# datasets ## CBS 2021 ### Updating See [cbs_2021/cbs_data_updaten.R](https://git.web.rug.nl/InterventionalModellingMMBI/datasets/src/branch/master/cbs_2021/cbs_data_updaten.R) to update the data sets. ### Direct downloading For quicky reading in data sets from this remote repo: ```r read_rds_remote <- function(file, quiet = TRUE) { # Remote read if (grepl("^http", file, ignore.case = TRUE)) { # Make temp local copy file_local <- basename(file) file_local <- file.path(tempdir(), file_local) # Download file download.file(file, file_local, quiet = quiet, mode = "wb") file <- file_local } readRDS(file) } ``` And then for e.g. NUTS3 regions: ```r nut3 <- read_rds_remote("https://git.web.rug.nl/InterventionalModellingMMBI/datasets/raw/branch/master/cbs_2021/nuts3.rds") ```