Small snippet that generates a genome index and aligns the RNAseq reads. #2
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Align reads against reference genome.
# Store genome index in this location:.
mkdir -p "${GENOME_INDEX}"
# Store the generated `Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam` in this dir.
mkdir -p "${ALIGNMENT_OUTPUT}"
${OUTPUT} is unknown - should probably be ${ALIGNMENT_OUTPUT} ${OUTPUT} is unknown - should probably be ${ALIGNMENT_OUTPUT}
# 1) Generate genome index.
# N.B.:
# - We're assuming a read size of 100 bp (--sjdbOverhang 100). Refer back to the
# previous quality control steps if you are unsure about the size. In case of
# reads of varying length, the ideal value is max(ReadLength)-1.
# - We're using gzip compressed reference data (--readFilesCommand zcat), i.e.,
# .gtf.gz and fa.gz. If not, you can remove the `zcat` flag.
# Storage location reference data (in this case on calculon).
I am unsure if STAR will decompress these files. Should I decompress them? Also, make sure the user notes the genome version. I am unsure if STAR will decompress these files. Should I decompress them? Also, make sure the user notes the genome version.
Alternative reference file use : gencode.v19.annotation.gtf/gff3##### Alternative reference file use : gencode.v19.annotation.gtf/gff3
Should I upload these to the server as well? Also, what is the reason to use another reference file than the ones we already have? Should I upload these to the server as well? Also, what is the reason to use another reference file than the ones we already have?
--runThreadN 8 \
--runMode genomeGenerate \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--sjdbOverhang 100 \
sjdbOverhang 150This was chosen based on the base pair reads for my analysis##### sjdbOverhang 150
##### This was chosen based on the base pair reads for my analysis
Alternative cut-off used : 150This is also due to how my samples were sequenced (low-input method)#### Alternative cut-off used : 150
#### This is also due to how my samples were sequenced (low-input method)
--genomeFastaFiles ${FASTA_FILE} \
--sjdbGTFfile ${GTF_FILE} \
--genomeDir ${GENOME_INDEX}
# 2) Do the actual alignment.
# N.B.:
# - We are assuming paired-end, gzip compressed (--readFilesCommand zcat) FastQ
# files.
# THe compressed paired-end FastQ's that we are aligning.
--runThreadN 8 \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--readFilesIn "${R1}" "${R2}" \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--genomeDir ${GENOME_INDEX} \
--outFileNamePrefix "${ALIGNMENT_OUTPUT}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user
I think
should be a separate variable named 'project_directory' (or similar). This implies that the project has to be here.