# Molgenis Jenkins Helm Chart Jenkins master and slave cluster utilizing the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin. Wraps [the kuberenetes jenkins chart](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/jenkins), see documentation there! ## Chart Details This chart will do the following: * 1 x Jenkins Master with port 8080 exposed on an external ClusterIP * All using Kubernetes Deployments ## Installing the Chart Usually, you'll be deploying this to the molgenis cluster. In the [Rancher Catalog](https://rancher.molgenis.org:7443/g/catalog), add the latest version of this repository. In the [molgenis cluster management page](https://rancher.molgenis.org:7443/p/c-mhkqb:project-2pf45/apps), choose the catalog, pick the molgenis-jenkins app from the catalog and deploy it. ## Configuration When deploying, you can paste values into the Rancher Answers to override the defaults in this chart. Array values can be added as {value, value, value}. ``` jenkins.Master.HostName=jenkins.molgenis.org jenkins.Master.AdminPassword=pa$$word jenkins.Persistence.Enabled=false jenkins.Master.InstallPlugins={kubernetes:1.8.4, workflow-aggregator:2.5, workflow-job:2.21, credentials-binding:1.16, git:3.9.1, blueocean:1.6.2, github-oauth:0.29} jenkins.Master.Security.UseGitHub=false ## if UseGitHub=true jenkins.Master.Security.GitHub.ClientID=id jenkins.Master.Security.GitHub.ClientSecret=S3cr3t ## end UseGitHub=true PipelineSecrets.Env.PGPPassphrase=literal:S3cr3t ``` You can use [all configuration values of the jenkins subchart](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/jenkins). > Because we use jenkins as a sub-chart, you should prefix all value keys with `jenkins`! ### GitHub Authentication delegation You need to setup a MOLGENIS - Jenkins GitHub OAuth App. You can do this by accessing this url: [add new OAuth app](https://github.com/settings/applications/new). ### Secrets When deployed, the chart creates a couple of kubernetes secrets that get used by jenkins. You can override the values at deploy time but otherwise also configure them [in Rancher](https://rancher.molgenis.org:7443/p/c-mhkqb:project-2pf45/secrets) or through kubectl. #### Vault The vault secret gets mounted in the vault pod so pipeline scripts can retrieve secrets from the vault. | Parameter | Description | Default | | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | | `secret.vault.token` | Token to log into the hashicorp vault | `xxxx` | | `secret.vault.addr` | Address of the vault | `https:vault-operator.vault-operator.svc:8200` | | `secret.vault.skipVerify` | Skip verification of the https connection | `1` | #### GitHub Token used by Jenkins to authenticate on GitHub. | Parameter | Description | Default | | --------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------ | | `secret.gitHub.user` | username for the account | `molgenis-jenkins` | | `secret.gitHub.token` | token for the account | `xxxx` | #### Gogs Token used by Jenkins to authenticate on the [RuG Webhosting Gogs](https://git.webhosting.rug.nl). | Parameter | Description | Default | | ------------------- | ------------------------ | --------- | | `secret.gogs.user` | username for the account | `p281392` | | `secret.gogs.token` | token for the account | `xxxx` | #### Legacy: ##### Docker Hub Account used in pipeline builds to push docker images to `hub.docker.com`. > They should read `secret/gcc/account/dockerhub` from vault instead! | Parameter | Description | Default | | --------------------------- | ------------------------ | --------------- | | `secret.dockerHub.user` | username for the account | `molgenisci` | | `secret.dockerHub.password` | password for the account | `xxxx` | ##### Registry Account used in pipeline builds to push docker images to `registry.molgenis.org`. > They should read `secret/ops/account/nexus` from vault instead! | Parameter | Description | Default | | --------------------------- | ------------------------ | --------- | | `secret.dockerHub.user` | username for the account | `admin` | | `secret.dockerHub.password` | password for the account | `xxxx` | ## Command line use Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example, ```bash $ helm install --name jenkins -f values.yaml molgenis-jenkins ``` > **Tip**: You can use the default [values.yaml](values.yaml)