\item{ab_class}{an antimicrobial class, like \code{"carbapenems"}. The columns \code{group}, \code{atc_group1} and \code{atc_group2} of the \link{antibiotics} data set will be searched (case-insensitive) for this value.}
Use these selection helpers inside any function that allows \href{https://tidyselect.r-lib.org/reference/language.html}{Tidyverse selections}, like \code{dplyr::select()} or \code{tidyr::pivot_longer()}. They help to select the columns of antibiotics that are of a specific antibiotic class, without the need to define the columns or antibiotic abbreviations.
All columns will be searched for known antibiotic names, abbreviations, brand names and codes (ATC, EARS-Net, WHO, etc.). This means that a selector like e.g. \code{\link[=aminoglycosides]{aminoglycosides()}} will pick up column names like 'gen', 'genta', 'J01GB03', 'tobra', 'Tobracin', etc.
These functions only work if the \code{tidyselect} package is installed, that comes with the \code{dplyr} package. An error will be thrown if \code{tidyselect} package is not installed, or if the functions are used outside a function that allows Tidyverse selections like \code{select()} or \code{pivot_longer()}.
if (require("dplyr")) {
# this will select columns 'IPM' (imipenem) and 'MEM' (meropenem):
example_isolates \%>\%
# this will select columns 'mo', 'AMK', 'GEN', 'KAN' and 'TOB':