\item \code{ab}\cr Antibiotic ID as used in this package (such as \code{AMC}), using the official EARS-Net (European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) codes where available
\item \code{name}\cr Official name of the antimicrobial agent as used by WHONET/EARS-Net or the WHO
\item \code{type}\cr Type of the dosage, either "high_dosage", "standard_dosage" or "uncomplicated_uti"
\item \code{dose}\cr Dose, such as "2 g" or "25 mg/kg"
\item \code{administration}\cr Route of administration, either "im", "iv" or "oral"
\item \code{notes}\cr Additional dosage notes
\item \code{original_txt}\cr Original text in the PDF file of EUCAST
\item \code{eucast_version}\cr Version number of the EUCAST Clinical Breakpoints guideline to which these dosages apply
EUCAST breakpoints used in this package are based on the dosages in this data set. They can be retrieved with \code{\link[=eucast_dosage]{eucast_dosage()}}.
\href{https://www.eucast.org/clinical_breakpoints/}{'EUCAST Clinical Breakpoint Tables' v11.0} (2021) are based on the dosages in this data set.
All reference data sets (about microorganisms, antibiotics, R/SI interpretation, EUCAST rules, etc.) in this \code{AMR} package are publicly and freely available. We continually export our data sets to formats for use in R, SPSS, SAS, Stata and Excel. We also supply flat files that are machine-readable and suitable for input in any software program, such as laboratory information systems. Please find \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/datasets.html}{all download links on our website}, which is automatically updated with every code change.
On our website \url{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/} you can find \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/AMR.html}{a comprehensive tutorial} about how to conduct AMR data analysis, the \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/reference/}{complete documentation of all functions} and \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/WHONET.html}{an example analysis using WHONET data}.