jenkins: Master: HostName: ServiceType: ClusterIP InstallPlugins: - kubernetes:1.8.4 - workflow-aggregator:2.5 - workflow-job:2.21 - credentials-binding:1.16 - git:3.9.1 - github-branch-source:2.3.6 - kubernetes-credentials-provider:0.9 - blueocean:1.6.1 Jobs: |- molgenis: |- .* false true -1 -1 H H * * * 86400000 false molgenis molgenis-jenkins-github-secret 1 1 1 Jenkinsfile molgenis-operations: |- HTTPD server that can be used for redirection and proxieing molgenis-ops-docker-httpd false true -1 -1 false a756941d-6c9d-4492-bcf9-327041764be6 molgenis-jenkins-github-secret Jenkinsfile molgenis-ops-docker-maven: |- false true -1 -1 false 4702479a-6988-4a85-b4b7-e77fa2d05ffa Jenkinsfile # Kubernetes secret that contains a 'credentials.xml' for Jenkins # CredentialsXmlSecret: jenkins-credentials # Kubernetes secret that contains files to be put in the Jenkins 'secrets' directory, # useful to manage encryption keys used for credentials.xml for instance (such as # master.key and hudson.util.Secret) # SecretsFilesSecret: jenkins-secrets CustomConfigMap: true rbac: install: true Pods: molgenis: Label: molgenis NodeUsageMode: NORMAL volumes: - type: HostPath hostPath: "/var/run/docker.sock" mountPath: "/var/run/docker.sock" - type: Secret secretName: molgenis-pipeline-file-secret mountPath: "/root/.m2" Containers: maven: Image: "" Command: cat TTY: true resources: requests: cpu: "1" memory: "4Gi" alpine: Image: "spotify/alpine" Command: cat TTY: true # Hard to get these right memorywise! # elasticsearch: # Image: "elasticsearch" # ImageTag: "5.5.1" # Ports: # - name: rest # containerPort: "9200" # - name: api # containerPort: "9300" # postgres: # Image: "postgres" # ImageTag: "9.6-alpine" # Ports: # - name: postgres # containerPort: "5432" EnvVars: - type: Secret key: PGP_PASSPHRASE secretName: molgenis-pipeline-env-secret secretKey: pgpPassphrase - type: KeyValue key: PGP_SECRETKEY value: "keyfile:/root/.m2/key.asc" - type: KeyValue key: npm_config_registry value: "http://nexus.molgenis-nexus:8081/repository/npm-central/" - type: Secret key: SONAR_TOKEN secretName: molgenis-pipeline-env-secret secretKey: sonarToken - type: Secret key: CODECOV_TOKEN secretName: molgenis-pipeline-env-secret secretKey: codecovToken - type: Secret key: GITHUB_TOKEN secretName: molgenis-pipeline-env-secret secretKey: githubToken # If needed # ImagePullSecret: jenkins NodeSelector: {} PipelineSecrets: Env: # Set to false to keep existing secret Replace: true # Passphrase for the pgp private key file, prefixed with literal: PGPPassphrase: literal:xxxx # Token for service CodecovToken: xxxx # Token for github bot account GitHubToken: xxxx # Token for github bot account GogsToken: xxxx # Token for SonarToken: xxxx # Password Local NEXUS NexusPassword: xxxx # Password DockerHubPassword: xxxx File: # Set to false to keep existing secret Replace: true # PGP Private key in ascii format used to sign artifacts PGPPrivateKeyAsc: |- -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- xxxxx -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- # maven.settings file MavenSettingsXML: |- ${user.home}/.mvnrepository false nexus external:* http://nexus.molgenis-nexus:8081/repository/maven-central/ sonatype-nexus-staging molgenis xxxx local-nexus http://nexus.molgenis-nexus:8081/repository/maven-snapshots/ admin xxxxx admin xxxx