#!/bin/bash # # Generate config files from environments values. # These are to be passed to the docker container using -e cat << EOF > /etc/heat/heat.conf [database] connection = mysql+pymysql://heat:$HEAT_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_HOST/heat [DEFAULT] transport_url = rabbit://$RABBIT_USER:$RABBIT_PASSWORD@$RABBIT_HOST heat_metadata_server_url = http://$HEAT_HOST:8000 heat_waitcondition_server_url = http://$HEAT_HOST:8000/v1/waitcondition [keystone_authtoken] auth_uri = https://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000 auth_url = https://$KEYSTONE_HOST:35357 memcached_servers = $MEMCACHED_HOST:11211 auth_type = password project_domain_name = Default user_domain_name = Default project_name = service username = $HEAT_USER password = $HEAT_PASSWORD [trustee] auth_plugin = password auth_url = https://$KEYSTONE_HOST:35357 username = $HEAT_USER password = $HEAT_PASSWORD user_domain_name = Default EOF