source('interfaces.R') source('createPatches.R') source('stitchArchive.R') dataPath = 'data' inspectRead = 10 inspectReason = 'test selection of max IsolNr (only). mo and RIS can be NA' reads = read_rds(file.path(dataPath, 'reads.rds')) reads = reads %>% add_row(read = inspectRead, desription = inspectReason) write_rds(reads, file.path(dataPath, 'reads.rds')) tFiles = read_rds(file.path(dataPath, 'tFilesInfo.rds')) tFileOvw = read_rds(file.path(dataPath, 'tFileOvw.rds')) updateFileOvw = F if (updateFileOvw) { # on 2022-10-20 tFiles was up-to-date, due to the daily update. tFiles = read_rds(file.path(dataPath, 'tFilesInfo.rds')) # However, tFileOvw somehow wasn't # get the last date that is present in the data sofar maxDate = tFileOvw %>% pull(fileDate) %>% max(na.rm = T) # catch up with today nDaysToUpdate = difftime(today(), maxDate) %>% as.numeric() daysToUpdate = (maxDate + 1:nDaysToUpdate) tInfoDays = tFiles %>% filter(fileDate %in% daysToUpdate) tFileOvwToday = deriveFileOverview(tInfoDays) a = assert_that(nrow(tFileOvwToday) > 0, msg = 'derivederiveFileOverview() failed') tFileOvw = tFileOvw %>% ungroup() %>% add_row(tFileOvwToday) %>% filter(! # write_rds(tFiles, file.path(dataPath, 'tFilesInfo.rds')) Was up-to-date on 2022-10-20 write_rds(tFileOvw, file.path(dataPath, 'tFileOvw.rds')) } # define the patch periods tPeriods = tribble( ~startDate, ~endDate, ymd('2022-01-01'), ymd('2022-02-01') - 1, ymd('2022-02-01'), ymd('2022-03-01') - 1 # ymd('2022-03-01'), ymd('2022-04-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-04-01'), ymd('2022-05-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-05-01'), ymd('2022-06-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-06-01'), ymd('2022-07-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-07-01'), ymd('2022-08-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-08-01'), ymd('2022-09-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-09-01'), ymd('2022-10-01') - 1, # ymd('2022-10-01'), ymd('2022-10-20') - 1 # ymd('2022-09-01'), ymd('2022-10-20') ) createPatches(tPeriods, dataPath, tFiles, tFileOvw) # stitch together patches created by createPatches.R # readAllPatches() assumes that all bk_*.rds files are in the 'data' path and # that they all need to be read for stitching tPatches = readAllPatches()# %>% filter(from >= '2022-01-01', to <= (ymd('2022-05-01') - 1)) minFrom = min(tPatches$from, na.rm = T) maxTo = max(tPatches$to, na.rm = T) cat(paste0('Stitching patches: ', minFrom, ' - ', maxTo, '\n')) tStitched = stitchPatches(tPatches, dataPath = 'data', reqColumns = abAbbrevs) tStitched %>% write_rds(file = paste0('data/read_', inspectRead, '_', minFrom, '_', maxTo, '_x', today(), '.rds'), compress = 'gz')