function[job] = spm_bsm(job) % % Copyright J.B.C. Marsman % NeuroImaging Center % University Medical Center Groningnen % % September 2015 % % Cisler 2014 % Rissman 2004 % Mumford 2012 % Camara 2008 (reward processing) display('== == == Beta Series Method: Running analysis == == ==') N = numel(job.spms); warning('OFF', 'MATLAB:MKDIR:DirectoryExists'); for spm_i = 1:N spmfile = job.spms{spm_i}; %% load original SPM file load(spmfile); %% check for canonical HRF : if (SPM.xBF.order ~=1 ) warning([sprintf('Problem found in File : %s\n', spmfile) ... 'No canonical HRF was used to model the data\n' ... 'This model will be skipped']); continue; end if (length(SPM.Sess) > 1 ) warning([sprintf('Problem found in File : %s\n', spmfile) ... sprintf('Multiple sessions are not supported.\n') ... sprintf('This model will be skipped\n')]); continue; end SPM_orig = SPM; U_orig = SPM.Sess.U; target_folder = [fileparts(spmfile) filesep 'BSM']; %% create output folder mkdir(target_folder); %% specify active columns: all_columns = 1:length(SPM.Sess(1).U); if ~isempty(job.acfl) passive_columns = eval(['all_columns( job.acfl );']); else passive_columns = []; end active_columns = setdiff(all_columns, passive_columns); job.active_columns = active_columns; job.SPM_orig = SPM_orig; job.U_orig = U_orig; job.target_folder = target_folder; %% loop for active columns: methods = {'Traditional BSM Rissman et al', 'Adapted BSM Rissman et al', 'Fast approach (Mumford et al)', 'Adapted fast approach','none'}; display(sprintf('== == == Beta Series Method: Analysis Type : %s == == ==', methods{job.type})); switch(job.type) case 1, %% Traditional BSM Rissman et al BSM_type1(job); case 2, %% Adapted Rissman et al BSM_type2(job); case 3, %% Fast approach (Mumford et al) BSM_type3(job); case 4, %% Adapted Fast approach BSM_type4(job); end pwd keyboard save('IntermediateState','job'); display('== == == Beta Series Method : Concatenating betas == == ==') BSM_concat_betas(job) return; %for now don't do the last few steps display('== == == Beta Series Method : Regressing ROIs== == ==') BSM_Regress_Regions(job); display('== == == Beta Series Method : Contrasting second level betas == == ==') BSM_Contrast_manager(job); display('== == == Beta Series Method : Done == == ==') end end function[] = BSM_type1(job) %% Traditional BSM by Rissman et al 2004 active_columns = job.active_columns; for c = 1:length(active_columns) %% split out all columns but baseline column = active_columns(c); other_columns = setdiff(1:length(active_columns), column); display(sprintf('*) Exploding column %d...', column)); target_folder_c = [job.target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; mkdir(target_folder_c); pos_index =1; U_new = struct('name',[],'ons', [], 'dur',[], 'P',[], 'dt', [], 'u', [],'pst',[]); for i = 1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons) %% walk over all onsets within 'column' SPM = job.SPM_orig; % copy settings from original SPM model target_folder_i = [target_folder_c filesep sprintf('trial_%04d', i)]; mkdir(target_folder_i); SPM.swd = target_folder_i; %% add event i from 'column' U_new(pos_index).name{1} = sprintf('%s_%d', SPM.Sess.U(column).name{1} , i); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).ons(i) ; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dur(i); U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dt; %% add all other events but i from 'column' to next column pos_index = pos_index +1; other_trials = setdiff(1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons), i); U_new(pos_index).name{1} = sprintf('%s_oc', SPM.Sess.U(column).name{1}); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).ons(other_trials) ; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dur(other_trials); U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dt; pos_index = pos_index + 1; for oc = 1:length(other_columns) other_column = other_columns(oc); U_new(pos_index).name{1} = 'other conds'; U_new(pos_index).ons = [U_new(pos_index).ons job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).ons]; if length(job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur) == 1 U_new(pos_index).dur = [U_new(pos_index).dur repmat(job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur, 1, length(job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).ons))]; else U_new(pos_index).dur = [U_new(pos_index).dur job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur]; end U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dt; end %% store the new U structure SPM.Sess.U = U_new; BSM_finalize_model(job, SPM); end %% end loop for trial i end %% end loop for active columns end function BSM_type2(job) %% Adapted Rissman et al: