# MOLGENIS - NEXUS Helm Chart NEXUS repository for kubernetes to deploy on a kubernetes cluster with NFS-share ## Chart Details This chart will deploy: - 1 NEXUS-nfs initialization container We need this container to avoid permission issues on the NEXUS docker - 1 NEXUS container - 1 MOLGENIS-httpd container (to proxy the registry and docker to one domain) ## Backup restore Go to the commandline: ```bash kubectl get pv ``` ```bash | NAME | CAPACITY | ACCESS | MODES | RECLAIM | POLICY | STATUS | CLAIM | STORAGECLASS | REASON | AGE | | ---- | -------- | ------ | ----- | ------- | ------ | ------ | ----- | ------------ | ------ | --- | | pvc-45988f55-900f-11e8-a0b4-005056a51744 | 30G | RWX | | Retain | Bound | molgenis-nexus/molgenis-nfs-claim | nfs-provisioner-retain | | | 33d | | pvc-3984723d-220f-14e8-a98a-skjhf88823kk | 30G | RWO | | Delete | Bound | molgenis-test/molgenis-nfs-claim | nfs-provisioner | | | 33d | ``` The persistent volume is the one in the molgenis-nexus namespace. Go to the NFS-provisioner to the path of the persistent volume: ```bash ls -t --full-time | head -7 | xargs cp ../restore-from-backup/ ``` ## Installing the Chart You can test in install the chart by executing: ```helm lint .``` To test if your helm chart-syntax is right and: ```helm install . --dry-run --debug``` To test if your hem chart works and: ```helm install .``` To deploy it on the cluster.