#' @description These functions can be used to predefine your own reference to be used in \code{\link{as.mo}} and consequently all \code{mo_*} functions like \code{\link{mo_genus}} and \code{\link{mo_gramstain}}.
#' This is \strong{the fastest way} to have your organisation (or analysis) specific codes picked up and translated by this package.
#' @details The reference file can be a text file seperated with commas (CSV) or tabs or pipes, an Excel file (either 'xls' or 'xlsx' format) or an R object file (extension '.rds'). To use an Excel file, you need to have the \code{readxl} package installed.
#' \code{set_mo_source} will check the file for validity: it must be a \code{data.frame}, must have a column named \code{"mo"} which contains values from \code{microorganisms$mo} and must have a reference column with your own defined values. If all tests pass, \code{set_mo_source} will read the file into R and export it to \code{"~/.mo_source.rds"}. This compressed data file will then be used at default for MO determination (function \code{\link{as.mo}} and consequently all \code{mo_*} functions like \code{\link{mo_genus}} and \code{\link{mo_gramstain}}). The location of the original file will be saved as option with \code{\link{options}(mo_source = path)}. Its timestamp will be saved with \code{\link{options}(mo_source_datetime = ...)}.
#' \code{get_mo_source} will return the data set by reading \code{"~/.mo_source.rds"} with \code{\link{readRDS}}. If the original file has changed (the file defined with \code{path}), it will call \code{set_mo_source} to update the data file automatically.
#' Reading an Excel file (\code{.xlsx}) with only one row has a size of 8-9 kB. The compressed file used by this package will have a size of 0.1 kB and can be read by \code{get_mo_source} in only a couple of microseconds (a millionth of a second).
#' Imagine this data on a sheet of an Excel file (mo codes were looked up in the `microorganisms` data set). The first column contains the organisation specific codes, the second column contains an MO code from this package:
#' It has now created a file "~/.mo_source.rds" with the contents of our Excel file, but only the first column with foreign values and the 'mo' column will be kept.