--- # This playbook will reset the instalation to facilitate a new installation. # All data is lost! - hosts: all become: true name: Dummy to gather facts tasks: - name: Stop docker service shell: "systemctl stop docker" - name: Verify docker is stopped. systemd: name: docker state: stopped - name: remove volumes shell: "rm -rf /srv" - name: remove network namespaces shell: "rm /var/run/netns/*" ignore_errors: true - name: Remove stale vxlan interfaces shell: "for interface in $(ip link | grep DOWN | grep -Po 'vxlan-\\d{1,2}'); do ip link del $interface ; done" ignore_errors: true - hosts: nova-compute gather_facts: false become: true tasks: - name: kill all vm's shell: "for machine in $(virsh list --uuid ); do virsh destroy $machine ; done" - name: wipe all vm's shell: "for machine in $(virsh list --uuid --all); do virsh undefine $machine ; done"