active_columns = job.active_columns; for c = 1:length(active_columns) %% split out all columns but baseline column = active_columns(c); other_columns = setdiff(1:length(active_columns), column); display(sprintf('*) Exploding column %d...', column)); target_folder_c = [job.target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; mkdir(target_folder_c); pos_index =1; U_new = struct('name',[],'ons', [], 'dur',[], 'P',[], 'dt', [], 'u', [],'pst',[]); for i = 1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons) %% walk over all onsets within 'column' SPM = job.SPM_orig; % copy settings from original SPM model target_folder_i = [target_folder_c filesep sprintf('trial_%04d', i)]; mkdir(target_folder_i); SPM.swd = target_folder_i; %% add event i from 'column' U_new(pos_index).name{1} = sprintf('%s_%d', SPM.Sess.U(column).name{1} , i); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).ons(i) ; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dur(i); U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dt; %% add all other events but i from 'column' to next column pos_index = pos_index +1; other_trials = setdiff(1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons), i); U_new(pos_index).name{1} = sprintf('%s_oc', SPM.Sess.U(column).name{1}); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).ons(other_trials) ; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dur(other_trials); U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dt; pos_index = pos_index + 1; for oc = 1:length(other_columns) other_column = other_columns(oc); U_new(pos_index).name{1} = sprintf('%s_%d', SPM.Sess.U(other_column).name{1} , i); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).ons; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur; U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dt; pos_index = pos_index+ 1; end %% store the new U structure SPM.Sess.U = U_new; BSM_finalize_model(job, SPM); end %% end loop for trial i end %% end loop for active columns end function BSM_type3(job) %% Fast approach active_columns = job.active_columns; for c = 1:length(active_columns) %% split out all columns but baseline column = active_columns(c); other_columns = setdiff(1:length(active_columns), column); display(sprintf('*) Exploding column %d...', column)); target_folder_c = [job.target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; mkdir(target_folder_c); pos_index =1; SPM = job.SPM_orig; SPM.swd = target_folder_c; U_new = struct('name',[],'ons', [], 'dur',[], 'P',[], 'dt', [], 'u', [],'pst',[]); for i = 1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons) %% walk over all onsets within 'column' %% add event i from 'column' U_new(pos_index).name{i} = sprintf('%s_%d', SPM.Sess.U(column).name{1} , i); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).ons(i) ; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dur(i); U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dt; %% add all other events but i from 'column' to next column pos_index = pos_index +1; end for oc = 1:length(other_columns) other_column = other_columns(oc); U_new(pos_index).name{1} = sprintf('%s_%d', SPM.Sess.U(other_column).name{1} , i); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).ons; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur; U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dt; pos_index = pos_index+ 1; end %% store the new U structure SPM.Sess.U = U_new; BSM_finalize_model(job, SPM); %% end loop for active columns end end function BSM_type4(job) active_columns = job.active_columns; %% Adapted Fast approach for c = 1:length(active_columns) %% split out all columns but baseline column = active_columns(c); other_columns = setdiff(1:length(active_columns), column); display(sprintf('*) Exploding column %d...', column)); target_folder_c = [job.target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; mkdir(target_folder_c); pos_index =1; SPM = job.SPM_orig; SPM.swd = target_folder_c; U_new = struct('name',[],'ons', [], 'dur',[], 'P',[], 'dt', [], 'u', [],'pst',[]); for i = 1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons) %% walk over all onsets within 'column' %% add event i from 'column' U_new(pos_index).name{i} = sprintf('%s_%d', SPM.Sess.U(column).name{1} , i); U_new(pos_index).ons = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).ons(i) ; U_new(pos_index).dur = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dur(i); U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(column).dt; %% add all other events but i from 'column' to next column pos_index = pos_index +1; end for oc = 1:length(other_columns) other_column = other_columns(oc); U_new(pos_index).name{1} = 'other