# Default values for molgenis-vault. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # abs gives details of the credentials to reach the azure backup storage abs: # account is the name of the Storage account account: fdlkops # access key for the Storage account accessKey: xxxx # default cloud cloud: AzurePublicCloud # backupjob describes the backup cronjob backupJob: # enable enables the backup job enable: true # schedule gives the cron schedule for the backup job schedule: "0 0 0 ? * MON *" ### # All of the config variables related to setting up the etcd-operator # If you want more information about the variables exposed, please visit: # https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/etcd-operator#configuration ### etcd-operator: deployments: etcdOperator: true backupOperator: true restoreOperator: true serviceAccount: etcdOperatorServiceAccount: create: true backupOperatorServiceAccount: create: true restoreOperatorServiceAccount: create: true etcdOperator: image: tag: v0.9.2 backupOperator: image: tag: v0.9.2 restoreOperator: image: tag: v0.9.2