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No commits in common. "new-feature-branch" and "master" have entirely different histories.

129 changed files with 148 additions and 1234 deletions

View File

@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@ -392,7 +392,10 @@
"PET image. Processing...\n",
"Static scan. Processing...\n",
"DICOM converted to NIfTI: D:\\MyFiles\\Documents\\Work\\DICOM_files\\Test\\s1_300s_Phantom.nii\n"
"Ideal Image Orientation (0020,0037). Processing...\n",
"Head First Supine (HFS). Processing...\n",
"PET slice z-coordinate decreases -> Flip in z-coordinates applied\n",
"DICOM converted to NIfTI: C:\\Users\\vallezgard\\NIfTI\\data\\output\\s1_2400s_Phantom_EARL1.nii\n"
@ -420,8 +423,6 @@
"(0028,1053) Slope\n",
"(0054,0081) Number of slices per frame\n",
"(0054,1000) Series Type of the scan\n",
"(0054,0414) Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence, i.e. orientation of the patient within the gantry.(Empty if Unknown)\n",
@ -435,11 +436,10 @@
"## Libraries\n",
"import os\n",
"import sys\n",
"import pydicom\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import tkinter as tk\n",
"import nibabel as nib\n",
"import pydicom\n",
"import tkinter as tk\n",
"from tkinter import filedialog\n",
"## Input data\n",
@ -452,107 +452,104 @@
"input_dicom_dir = os.path.abspath(filedialog.askdirectory(title=\"Please select the input DICOM folder\"))\n",
"root.deiconify() # Makes the window visible again\n",
"output_dir = os.path.abspath(filedialog.askdirectory(title=\"Please select a folder to save output NIfTI file(s)\"))\n",
"root.destroy() # Destroys the root window along with all other tkinter widgets\n",
"study_name = os.path.basename(input_dicom_dir) # The study name is the same as input DICOM directory name\n",
"study_name = 'Phantom_EARL1'\n",
"## Predefined variables\n",
"ideal_Image_Orientation = ['1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0']\n",
"## Functions\n",
"def read_dicom_files(input_dicom_dir):\n",
" \n",
" # Read the DICOM dataset from the input directory. \n",
" # If the DICOM dataset is not stored in accordance with the DICOM Standard File Format, SET force to True.\n",
" # Do not read files with .db or .xml suffixes (to avoid Thumbs.db and VinciDC0.xml files). \n",
" # ADD more such files to avoid later as required!\n",
" \n",
" dicom_files = os.listdir(input_dicom_dir)\n",
" \n",
" try:\n",
" dcm_dataset = [pydicom.dcmread(os.path.join(input_dicom_dir, filename), force = False) \\\n",
" for filename in os.listdir(input_dicom_dir) \\\n",
" if not filename.endswith(('.db','.xml'))]\n",
" ds_list = [pydicom.dcmread(os.path.join(input_dicom_dir, filename), force = False) \\\n",
" for filename in dicom_files \\\n",
" if filename.endswith(('.IMA','.dcm'))]\n",
" except:\n",
" sys.exit(\"Invalid DICOM file(s) was found.\")\n",
" sys.exit(\"Not a valid DICOM files were found. Only .IMA and .dcm is implemented.\")\n",
" \n",
" return dcm_dataset\n",
" return ds_list\n",
"def get_z_coordinates(dcm_dataset):\n",
"def sort_dicom_files(ds_list): \n",
" sorted_ds_list = ds_list.copy()\n",
" sorted_ds_list.sort(key = lambda x: int(x.ImageIndex))\n",
" \n",
" # Get the z_coordinates based on the following Required tags. \n",
" return sorted_ds_list\n",
" # Info:\n",
" # direction cosines:\n",
" #\n",
" # cross product:\n",
" #\n",
" # dot product:\n",
" #\n",
"def get_img_volume(sorted_ds_list):\n",
" # Get the voxel intensity array of each slice and stack it in the z-direction\n",
" \n",
" nr_of_slices = dcm_dataset[0].NumberOfSlices\n",
" # Transpose the array to change the array order from row-major to column-major\n",
" # ToDo : Preallocate variable\n",
" img_volume_data = np.transpose(sorted_ds_list[0].pixel_array)\n",
" \n",
" # x and y direction cosines\n",
" x_dir_cos = np.array(list(map(float,dcm_dataset[0].ImageOrientationPatient[:3])))\n",
