\item{nmax}{amount of rows to print in total. When the total amount of rows exceeds this limit, the first and last \code{nmax / 2} rows will be printed. Use \code{nmax = NA} to print all rows.}
\item{header}{print header with information about data size and tibble grouping}
\item{row.names}{logical (or character vector), indicating whether (or
what) row names should be printed.}
\item{right}{logical, indicating whether or not strings should be
right-aligned. The default is right-alignment.}
\item{width}{amount of white spaces to keep between columns, must be at least 1}
\item{print.keys}{print keys for \code{data.table}}
Print a data table or tibble. It prints: \cr- The \strong{first and last rows} like \code{data.table}s are printed by the \code{data.table} package,\cr- A \strong{header} and \strong{left aligned text} like \code{tibble}s are printed by the \code{tibble} package with info about grouped variables,\cr- \strong{Unchanged values} and \strong{support for row names} like \code{data.frame}s are printed by the \code{base} package.