %BetaTrialList{e}=spm_select('ExtFPList',DirTrialList{e},'^beta_0001.*.nii$',1); end% end loop try obj.PackBetas(BetaTrialList,LocalTargetFolder,CurCol)%pack per event result obj.CleanUp(TargetFolderCurCol); catch ME keyboard; %for debuging purpose only end end % end loop act. col % restore warning status warning(WarnStat); catch ME %turn matlab warning back on warning(WarnStat); rethrow(ME); end end function CleanUp(obj,D) if obj.Clean try rmdir(D,'s'); catch ME disp(ME) id = 'BSM:Clean:Failed'; msg= 'Cleaning failed'; throw(MException(id,msg)); end end end function PackBetas(obj,P,wd,Col) FPFout=fullfile(wd,sprintf('%s_%04d.nii',obj.Prefix,Col)); matlabbatch{1} = P; matlabbatch{1} = FPFout; matlabbatch{1} = 4; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); end function RunJob(~,swd) %% estimate model: matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.spmmat = {fullfile(swd,'SPM.mat')}; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.method.Classical = 1; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); end function swd=GenSPM(obj,U,SPMOrig,TargetFolderCol,Event) SPM=SPMOrig; TargetFolderColTrial=fullfile(TargetFolderCol,sprintf('trial_%04d',Event)); mkdir(TargetFolderColTrial); SPM.swd = TargetFolderColTrial; SPM.Sess.U=U; U=spm_get_ons(SPM,1); % to have SPM autocomplete the U structure [X,~,Fc]=spm_Volterra(U,,SPM.xBF.Volterra); k=SPM.nscan(1); fMRI_T = SPM.xBF.T; fMRI_T0 = SPM.xBF.T0; X = X((0:(k-1))*fMRI_T +fMRI_T0 + 32,:);%@JB what does the +32 do? %orthogonalize for k=1:numel(Fc) X(:,Fc(k).i)=spm_orth(X(:,Fc(k).i)); end Xname=cell(1,size(X,2)); for k = 1:size(X,2) Xname{k} = [sprintf('Sn(%i) ',1) SPM.Sess(1).U(k).name{1}]; end %% reinstate motion parameters if (obj.KeepMP)&& ~isempty(SPMOrig.Sess(1).C.C) C = SPMOrig.Sess(1).C.C; Cname = job.SPM_orig.Sess(1); X = cat(2,X,spm_detrend(C)); Xname = cat(2,Xname, Cname(:)); end %% reinstate baseline column X(:,end+1) = 1; Xname = cat(2,Xname,{sprintf('Sn(%i) %s',1,'constant')}); %% monitor if obj.MonitorState figure(100); clf; imagesc(X); pause(0.5); end %% Rebuild SPM SPM.xX.X = X; SPM.xX.iB = size(X,2); SPM.xX.iC = 1:size(X,2)-1; = Xname; try SPM.xX = rmfield(SPM.xX,'W');%remove prewhitening matrix catch end save(fullfile(SPM.swd,'SPM.mat'),'SPM'); swd=SPM.swd; end function U=GetU(obj,UOrig,Event,Col,OCol) U=struct('name',{},'ons', [], 'dur', [],'orth', [], 'P', [], 'dt', [], 'u', [],'pst',[]); idx=1; %split out current event as first condition U(idx).name{1} = sprintf('%s_%d',UOrig(Col).name{1},Event); U(idx).ons = UOrig(Col).ons(Event); U(idx).dur = UOrig(Col).dur(Event); U(idx).orth = UOrig(Col).orth; U(idx).P = UOrig(Col).P; U(idx).dt = UOrig(Col).dt; % u % pst %optional add all other events as the next condition switch obj.Type case {1,2} idx = idx +1; OtherTrials=setdiff(1:numel(UOrig(Col).ons),Event); U(idx).name{1} = sprintf('%s_oe',UOrig(Col).name{1}); U(idx).ons = UOrig(Col).ons(OtherTrials); U(idx).dur = UOrig(Col).dur(OtherTrials); U(idx).orth = UOrig(Col).orth; U(idx).P = UOrig(Col).P; U(idx).dt = UOrig(Col).dt; % u % pst case {3,4} otherwise end % deal with other conditions if ~isempty(OCol) switch obj.Type case {1,4} %put all other conditions in one column idx = idx + 1; U(idx).name{1} = 'AllOtherConditions'; U(idx).ons = cat(1,UOrig(OCol).ons); for k = OCol if numel(UOrig(k).dur)==1 dur=repmat(UOrig(k).dur,size(UOrig(k).ons)); elseif numel(UOrig(k).dur)==numel(UOrig(k).ons) dur=UOrig(k).dur; else id='BSM:GetU:InvalidNumberDuration'; msg=sprintf('%s\n'... ,'Number of durations is neither one nor the number of onsets'... ); throw(MException(id,msg)); end U(idx).dur=cat(1,U(idx).dur,dur); U(idx).orth = UOrig(k).orth; U(idx).P = UOrig(k).P; U(idx).dt = UOrig(k).dt; end case {2,3} %keep other conditions each in their own column U=cat(2,U,UOrig(OCol)); otherwise end %clear out fields u and pst They will be rebuild when SPM %is created [U(:).pst]=deal([]); [U(:).u]=deal([]); end end function [ActCol,PasCol,AllCol]=GetColDef(obj,U) AllCol=1:length(U); if ~isempty(obj.Acfl) PasCol = AllCol(obj.Acfl); %cf line 53 in spm_bsm.m else PasCol = []; end ActCol = setdiff(AllCol,PasCol); end function[val,TF]=MyGetVal(~,selector,List) TF=strcmpi(selector,List); if any(TF) %spmpath is set as option k=find(TF, 1 );%find the first instance if (k+1)>numel(List) id='BSM:getval:ReadBeyondEndInput'; msg=sprintf('use name value pairs\nlast entry is a name'); throw(MException(id,msg)); end val=List{k+1}; TF=true; else val=false; TF=false; end end end end