############################################################################### # FastCAR package # Marijn Berg # m.berg@umcg.nl ############################################################################### # FastCAR removes ambient RNA from 10X data by looking at the profile of the # empty droplets and removing per gene the highest value found in the ambient # RNA if it's found to contaminate more than a certain threshold of droplets ############################################################################### # TODO # ############################################################################### library(Matrix) library(Seurat) library(qlcMatrix) library(pheatmap) library(ggplot2) ############################################################################### # had to make this function to efficiently modify sparse matrices on a per gene basis # A dgCMatrix object has the following elements that matter for this function # i: a sequence of the row locations of each non-zero element # x: the non-zero values in the matrix # p: the where in 'i' and 'x' a new column starts # Dimnames: The names of the rows and columns remove.background = function(geneCellMatrix, ambientRNAprofile){ # do some input checks first if(!("dgCMatrix" %in% class(geneCellMatrix))){ cat("geneCellMatrix should be a sparse matrix of the \"dgCMatrix\" class") stop() } # Here is the actual functionality for(gene in names(ambientRNAprofile[ambientRNAprofile > 0])){ # Determine the locations where the gene is not zero, therefore referenced in i iLocs = which(geneCellMatrix@Dimnames[[1]] == gene) # Determine the location of the actual values, xLocs = which(geneCellMatrix@i == iLocs-1) # -1 because of 0 and 1 based counting systems # Remove the contaminating RNA geneCellMatrix@x[xLocs] = geneCellMatrix@x[xLocs] - ambientRNAprofile[gene] } # correct for instances where the expression was corrected to below zero geneCellMatrix@x[geneCellMatrix@x < 0] = 0 # remove the zeroes and return the corrected matrix return(drop0(geneCellMatrix, is.Csparse = TRUE)) } ############## determine.background.to.remove = function(fullCellMatrix, emptyDropletCutoff, contaminationChanceCutoff){ # determines the highest expression value found for every gene in the droplets that we're sure don't contain cells backGroundMax = as.vector(qlcMatrix::rowMax(fullCellMatrix[,Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) < emptyDropletCutoff])) names(backGroundMax) = rownames(fullCellMatrix) # droplets that are empty but not unused barcodes, unused barcodes have zero reads assigned to them. nEmpty = table((Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) < emptyDropletCutoff) &(Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) > 0))[2] # rowSum on a logical statement returns the number of TRUE occurences occurences = Matrix::rowSums(fullCellMatrix[,Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) < emptyDropletCutoff] !=0) #probability of a background read of a gene ending up in a cell probabiltyCellContaminationPerGene = occurences / nEmpty # if the probablity of a gene contaminating a cell is too low we set the value to zero so it doesn't get corrected backGroundMax[probabiltyCellContaminationPerGene < contaminationChanceCutoff] = 0 return(backGroundMax) } ############## read.cell.matrix = function(cellFolderLocation){ cellMatrix = Read10X(cellFolderLocation) return(cellMatrix) } ############## read.full.matrix = function(fullFolderLocation){ fullMatrix = Read10X(fullFolderLocation) return(fullMatrix) } ############################################################################### getExpressionThreshold = function(gene, expMat, percentile){ orderedExpression = expMat[gene, order(expMat[gene,], decreasing = TRUE)] CS = cumsum(orderedExpression) return(orderedExpression[which(CS/max(CS) > percentile)[1]]) } ############################################################################### celltypeSpecificityScore = function(gene, expMat){ CS = cumsum(expMat[gene, order(expMat[gene,], decreasing = TRUE)]) return((sum(CS/max(CS))/ncol(expMat)) ) } ############################################################################### describe.correction.effect = function (allExpression, cellExpression, startPos, stopPos, byLength, contaminationChanceCutoff){ # Make somewhere to store all the data that needs to be returned to the user ambientScoreProfileOverview = data.frame(row.names = rownames(cellExpression)) # do a quick first run to see which genes get corrected at the highest setting ambientProfile = determine.background.to.remove(allExpression, cellExpression, stopPos, contaminationChanceCutoff) genelist = names(ambientProfile[ambientProfile > 0]) print(paste0("Calculating cell expression score for ", length(genelist), " genes")) ctsScores = vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(cellExpression)) names(ctsScores) = rownames(cellExpression) for(gene in genelist){ ctsScores[gene] = celltypeSpecificityScore(gene, cellExpression) } # loop over every threshold to test # Starts at the highest value so for(emptyDropletCutoff in seq(from = startPos, to = stopPos, by = byLength)){ ambientProfile = determine.background.to.remove(allExpression, cellExpression, emptyDropletCutoff, contaminationChanceCutoff) print(paste0("Profiling at cutoff ", emptyDropletCutoff)) ambientScoreProfile = data.frame(ambientProfile, ctsScores) #ambientScoreProfile = ambientScoreProfile[ambientScoreProfile$ctsScores > 0.85, ] ambientScoreProfile$stillOverAmbient = 0 ambientScoreProfile$belowCellexpression = 0 genesToCheck = names(ambientProfile[ambientProfile > 0]) if(exists("overAmbientGenes")){ genesToCheck = overAmbientGenes } print(paste0("Calculating profiles for ", length(genesToCheck), " genes")) for(gene in genesToCheck){ expThresh = getExpressionThreshold(gene, cellExpression, 0.95) if(emptyDropletCutoff == startPos){ ambientScoreProfile[gene, "belowCellexpression"] = table(cellExpression[gene,] > 0 & cellExpression[gene,] < expThresh)["TRUE"] } ambientScoreProfile[gene, "stillOverAmbient"] = table(cellExpression[gene,] > ambientScoreProfile[gene, "ambientProfile"] & cellExpression[gene,] < expThresh)["TRUE"] } ambientScoreProfile[is.na(ambientScoreProfile)] = 0 ambientScoreProfile$contaminationChance = ambientScoreProfile$stillOverAmbient / ambientScoreProfile$belowCellexpression ambientScoreProfile[is.na(ambientScoreProfile)] = 0 # Genes that have already been completely removed don't need to be checked at higher resolution overAmbientGenes = rownames(ambientScoreProfile[ambientScoreProfile$stillOverAmbient > 0,]) ambientScoreProfile[genelist,"AmbientCorrection"] ambientScoreProfileOverview[names(ctsScores), "ctsScores"] = ctsScores if(emptyDropletCutoff == startPos){ ambientScoreProfileOverview[rownames(ambientScoreProfile), "belowCellexpression"] = ambientScoreProfile$belowCellexpression } ambientScoreProfileOverview[rownames(ambientScoreProfile), paste0("stillOverAmbient", as.character(emptyDropletCutoff))] = ambientScoreProfile$stillOverAmbient ambientScoreProfileOverview[rownames(ambientScoreProfile), paste0("AmbientCorrection", as.character(emptyDropletCutoff))] = ambientScoreProfile$ambientProfile } ambientScoreProfileOverview = ambientScoreProfileOverview[!is.na(ambientScoreProfileOverview$ctsScores),] ambientScoreProfileOverview[is.na(ambientScoreProfileOverview)] = 0 ambientScoreProfileOverview[,paste0("Threshold_", seq(from = startPos, to = stopPos, by = byLength))] = ambientScoreProfileOverview[,paste0("stillOverAmbient", as.character(seq(from = startPos, to = stopPos, by = byLength)))] / ambientScoreProfileOverview$belowCellexpression ambientScoreProfileOverview[is.na(ambientScoreProfileOverview)] = 0 ambientScoreProfileOverview[,paste0("contaminationChance", as.character(seq(from = startPos, to = stopPos, by = byLength)))] = ambientScoreProfileOverview[,paste0("stillOverAmbient", as.character(seq(from = startPos, to = stopPos, by = byLength)))] / ambientScoreProfileOverview$belowCellexpression return(ambientScoreProfileOverview) } ############## # Turns out that cellranger output looks different from WriteMM output and Read10X can't read the latter # TODO # Commented out until I find a fix # write.corrected.matrix = function(correctedMatrix, folderLocation, correctedSignal){ # dir.create(folderLocation) # # writeMM(obj = correctedMatrix, file=paste(folderLocation, "/matrix.mtx", sep = "")) # # # save genes and cells names # write(x = rownames(correctedMatrix), file = paste(folderLocation, "/genes.tsv", sep = "")) # write(x = colnames(correctedMatrix), file = paste(folderLocation, "/barcodes.tsv", sep = "")) # # correctedSignal = correctedSignal[correctedSignal > 0] # write.table(list(correctedSignal), file = paste(folderLocation, "/genesCorrectedFor.csv", sep = ""), row.names = TRUE, col.names = FALSE) # # } # describe the number of genes identified in the background # and the number of genes failing the contaminiation chance threshold # describe.ambient.RNA.sequence = function(fullCellMatrix, start, stop, by, contaminationChanceCutoff){ genesInBackground = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(start, stop, by))) genesContaminating = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(start, stop, by))) nEmptyDroplets = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(start, stop, by))) ambientDescriptions = data.frame(nEmptyDroplets, genesInBackground, genesContaminating) rownames(ambientDescriptions) = seq(start, stop, by) for(emptyCutoff in seq(start, stop, by)){ nEmpty = table((Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) < emptyCutoff) &(Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) > 0))[2] occurences = Matrix::rowSums(fullCellMatrix[,Matrix::colSums(fullCellMatrix) < emptyCutoff] !=0) #probability of a background read of a gene ending up in a cell probabiltyCellContaminationPerGene = occurences / nEmpty nFailingThreshold = sum(probabiltyCellContaminationPerGene > contaminationChanceCutoff) nGenes = sum(occurences != 0) ambientDescriptions[as.character(emptyCutoff), c(1,2,3)] = c(nEmpty ,nGenes, nFailingThreshold) } return(ambientDescriptions) } plot.correction.effect.chance = function(correctionProfile){ pheatmap(correctionProfile[correctionProfile[,3] > 0, colnames(correctionProfile)[grep("contaminationChance", colnames(correctionProfile))]], cluster_cols = FALSE, treeheight_row = 0, main = "Chance of affecting DE analyses") } plot.correction.effect.removal = function(correctionProfile){ pheatmap(correctionProfile[(correctionProfile[,3] > 0) ,colnames(correctionProfile)[grep("AmbientCorrection", colnames(correctionProfile))]], cluster_cols = FALSE, treeheight_row = 0, main = "Counts removed from each cell") } plot.ambient.profile = function(ambientProfile){ par(mfrow = c(3,1)) ggplot(ambientProfile, aes(x=wt, y=genesInBackground)) + geom_point() genesInBackground = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(start, stop, by))) genesContaminating = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(start, stop, by))) nEmptyDroplets = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(start, stop, by))) plot(as.numeric(rownames(ambientProfile)), ambientProfile[,2], main = "Number of genes in ambient RNA", xlab = "empty droplet UMI cutoff", ylab = "Genes in empty droplets") plot(as.numeric(rownames(ambientProfile)), ambientProfile[,3], main = "number of genes to correct", xlab = "empty droplet UMI cutoff", ylab = "Genes identified as contamination") } # I noticed that the number of genes removed tends to even out over time # Test whether the point where this first happens is a good empty cutoff point recommend.empty.cutoff = function(ambientProfile){ highestNumberOfGenes = max(ambientProfile[,3]) firstOccurence = match(highestNumberOfGenes, ambientProfile[,3]) return(as.numeric(rownames(ambientProfile[firstOccurence,]))) }