
103 lines
5.0 KiB

cutoffEmpty = 100 # set this to NA to determine dynamicallly
# remove this or things will keep getting added to it
rm(biopsySeurat, backGroundOverviews)
for(folder in dataFolders[1]){
donor = str_sub(folder, -7,-1)
sample = str_sub(folder, 19)
sample = str_sub(sample, 1, -9)
allExpression = Read10X(paste(folder, "/raw_feature_bc_matrix", sep = ""))
colnames(allExpression) = paste(datasetInfo[sample, "prefix"], colnames(allExpression), sep = "")
# change barcode ids to match r object
# determine the number of genes in the empty droplets at various cutoffs
foundNumberOfGenes = vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(seq(kneePointStart, kneePointStop, kneePointSteps)))
names(foundNumberOfGenes) = as.character(seq(kneePointStart, kneePointStop, kneePointSteps))
for(cutoffValue in seq(kneePointStart, kneePointStop, kneePointSteps)){
nExpressedCells = Matrix::rowSums(allExpression[, Matrix::colSums(allExpression) < cutoffValue])
nExpressedCells[nExpressedCells > 0] = 1
foundNumberOfGenes[as.character(cutoffValue)]= sum(nExpressedCells)
write.table(foundNumberOfGenes, file = paste("Foundgenes_cutoff_", donor, ".csv"))
# Find the point where increase in the number of genes decreases the most
cutoffEmpty = which(diff(foundNumberOfGenes) == max(diff(foundNumberOfGenes)[find_peaks(diff(foundNumberOfGenes))]))
# cutoffEmpty = as.numeric(names(which(diff(foundNumberOfGenes) == min(diff(foundNumberOfGenes)))))[1] # have to add this at the end, multiple changes can be the same value
png(paste("Empty_droplets_content_", donor, ".png", sep = ""), height = 400, width = 800)
plot(as.numeric(names(foundNumberOfGenes)), foundNumberOfGenes, main = paste(donor, " unique genes per cutoff"), xlab = "cutoff <")
segments(cutoffEmpty, 0 ,cutoffEmpty, 25000)
# read this in as a full matrix, haven't figgered out how to do this on a sparse matrix
cellExpression = allExpression[,cellIDs[cellIDs %in% colnames(allExpression)]]
biopsySeurat <<- CreateSeuratObject(cellExpression, project = "Bronchial_Biopsy")
biopsySeurat[["orig.ident"]] = donor
biopsySeurat[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(biopsySeurat, pattern = "^MT-")
# biopsySeurat <- subset(biopsySeurat, subset = < quantile($, c(.9)) )
tmpbiopsySeurat = CreateSeuratObject(cellExpression, project = "Bronchial_Biopsy")
tmpbiopsySeurat[["orig.ident"]] = donor
tmpbiopsySeurat[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(tmpbiopsySeurat, pattern = "^MT-")
# tmpbiopsySeurat <- subset(tmpbiopsySeurat, subset = < quantile($, c(.9), na.rm = TRUE))
biopsySeurat = merge(biopsySeurat, tmpbiopsySeurat)
backgroundTotal = Matrix::rowSums(allExpression[,Matrix::colSums(allExpression) < cutoffEmpty])
backGroundMax = as.vector(rowMax(allExpression[names(backgroundTotal),Matrix::colSums(allExpression) < cutoffEmpty]))
nCell = ncol(cellExpression)
# droplets that are empty but not unused barcodes, unused barcodes have zero reads assigned to them.
nEmpty = table((Matrix::colSums(allExpression) < cutoffEmpty) &(Matrix::colSums(allExpression) > 0))[2]
occurences = rowSums(allExpression[,Matrix::colSums(allExpression) < cutoffEmpty] !=0)
#probability of a background read of a gene ending up in a cell
pCell = occurences / nEmpty
write.csv(pCell, file = paste("pCell_", donor, ".csv", sep = ""))
write.csv(backGroundMax, file = paste("bgMax_", donor, ".csv", sep = ""))
# set the background value for those genes that are unlikely to be a significant contaminant to 0 (zero)
backGroundMax[pCell < acceptableFractionContaminated] = 0
# remove the background
cellExpression = apply(cellExpression , 2, '-', backGroundMax)
cellExpression[cellExpression < 0] = 0
# cellExpression = as.sparse(cellExpression)
biopsySeuratAC <<- CreateSeuratObject(cellExpression, project = "AC_Bronchial_Biopsy")
biopsySeuratAC[["orig.ident"]] = donor
biopsySeuratAC[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(biopsySeuratAC, pattern = "^MT-")
# biopsySeuratAC <- subset(biopsySeuratAC, subset = < quantile($, c(.9)) )
tmpbiopsySeuratAC = CreateSeuratObject(cellExpression, project = "AC_Bronchial_Biopsy")
tmpbiopsySeuratAC[["orig.ident"]] = donor
tmpbiopsySeuratAC[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(tmpbiopsySeuratAC, pattern = "^MT-")
# tmpbiopsySeuratAC <- subset(tmpbiopsySeuratAC, subset = < quantile($, c(.9), na.rm = TRUE))
biopsySeuratAC = merge(biopsySeuratAC, tmpbiopsySeuratAC)