# Build and install a docker image for glance. --- - include: ../common/tasks/docker.yml - name: Make build and persistent directories file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory mode: 0777 with_items: - /srv/glance ## Todo: remove this when we have a docker repo #- name: clone docker-glance repo # git: # accept_hostkey: True # repo: ssh://git@git.webhosting.rug.nl:222/P256174/docker-glance.git # dest: /srv/glance - name: build glance image docker_image: path: /srv/glance name: hpc/openstack-glance - name: install service file. template: src: templates/glance.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/glance.service mode: 644 owner: root group: root - command: systemctl daemon-reload - name: Initialize database. command: docke run --rm hpc/openstack-glance /etc/bootstrap.sh tags: bootstrap - name: make sure service is started systemd: name: glance.service state: restarted