require(readr) require(lubridate) cat(paste0('\14\n', now(), '\n')) oldDir = getwd() basePath = '/share/mmbi/radar2' setwd(basePath) source('interfaces.R') source('stitchArchive.R') source('4D_archive.R') dataPath = 'data' archivePath = 'data/archive' tFiles = read_rds(file.path(dataPath, 'tFilesInfo.rds')) tFileOvw = read_rds(file.path(dataPath, 'tFileOvw.rds')) if (today() >= '2022-09-30') { require(assertthat, quietly = T) # get the last date that is present in the data sofar maxDate = tFiles %>% pull(fileDate) %>% max(na.rm = T) # catch up with today nDaysToUpdate = difftime(today(), maxDate) %>% as.numeric() daysToUpdate = (maxDate + 1:nDaysToUpdate) for (d in 1:nDaysToUpdate) { currDate = daysToUpdate[d] # aDate is converted to Excel style numeric format with origin '1970-01-01' # currDate = as.Date(aDate, origin = lubridate::origin) tFiles = tFiles %>% filter(! %>% addFileInfoOfDay(folders = folders, ymdDate = currDate) tInfoDay = tFiles %>% filter(fileDate == currDate) a = assert_that(nrow(tInfoDay) > 0, msg = paste0('tInfoDay has 0 rows: no files present for ', currDate, '?')) } tInfoDays = tFiles %>% filter(fileDate %in% daysToUpdate) tFileOvwToday = deriveFileOverview(tInfoDays) a = assert_that(nrow(tFileOvwToday) > 0, msg = 'derivederiveFileOverview() failed') tFileOvw = tFileOvw %>% ungroup() %>% add_row(tFileOvwToday) %>% filter(! write_rds(tFiles, file.path(dataPath, 'tFilesInfo.rds')) write_rds(tFileOvw, file.path(dataPath, 'tFileOvw.rds')) # write GLIMMS data per date in 'daysToUpdate' and add it to the data sofar for (d in 1:nDaysToUpdate) { currDate = daysToUpdate[d] tGlimmsOfDay = readArchiveOfDay(tFiles, tFileOvw, ymdDate = currDate) a = assert_that(nrow(tGlimmsOfDay) > 0, msg = paste0('readArchiveDay() yielded empty result for ', currDate)) filename = paste0(dataPath,'/bk_', currDate, '_', currDate, '.rds') write_rds(tGlimmsOfDay, filename, compress = 'gz') filenameTotalSofar = paste0(dataPath, '/total_', currDate - 1, '.rds') filenameTotal = paste0(dataPath, '/total_', currDate, '.rds') filenameOfDay = filename tTotal = appendDailyData(fnTotal = filenameTotal, fnTotalSofar = filenameTotalSofar, fnDay = filenameOfDay, reqColumns = abAbbrevs) # nNewRows = tTotal %>% filter(date == today()) %>% nrow() # write_rds(tTotal, file = filenameTotal, compress = 'gz') } } setwd(oldDir)