conds'; U_new(pos_index).ons = [U_new(pos_index).ons job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).ons]; if length(job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur) == 1 U_new(pos_index).dur = [U_new(pos_index).dur repmat(job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur, 1, length(job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).ons))]; else U_new(pos_index).dur = [U_new(pos_index).dur M_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dur]; end U_new(pos_index).P = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).P; U_new(pos_index).dt = job.SPM_orig.Sess.U(other_column).dt; end %% store the new U structure SPM.Sess.U = U_new; BSM_finalize_model(job, SPM); %% end loop for active columns end end function BSM_finalize_model(job, SPM) U = spm_get_ons(SPM,1); SPM.Sess(1).U = U; [X,Xn,Fc] = spm_Volterra(SPM.Sess.U,,SPM.xBF.Volterra); k = SPM.nscan(1); fMRI_T = SPM.xBF.T; fMRI_T0 = SPM.xBF.T0; X = X((0:(k - 1))*fMRI_T + fMRI_T0 + 32,:); % and orthogonalise (within trial type) for i = 1:length(Fc) X(:,Fc(i).i) = spm_orth(X(:,Fc(i).i)); end Xname={}; for i = 1:size(X,2) Xname{end + 1} = [sprintf('Sn(%i) ',1) SPM.Sess(1).U(i).name{1}]; end %% reinstate motion parameters if (job.keepr) C = job.SPM_orig.Sess(1).C.C; Cname = job.SPM_orig.Sess(1); X = [X spm_detrend(C)]; Xname = {Xname{:} Cname{:}}; end %% reinstate baseline column X(:,end+1) = 1; SPM.xX.X = X; SPM.xX.iB = size(X,2); SPM.xX.iC = 1:size(X,2)-1; Xname{end+1} = [sprintf('Sn(%i) ',1) 'constant']; = Xname; try SPM.xX = rmfield(SPM.xX, 'W'); catch end save([SPM.swd filesep 'SPM.mat'], 'SPM'); %% estimate model: matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.spmmat = {[SPM.swd filesep 'SPM.mat']}; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.fmri_est.method.Classical = 1; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); end %% Concatenate betas per condition in a Beta series 4D file function BSM_concat_betas(job) active_columns = job.active_columns; target_folder = job.target_folder; if (job.type < 3) for c = 1:length(active_columns) %% split out all columns but baseline column = active_columns(c); target_folder_c = [target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; beta_files = spm_select('FPListRec', target_folder_c, 'beta_0001.nii'); matlabbatch{1} = cellstr(beta_files); matlabbatch{1} = [target_folder_c filesep 'betas.nii']; matlabbatch{1} = 4; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); if (job.keepfl == 0) to_delete = spm_select('FPListRec', target_folder_c, '^*.*'); items = ~regexp(to_delete, 'betas.nii'); to_delete = to_delete(items); spm_unlink(to_delete); %% throw away all files end end else for c = 1:length(active_columns) %% split out all columns but baseline column = active_columns(c); beta_for_cond_c = 1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons); target_folder_c = [target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; beta_files = {}; %% empty beta_files for i =1:length(job.U_orig(column).ons) beta_files{i} = spm_select('FPList', target_folder_c, sprintf('^beta_%04d.nii', i)); end matlabbatch{1} = beta_files'; matlabbatch{1} = [target_folder_c filesep 'betas.nii']; matlabbatch{1} = 4; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); if (job.keepfl == 0) display('*) Cleaning up ...'); to_delete = cellstr(spm_select('FPListRec', target_folder_c, '^*.*')); items_to_retain = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(to_delete, 'betas')); to_delete(find(items_to_retain)) = []; for f = 1:length(to_delete) spm_unlink(to_delete{f}); %% throw away all files end end end end end %% Step 3: Use Betas series files for GLM on a ROI timecourse (average Beta series extracted for a ROI) %% Organized now as follows : / BSM / / col_000n function[] = BSM_Regress_Regions(job) target_folder = job.target_folder; active_columns = job.active_columns; for r = 1:length(job.rois) ROI(r).volume = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(job.rois{r})); ROI(r).ind = find(ROI(r).volume); [ROI(r).x ROI(r).y ROI(r).z] = ind2sub(size(ROI(r).volume), ROI(r).ind); end for r = 1:length(job.rois) if (isempty(ROI(r).ind)) ROI(r) = []; warning([sprintf(' %d ) Problem found for ROI : ''%s'', no active voxels.