#' Convenient wrapper around [base::grep()] to match a pattern: `a %like% b`. It always returns a [`logical`] vector and is always case-insensitive (use `a %like_case% b` for case-sensitive matching). Also, `pattern` (*b*) can be as long as `x` (*a*) to compare items of each index in both vectors, or they both can have the same length to iterate over all cases.
#' @param x a character vector where matches are sought, or an object which can be coerced by [as.character()] to a character vector.
#' @param pattern a character string containing a regular expression (or [`character`] string for `fixed = TRUE`) to be matched in the given character vector. Coerced by [as.character()] to a character string if possible. If a [`character`] vector of length 2 or more is supplied, the first element is used with a warning.
#' @param ignore.case if `FALSE`, the pattern matching is *case sensitive* and if `TRUE`, case is ignored during matching.
#' @details Using RStudio? This function can also be inserted from the Addins menu and can have its own Keyboard Shortcut like `Ctrl+Shift+L` or `Cmd+Shift+L` (see `Tools` > `Modify Keyboard Shortcuts...`).
#' @source Idea from the [`like` function from the `data.table` package](https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/blob/master/R/like.R), but made it case insensitive at default and let it support multiple patterns. Also, if the regex fails the first time, it tries again with `perl = TRUE`.