" y_dir_cos = np.array(list(map(float,dcm_dataset[0].ImageOrientationPatient[3:])))\n",
" for ds in sorted_ds_list[1:]:\n",
" img_slice_data = ds.pixel_array\n",
" img_slice_data_transposed = img_slice_data.T\n",
" img_volume_data = np.dstack((img_volume_data, img_slice_data_transposed))\n",
" \n",
" # For vectors a and b, a × b vector is perpendicular to both a and b and thus normal to the plane containing them\n",
" z_dir_cos = np.cross(x_dir_cos, y_dir_cos)\n",
" Image_Orientation = sorted_ds_list[0].ImageOrientationPatient # (0020,0037)\n",
" \n",
" image_position_list = [dcm_dataset[i].ImagePositionPatient._list \\\n",
" for i in range(0, nr_of_slices)]\n",
" Patient_Position = sorted_ds_list[0].PatientPosition # (0018,5100)\n",
" \n",
" # Converting the x,y,z coordinates from str to float\n",
" image_position_patient = [[float(coordinate) \\\n",
" for coordinate in image_position] \\\n",
" for image_position in image_position_list]\n",
" # Vector dot product or scalar inner product to get z coordinates\n",
" z_coordinates =, z_dir_cos)\n",
" patient_orientation_code = sorted_ds_list[0].PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence._list[0].CodeValue # (0054,0414)\n",
" patient_orientation = sorted_ds_list[0].PatientGantryRelationshipCodeSequence._list[0].CodeMeaning \n",
" \n",
" return z_coordinates, nr_of_slices\n",
"def sort_dicom_files(dcm_dataset):\n",
" \n",
" # Sort the DICOM dataset based on the z_coordinates.\n",
" z_coordinates, nr_of_slices = get_z_coordinates(dcm_dataset)\n",
" sorted_dcm_dataset = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(z_coordinates, dcm_dataset))]\n",
" Image_Position_0 = sorted_ds_list[0].ImagePositionPatient # (0020,0032)\n",
" Image_Position_1 = sorted_ds_list[1].ImagePositionPatient # (0020,0032)\n",
" \n",
" return sorted_dcm_dataset, nr_of_slices\n",
"def get_voxel_size_z(dcm_dataset):\n",
" \n",
" # The absolute difference between two consecutive z_coordinates gives the voxel size along the z-direction, in mm. \n",
" \n",
" z_coordinates, _ = get_z_coordinates(dcm_dataset)\n",
" voxel_size_z = abs(z_coordinates[0] - z_coordinates[1])\n",
" \n",
" return voxel_size_z\n",
"def get_img_volume(dcm_dataset): \n",
" \n",
" # 1. Get the voxel intensity array of each slice\n",
" # 2. Transpose the array to account for the change in array order from row-major to column-major\n",
" # 3. Stack it in the z-direction\n",
" \n",
" img_volume_array = np.transpose(dcm_dataset[0].pixel_array)\n",
" \n",
" for dcm_slice in dcm_dataset[1:]:\n",
" img_slice_array = np.transpose(dcm_slice.pixel_array)\n",
" img_volume_array = np.dstack((img_volume_array, img_slice_array))\n",
" # Check for the Patient Position: HFS or FFS, and reorder the slices in z-direction accordingly\n",
" if str(Image_Orientation) == str(ideal_Image_Orientation):\n",
" \n",
" return img_volume_array\n",
"def get_header_data(dcm_set, output_filename):\n",
" # Dump the DICOM header into a text file with the same filename as NIFTI \n",
" # Set anonymize_flag = \"Y\" to not add patient data tags in the text file\n",
" print(\"Ideal Image Orientation (0020,0037). Processing...\")\n",
" \n",
" if Patient_Position == \"HFS\" and patient_orientation_code == 'F-10470' and patient_orientation == 'headfirst':\n",
" \n",
" print(\"Head First Supine (HFS). Processing...\")\n",
" \n",
" if int(Image_Position_0[2]) > int(Image_Position_1[2]):\n",
" \n",
" print(\"PET slice z-coordinate decreases -> Flip in z-coordinates applied\")\n",
" \n",
" final_ds_list = sorted_ds_list.copy() \n",
" final_ds_list.reverse()\n",
" \n",
" img_volume_data_final = np.transpose(final_ds_list[0].pixel_array)\n",
" \n",
" for ds in final_ds_list[1:]:\n",
" img_slice_data_final = ds.pixel_array\n",
" img_slice_data_final_transposed = img_slice_data_final.T\n",
" img_volume_data_final = np.dstack((img_volume_data_final, img_slice_data_final_transposed))\n",
