# Arduino This repository contains Arduino sketches and Arduino libraries maintained by the RUG/DTPA group. [Web link to DTPA](https://www.rug.nl/research/discrete-technology-production-automation/) ## Sketches - Blinky A hello world example. - Nexus_Omni4WD Firmware for the Nexus Omni4WD chassis for setting the wheel speeds independently. It is used to control the robot from ROS. ![ ](figures/NexusOmni4WD.png "Nexus Omni 4WD") *sketches/Nexus_Omni4WD* This folder contains the Arduino sketch of the firmware. The program works as a simple command interpreter for controlling the wheel speeds independently. To compile, use the libraries provided in the *extra/factory_10011.zip* archive. *extra/carcomm* *testcarcom.py* is a small Python application to test the Nexus_Omni4WD firmware (sketch). The python application sends data packages to set the wheel speeds. The Arduino controller 10009 with io expansion shield on the Omni4WD is Duemilanove/ATMEGA328 compatible. ## Libraries - NativeDDS Arduino library for a software implemented Direct Digital Synthesizer. - TrueRMS Arduino library that calculates the average, rms and power of DC+AC input signals, measured with the ADC.