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2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
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<title>PCA biplot with ggplot2 — ggplot_pca • AMR (for R)</title>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
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2020-04-13 21:09:56 +02:00
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<h1>PCA biplot with <code>ggplot2</code></h1>
2020-07-08 14:48:06 +02:00
<small class="dont-index">Source: <a href=''><code>R/ggplot_pca.R</code></a></small>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<div class="hidden name"><code>ggplot_pca.Rd</code></div>
<div class="ref-description">
2020-04-13 21:09:56 +02:00
<p>Produces a <code>ggplot2</code> variant of a so-called <a href=''>biplot</a> for PCA (principal component analysis), but is more flexible and more appealing than the base <span style="R">R</span> <code><a href=''>biplot()</a></code> function.</p>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<pre class="usage"><span class='fu'>ggplot_pca</span>(
2020-08-10 12:46:03 +02:00
<span class='kw'>x</span>,
choices = <span class='fl'>1</span><span class='op'>:</span><span class='fl'>2</span>,
scale = <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>,
pc.biplot = <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>,
labels = <span class='kw'>NULL</span>,
labels_textsize = <span class='fl'>3</span>,
labels_text_placement = <span class='fl'>1.5</span>,
groups = <span class='kw'>NULL</span>,
ellipse = <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>,
ellipse_prob = <span class='fl'>0.68</span>,
ellipse_size = <span class='fl'>0.5</span>,
ellipse_alpha = <span class='fl'>0.5</span>,
points_size = <span class='fl'>2</span>,
points_alpha = <span class='fl'>0.25</span>,
arrows = <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>,
arrows_colour = <span class='st'>"darkblue"</span>,
arrows_size = <span class='fl'>0.5</span>,
arrows_textsize = <span class='fl'>3</span>,
arrows_textangled = <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>,
arrows_alpha = <span class='fl'>0.75</span>,
base_textsize = <span class='fl'>10</span>,
<span class='kw'>...</span>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="arguments"><a class="anchor" href="#arguments"></a>Arguments</h2>
<table class="ref-arguments">
<colgroup><col class="name" /><col class="desc" /></colgroup>
<td><p>an object returned by <code><a href='pca.html'>pca()</a></code>, <code><a href=''>prcomp()</a></code> or <code><a href=''>princomp()</a></code></p></td>
<td><p>length 2 vector specifying the components to plot. Only the default
is a biplot in the strict sense.</p></td>
<td><p>The variables are scaled by <code>lambda ^ scale</code> and the
observations are scaled by <code>lambda ^ (1-scale)</code> where
<code>lambda</code> are the singular values as computed by
<code><a href=''>princomp</a></code>. Normally <code>0 &lt;= scale &lt;= 1</code>, and a warning
will be issued if the specified <code>scale</code> is outside this range.</p></td>
2020-03-08 11:18:59 +01:00
<td><p>If true, use what Gabriel (1971) refers to as a "principal component
biplot", with <code>lambda = 1</code> and observations scaled up by sqrt(n) and
variables scaled down by sqrt(n). Then inner products between
variables approximate covariances and distances between observations
approximate Mahalanobis distance.</p></td>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<td><p>an optional vector of labels for the observations. If set, the labels will be placed below their respective points. When using the <code><a href='pca.html'>pca()</a></code> function as input for <code>x</code>, this will be determined automatically based on the attribute <code>non_numeric_cols</code>, see <code><a href='pca.html'>pca()</a></code>.</p></td>
<td><p>the size of the text used for the labels</p></td>
<td><p>adjustment factor the placement of the variable names (<code>&gt;=1</code> means further away from the arrow head)</p></td>
<td><p>an optional vector of groups for the labels, with the same length as <code>labels</code>. If set, the points and labels will be coloured according to these groups. When using the <code><a href='pca.html'>pca()</a></code> function as input for <code>x</code>, this will be determined automatically based on the attribute <code>non_numeric_cols</code>, see <code><a href='pca.html'>pca()</a></code>.</p></td>
<td><p>a logical to indicate whether a normal data ellipse should be drawn for each group (set with <code>groups</code>)</p></td>
<td><p>statistical size of the ellipse in normal probability</p></td>
<td><p>the size of the ellipse line</p></td>
<td><p>the alpha (transparency) of the ellipse line</p></td>
2020-03-08 09:12:11 +01:00
<td><p>the size of the points</p></td>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<td><p>the alpha (transparency) of the points</p></td>
<td><p>a logical to indicate whether arrows should be drawn</p></td>
<td><p>the colour of the arrow and their text</p></td>
<td><p>the size (thickness) of the arrow lines</p></td>