" \n",
" elif int(Image_Position_0[2]) < int(Image_Position_1[2]):\n",
" \n",
" print(\"PET slice z-coordinate increases. Please, check DICOM information.\")\n",
" \n",
" elif Patient_Position == \"FFS\" and patient_orientation_code == 'F-10480' and patient_orientation == 'feet-first': \n",
" print(\"Feet First Supine (FFS). Processing...\")\n",
" \n",
" if int(Image_Position_0[2]) < int(Image_Position_1[2]): \n",
" print(\"PET slice z-coordinate increases. Processing...\") \n",
" img_volume_data_final = img_volume_data\n",
" \n",
" elif int(Image_Position_0[2]) > int(Image_Position_1[2]): \n",
" print(\"PET slice z-coordinate decreases. Please, check DICOM information.\") \n",
" \n",
" else:\n",
" sys.exit(\"Sorry, this orientation was not implemented yet.\")\n",
" \n",
" else:\n",
" sys.exit(\"Please, check Image Orientation tag (0020,0037) and Patient Gantry Relationship tag (0054,0414)\")\n",
" \n",
" return img_volume_data_final\n",
"''''' No need to anonymize now the DICOM\n",
"def get_header_data(dcm_set, output_filename): \n",
" anonymize_flag = \"Y\"\n",
" \n",
" patient_tags = ['PatientID', 'PatientName', 'PatientBirthDate']\n",
" \n",
" output_txt_filename = output_filename + \".txt\"\n",
@ -562,96 +559,107 @@
" if anonymize_flag == \"Y\":\n",
" if header_tag not in [dcm_set[0].data_element(tag) for tag in patient_tags]:\n",
" file.write(str(header_tag) + '\\n')\n",
" file.close() \n",
" file.close() \n",
"def convert_to_nifti(dcm_dataset, output_nifti_file):\n",
"def convert_to_nifti(dcm_set, output_file, frame_number, scan_duration_in_sec):\n",
" \n",
" img_volume_array_in_LPS = get_img_volume(dcm_dataset)\n",
" img_volume_data_final = get_img_volume(dcm_set)\n",
" \n",
" # From LPS in DICOM to RAS in NIfTI\n",
" img_volume_array_in_RAS = np.flipud(np.fliplr(img_volume_array_in_LPS))\n",
" #img_volume_array_in_RAS = np.rot90(img_volume_array_in_LPS, 2) # Alternative: 180 rotation instead of two flips\n",
" img_data = np.fliplr(img_volume_data_final)\n",
" img_data_volume = np.flipud(img_data)\n",
" #img_data_volume = np.rot90(img_volume_data_final, 2) # Alternative: 180 rotation instead of two flips\n",
" \n",
" pixel_spacing = dcm_dataset[0].PixelSpacing\n",
" Pixel_Spacing = dcm_set[0].PixelSpacing\n",
" \n",
" voxel_size_z = get_voxel_size_z(dcm_dataset)\n",
" Slice_Thickness = dcm_set[0].SliceThickness\n",
" \n",
" voxel_size = np.array([float(pixel_spacing[0]), float(pixel_spacing[1]), voxel_size_z])\n",
" voxel_size = np.array([float(Pixel_Spacing[0]), float(Pixel_Spacing[1]), float(Slice_Thickness)])\n",
" \n",
" slope = dcm_dataset[0].RescaleSlope # (0028,1053) \n",
" intercept = dcm_dataset[0].RescaleIntercept # (0028,1052)\n",
" slope = dcm_set[0].RescaleSlope # (0028,1053) \n",
" intercept = dcm_set[0].RescaleIntercept # (0028,1052)\n",
" \n",
" # Change the datatype from int to float and apply slope and intercept to the array\n",
" img_volume_array = (img_volume_array_in_RAS.astype(float) * slope) + intercept\n",
" img_data_volume = img_data_volume.astype(float)\n",
" img_data_volume_final = (img_data_volume * slope) + intercept\n",
" \n",
" # Origin of coordinates: centre of the image\n",
" center = (voxel_size * img_volume_array.shape) / 2\n",
" center = (voxel_size * img_data_volume.shape) / 2\n",
" \n",
" # Affine matrix\n",
" apply_affine = np.diag([voxel_size[0], voxel_size[1], voxel_size[2], 1])\n",
" apply_affine[:3,3] = np.array([-center[0], -center[1], -center[2]])\n",
" \n",
" nii_out = nib.Nifti1Image(img_volume_array, apply_affine)\n",
" nii_out = nib.Nifti1Image(img_data_volume_final, apply_affine)\n",
" \n",
" # Adjust NIfTI header\n",
" nii_out.header['qform_code'] = 1\n",
" nii_out.header['sform_code'] = 2\n",
" nii_out.set_data_dtype(np.float32) # Float32: slope=1 and intercept=0. Software does not have to apply manually. \n",