\n',r, job.rois{r}) ... sprintf('This ROI will be skipped\n')]); else display(sprintf(' %d ) ROI ''%s'' contains %d voxels', r, job.rois{r}, length(ROI(r).ind))); end end for r = 1:length(job.rois) for c = 1:length(job.active_columns) column = active_columns(c); target_folder_c = [target_folder filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; betas = cellstr(spm_select('ExtFPList', target_folder_c, 'betas.nii', 1:999)); B = zeros(1, length(betas)); for b = 1:length(betas) H = spm_vol(betas{b}); B(b) = mean(spm_sample_vol(H, ROI(r).x, ROI(r).y, ROI(r).z,0)); end [base roiname ext]= fileparts(job.rois{r}); target_folder_r = [target_folder filesep roiname filesep sprintf('col_%04d', column)]; mkdir(target_folder_r); matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.dir = { target_folder_r}; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.des.t1.scans = betas; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.cov.c = B; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.cov.cname = roiname; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.cov.iCFI = 1; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.cov.iCC = 1; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.multi_cov = struct('files', {}, 'iCFI', {}, 'iCC', {}); matlabbatch{1} = 1; matlabbatch{1} = 1; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.masking.em = {''}; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.globalc.g_omit = 1; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.globalm.gmsca.gmsca_no = 1; matlabbatch{1}.spm.stats.factorial_design.globalm.glonorm = 1; matlabbatch{2}.spm.stats.fmri_est.spmmat(1) = cfg_dep('Factorial design specification: SPM.mat File', substruct('.','val', '{}',{1}, '.','val', '{}',{1}, '.','val', '{}',{1}), substruct('.','spmmat')); matlabbatch{2}.spm.stats.fmri_est.write_residuals = 0; matlabbatch{2}.spm.stats.fmri_est.method.Classical = 1; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.spmmat(1) = cfg_dep('Model estimation: SPM.mat File', substruct('.','val', '{}',{2}, '.','val', '{}',{1}, '.','val', '{}',{1}), substruct('.','spmmat')); matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.consess{1} = 'r'; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.consess{1}.tcon.weights = [0 1]; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.consess{1}.tcon.sessrep = 'none'; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.consess{2} = '-r'; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.consess{2}.tcon.weights = [0 -1]; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.consess{2}.tcon.sessrep = 'none'; matlabbatch{3}.spm.stats.con.delete = 0; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); end end end %% Step 4: Contrast Second level Betas for each ROI function[] = BSM_Contrast_manager(job) target_folder = job.target_folder; for r = 1:length(job.rois) [base roiname ext]= fileparts(job.rois{r}); target_folder_final = [target_folder filesep roiname filesep 'results']; mkdir(target_folder_final); for c1 = 1:length(job.active_columns) for c2 = setdiff(1:length(job.active_columns),c1) betafile_c1 = spm_select('FPList', [target_folder filesep roiname filesep sprintf('col_%04d', c1)], 'beta_0002.nii'); betafile_c2 = spm_select('FPList', [target_folder filesep roiname filesep sprintf('col_%04d', c2)], 'beta_0002.nii'); col1 = job.active_columns(c1); col2 = job.active_columns(c2); matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.input = { betafile_c1; betafile_c2 }; matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.output = sprintf('con_%04d_minus_%04d.nii', col1, col2); matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.outdir = { target_folder_final}; matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.expression = 'i1 - i2'; matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.var = struct('name', {}, 'value', {}); matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.options.dmtx = 0; matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.options.mask = 0; matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.options.interp = 1; matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.imcalc.options.dtype = 4; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.input = { betafile_c1; betafile_c2 }; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.output = sprintf('con_%04d_minus_%04d.nii', col2, col1); matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.outdir = { target_folder_final}; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.expression = 'i2 - i1'; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.var = struct('name', {}, 'value', {}); matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.options.dmtx = 0; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.options.mask = 0; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.options.interp = 1; matlabbatch{2}.spm.util.imcalc.options.dtype = 4; spm_jobman('run', matlabbatch); end end display(sprintf(' *) Results for roi %s are stored in : %s', roiname, job.target_folder_final)); end display(' *) These are difference in beta images and can be viewed via mricron or xjview'); end