You can choose from which registry you want to pull from. There are 2:
The contains the bleeding edge versions (PR's and master merges). The contains the released artifacts (MOLGENIS releases and release candidates).
The three properties you need to specify are:
- ```molgenis.image.repository```
- ``````
- ```molgenis.image.tag```
## Services
When you start MOLGENIS you need:
- an elasticsearch instance (5.5.6)
- an postgres instance (9.6)
You can attach additional services like:
- an opencpu instance
### Elasticsearch
You can configure elasticsearch by giving in the cluster location.
To configure the transport address you can address the node communication channel but also the native JAVA API. Which MOLGENIS uses to communicate with Elasticsearch.
From Elasticsearch version 6 and further the JAVA API is not supported anymore. At this moment you can only use Elastic instance till major version 5.