" nii_out.header.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm') # Set the voxel size unit manually\n",
" nii_out.header['intent_code'] = 0 # None\n",
" nii_out.header['intent_name'] = 'PET'\n",
" nii_out.header['cal_max'] = np.max(img_volume_array) # For software to apply proper color scaling for visualization\n",
" nii_out.header['cal_min'] = np.min(img_volume_array) \n",
" #nii_out.set_data_dtype(np.float32)\n",
" #xyz_unit = 'mm'\n",
" #nii_out.header.set_xyzt_units(xyz=xyz_unit)\n",
" #nii_out.header.set_data_offset(352)\n",
" #nii_out.header['extents'] = 16384 # Remove?\n",
" #nii_out.header['regular'] = 'r' # Remove?\n",
" #nii_out.header['intent_name'] = 0 # Remove?\n",
" #nii_out.header['cal_max'] = np.max(img_data_volume_final) # Check if present in header if not specified\n",
" #nii_out.header['cal_min'] = np.min(img_data_volume_final) # Check if present in header if not specified \n",
" \n",
" # Save the NIfTI file\n",
", output_nifti_file) \n",
", output_file) \n",
" \n",
" print(\"DICOM converted to NIfTI: \",output_nifti_file)\n",
" print(\"DICOM converted to NIfTI: \",output_file)\n",
"## Read DICOM\n",
"dcm_dataset = read_dicom_files(input_dicom_dir) # Read the DICOM files from the directory \n",
"sorted_dcm_dataset, nr_of_slices = sort_dicom_files(dcm_dataset) # Sort the DICOM files based on z-coordinates\n",
"ds_list = read_dicom_files(input_dicom_dir) # Read the DICOM files from the directory \n",
"sorted_ds_list = sort_dicom_files(ds_list) # Sort the DICOM files based on Image Index (0054,1330)\n",
"# Check DICOM modality\n",
"if sorted_dcm_dataset[0].Modality == 'PT' and sorted_dcm_dataset[0].SOPClassUID == '1.2.840.10008.': \n",
"if sorted_ds_list[0].Modality == 'PT' and sorted_ds_list[0].SOPClassUID == '1.2.840.10008.': \n",
" print(\"PET image. Processing...\")\n",
" \n",
" # Number of slices per frame\n",
" nr_of_slices = sorted_ds_list[0].NumberOfSlices\n",
" \n",
" frame_number = 1\n",
" scan_series_type = sorted_dcm_dataset[0].SeriesType[0] # (0054,1000) \n",
" \n",
" nr_of_dcm_files = len(sorted_ds_list)\n",
" \n",
" scan_series_type = sorted_ds_list[0].SeriesType[0] # (0054,1000) \n",
" \n",
" if scan_series_type == 'STATIC' or scan_series_type == 'WHOLE BODY': \n",
" print(\"Static scan. Processing...\") \n",
" scan_duration_in_sec = int(sorted_dcm_dataset[0].ActualFrameDuration / 1000) \n",
" output_filename = \"s\" + str(frame_number) + \"_\" + str(scan_duration_in_sec) + \"s_\" + study_name \n",
" output_nifti_filename = output_filename + \".nii\"\n",
" output_nifti_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_nifti_filename)\n",
" convert_to_nifti(sorted_dcm_dataset, output_nifti_file) \n",
" get_header_data(sorted_dcm_dataset, output_filename) # Dump the DICOM header into text file\n",
" scan_duration_in_msec = sorted_ds_list[0].ActualFrameDuration \n",
" scan_duration_in_sec = int(scan_duration_in_msec / 1000) \n",
" output_file = \"s\" + str(frame_number) + \"_\" + str(scan_duration_in_sec) + \"s_\" + study_name + \".nii\"\n",
" output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_file)\n",
" convert_to_nifti(sorted_ds_list, output_file, frame_number, scan_duration_in_msec) \n",
" \n",
" elif scan_series_type == 'DYNAMIC': \n",
" print(\"Dynamic scan. Processing...\") \n",
" # Split DICOM dataset in multiple of number of slices per frame. \n",
" dcm_dataset_split_by_frames = [sorted_dcm_dataset[x:x+nr_of_slices] \\\n",
" for x in range(0, len(sorted_dcm_dataset), nr_of_slices)]\n",
" nr_of_time_frames = sorted_ds_list[0].NumberOfTimeSlices \n",
" \n",
" # split files in multiple of nr_of_slices. Each frame has \"nr_of_slices\" slices \n",
" dcm_set_split_by_frames = [sorted_ds_list[x:x+nr_of_slices] for x in range(0, len(sorted_ds_list), nr_of_slices)]\n",
" \n",
" for dcm_dataset in dcm_dataset_split_by_frames:\n",
" scan_duration_in_sec = int(dcm_dataset[0].ActualFrameDuration / 1000)\n",