<td><p>the size of the text at the end of the arrows</p></td>
2020-07-28 18:39:57 +02:00
<td><p>a logical whether the text at the end of the arrows should be angled</p></td>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<td><p>the alpha (transparency) of the arrows and their text</p></td>
<td><p>the text size for all plot elements except the labels and arrows</p></td>
<td><p>Parameters passed on to functions</p></td>
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="source"><a class="anchor" href="#source"></a>Source</h2>
<p>The <code>ggplot_pca()</code> function is based on the <code>ggbiplot()</code> function from the <code>ggbiplot</code> package by Vince Vu, as found on GitHub: <a href=''></a> (retrieved: 2 March 2020, their latest commit: <a href=''><code>7325e88</code></a>; 12 February 2015).</p>
<p>As per their GPL-2 licence that demands documentation of code changes, the changes made based on the source code were:</p><ol>
<li><p>Rewritten code to remove the dependency on packages <code>plyr</code>, <code>scales</code> and <code>grid</code></p></li>
<li><p>Parametrised more options, like arrow and ellipse settings</p></li>
<li><p>Added total amount of explained variance as a caption in the plot</p></li>
2020-03-08 11:18:59 +01:00
<li><p>Cleaned all syntax based on the <code>lintr</code> package and added integrity checks</p></li>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<li><p>Updated documentation</p></li>
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="details"><a class="anchor" href="#details"></a>Details</h2>
2020-07-28 18:39:57 +02:00
<p>The colours for labels and points can be changed by adding another scale layer for colour, like <code><a href=''>scale_colour_viridis_d()</a></code> or <code><a href=''>scale_colour_brewer()</a></code>.</p>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="maturing-lifecycle"><a class="anchor" href="#maturing-lifecycle"></a>Maturing lifecycle</h2>
<p><img src='figures/lifecycle_maturing.svg' style=margin-bottom:5px /> <br />
2020-07-08 14:48:06 +02:00
The <a href='lifecycle.html'>lifecycle</a> of this function is <strong>maturing</strong>. The unlying code of a maturing function has been roughed out, but finer details might still change. Since this function needs wider usage and more extensive testing, you are very welcome <a href=''>to suggest changes at our repository</a> or <a href='AMR.html'>write us an email (see section 'Contact Us')</a>.</p>
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="examples"><a class="anchor" href="#examples"></a>Examples</h2>
<pre class="examples"><span class='co'># `example_isolates` is a dataset available in the AMR package.</span>
<span class='co'># See ?example_isolates.</span>
<span class='co'># See ?pca for more info about Principal Component Analysis (PCA).</span>
2020-08-10 12:46:03 +02:00
<span class='co'>if</span> (<span class='fl'>FALSE</span>) {
<span class='fu'><a href=''>library</a></span>(<span class='kw'><a href=''>dplyr</a></span>)
<span class='kw'>pca_model</span> <span class='op'>&lt;-</span> <span class='kw'>example_isolates</span> <span class='op'>%&gt;%</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>filter</a></span>(<span class='fu'><a href='mo_property.html'>mo_genus</a></span>(<span class='kw'>mo</span>) <span class='op'>==</span> <span class='st'>"Staphylococcus"</span>) <span class='op'>%&gt;%</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>group_by</a></span>(species = <span class='fu'><a href='mo_property.html'>mo_shortname</a></span>(<span class='kw'>mo</span>)) <span class='op'>%&gt;%</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>summarise_if</a></span> (<span class='kw'>is.rsi</span>, <span class='kw'>resistance</span>) <span class='op'>%&gt;%</span>
<span class='fu'><a href='pca.html'>pca</a></span>(<span class='kw'>FLC</span>, <span class='kw'>AMC</span>, <span class='kw'>CXM</span>, <span class='kw'>GEN</span>, <span class='kw'>TOB</span>, <span class='kw'>TMP</span>, <span class='kw'>SXT</span>, <span class='kw'>CIP</span>, <span class='kw'>TEC</span>, <span class='kw'>TCY</span>, <span class='kw'>ERY</span>)
2020-07-28 18:39:57 +02:00
<span class='co'># old (base R)</span>
2020-08-10 12:46:03 +02:00
<span class='fu'><a href=''>biplot</a></span>(<span class='kw'>pca_model</span>)
2020-07-28 18:39:57 +02:00
<span class='co'># new </span>
2020-08-10 12:46:03 +02:00
<span class='fu'>ggplot_pca</span>(<span class='kw'>pca_model</span>)
<span class='co'>if</span> (<span class='fu'><a href=''>require</a></span>(<span class='st'><a href=''>"ggplot2"</a></span>)) {
<span class='fu'>ggplot_pca</span>(<span class='kw'>pca_model</span>) <span class='op'>+</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>scale_colour_viridis_d</a></span>() <span class='op'>+</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>labs</a></span>(title = <span class='st'>"Title here"</span>)
2020-07-28 18:39:57 +02:00
2020-05-16 13:05:47 +02:00
2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00
2020-04-13 21:09:56 +02:00
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2020-03-07 21:48:21 +01:00