\strong{M39 Analysis and Presentation of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data, 4th Edition}, 2014, \emph{Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)}. \url{https://clsi.org/standards/products/microbiology/documents/m39/}.
\item{ab2}{like \code{ab}, a vector of antibiotic interpretations. Use this to calculate (the lack of) co-resistance: the probability where one of two drugs have a susceptible result. See Examples.}
\item{minimum}{minimal amount of available isolates. Any number lower than \code{minimum} will return \code{NA}. The default number of \code{30} isolates is advised by the CLSI as best practice, see Source.}
These functions can be used to calculate the (co-)resistance of microbial isolates (i.e. percentage S, SI, IR or R). All functions can be used in \code{dplyr}s \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}} and support grouped variables, see \emph{Examples}. \cr\cr
\code{R} and \code{IR} can be used to calculate resistance, \code{S} and \code{SI} can be used to calculate susceptibility.\cr
\code{n_rsi} counts all cases where antimicrobial interpretations are available.
\strong{Remember that you should filter your table to let it contain only first isolates!} Use \code{\link{first_isolate}} to determine them in your data set.
The functions \code{resistance} and \code{susceptibility} are wrappers around \code{IR} and \code{S}, respectively. All functions except \code{rsi} use hybrid evaluation (i.e. using C++), which makes these functions 20-30 times faster than the old \code{rsi} function. This latter function is still available for backwards compatibility but is deprecated.
To calculate the probability (\emph{p}) of susceptibility of more antibiotics (i.e. combination therapy), we need to check whether one of them has a susceptible result (as numerator) and count all cases where all antibiotics were tested (as denominator). \cr