" output_nifti_filename = output_filename + \".nii\"\n",
" output_nifti_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_nifti_filename)\n",
" convert_to_nifti(sorted_dcm_dataset, output_nifti_file) \n",
" get_header_data(sorted_dcm_dataset, output_filename) # Dump the DICOM header into text file\n",
" for dcm_set in dcm_set_split_by_frames: \n",
" scan_duration_in_msec = dcm_set[0].ActualFrameDuration \n",
" scan_duration_in_sec = int(scan_duration_in_msec / 1000) \n",
" output_file = \"s\" + str(frame_number) + \"_\" + str(scan_duration_in_sec) + \"s_\" + study_name + \".nii\"\n",
" output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_file)\n",
" convert_to_nifti(dcm_set, output_file, frame_number, scan_duration_in_sec) \n",
" frame_number += 1 \n",
" \n",
" elif scan_series_type == 'GATED':\n",
" sys.exit(\"GATED scans are not supported yet\")\n",
" \n",
" else:\n",
" sys.exit(\"Please check Scan Series Type (0054,1000)\")\n",
" sys.exit(\"Please, check Scan Series Type (0054,1000)\")\n",
" \n",
"else: \n",
" sys.exit(\"Please check Image Modality\")\n"
" sys.exit(\"Please, check Image Modality\")\n"
@ -693,7 +701,7 @@
"shape_Clinical = (111,400,400)\n",
"# Reconstruction protocol used\n",
"recon_used = \"Clinical\" # Options: Clinical, EARL1 and EARL2\n",
"recon_used = \"Clinical\" # Options: Clinical, EARL1 and EALR2\n",
"## Example dataset\n",
"cwd = os.getcwd()\n",
@ -721,22 +729,21 @@
"elif recon_used == 'EARL1' or recon_used == 'EARL2':\n",
" reshaped_voi_data = np.reshape(voi_data, shape_EARL)\n",
" voxel_size = voxel_size_EARL\n",
" \n",
"else: \n",
" sys.exit('This reconstruction was not implemented yet')\n",
"# Transpose the array to change the array order from row-major to column-major \n",
"voi_swapped_axes = reshaped_voi_data.T # Also: np.swapaxes(reshaped_voi_data, 2, 0) #\n",
"# RAS in NIfTI: From Posterior to Anterior\n",
"flipped_voi = np.flipud(voi_swapped_axes)\n",
"# Binary Mask of 0's and 1's\n",
"voi_swapped_axes[voi_swapped_axes <= 50] = 0\n",
"voi_swapped_axes[voi_swapped_axes > 50] = 1\n",
"# RAS in NIfTI: From Posterior to Anterior\n",
"flipped_voi = np.flipud(voi_swapped_axes)\n",
"# Shape of image\n",
"matrix_size = np.array(flipped_voi.shape)\n",
"matrix_size = np.array(voi_swapped_axes.shape)\n",
"# Centre of image\n",
"center = (voxel_size * matrix_size) / 2\n",
@ -748,19 +755,21 @@
"voi_nifti_out = nib.Nifti1Image(flipped_voi, apply_affine)\n",
"# Set header\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header['qform_code'] = 1\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header['sform_code'] = 2\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm') # Set the voxel size unit manually\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header['intent_code'] = 0 # None\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header['intent_name'] = 'PET_VOI'\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header['cal_max'] = np.max(flipped_voi) # For software to apply proper color scaling for visualization\n",
"voi_nifti_out.header['cal_min'] = np.min(flipped_voi) \n",
"#xyz_unit = 'mm'\n",
"#voi_nifti_out.header['extents'] = 16384\n",
"#voi_nifti_out.header['regular'] = 'r'\n",
"#voi_nifti_out.header['intent_name'] = 0\n",
"#voi_nifti_out.header['cal_max'] = np.max(voi_swapped_axes)\n",
"#voi_nifti_out.header['cal_min'] = np.min(voi_swapped_axes)\n",
"# Save the NIfTI file\n",
" voi_nifti_out, os.path.join(output_dir, voi_nifti_out_filename) )\n",
"print('ACCURATE VOI was successfully saved as NIfTI file')\n",
"print('Congratulations! ACCURATE VOI was saved as NIfTI file')\n",
"print(os.path.join(output_dir, voi_nifti_out_filename))\n"
@ -1087,7 +1096,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
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"nbformat": 4,

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More