#' Calculates a normalised mean for antimicrobial resistance between multiple observations, to help to identify similar isolates without comparing antibiograms by hand.
#' @param ... variables to select (supports [tidyselect language][tidyselect::language] such as `column1:column4` and `where(is.mic)`, and can thus also be [antibiotic selectors][ab_selector()]
#' @param combine_SI a [logical] to indicate whether all values of S and I must be merged into one, so the input only consists of S+I vs. R (susceptible vs. resistant), defaults to `TRUE`
#' @details The mean AMR distance is a normalised numeric value to compare AMR test results and can help to identify similar isolates, without comparing antibiograms by hand. For common numeric data this distance is equal to [Z scores](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score) (the number of standard deviations from the mean).
#' MIC values (see [as.mic()]) are transformed with [log2()] first; their distance is calculated as `(log2(x) - mean(log2(x))) / sd(log2(x))`.
#' R/SI values (see [as.rsi()]) are transformed using `"S"` = 1, `"I"` = 2, and `"R"` = 3. If `combine_SI` is `TRUE` (default), the `"I"` will be considered to be 1.
#' For data sets, the mean AMR distance will be calculated per variable, after which the mean of all columns will returned per row (using [rowMeans()]), see *Examples*.
#' Isolates with distances less than 0.01 difference from each other should be considered similar. Differences lower than 0.025 should be considered suspicious.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- random_mic(10)
#' x
#' mean_amr_distance(x)
#' y <- data.frame(
#' id = LETTERS[1:10],
#' amox = random_mic(10, ab = "amox", mo = "Escherichia coli"),
#' cipr = random_mic(10, ab = "cipr", mo = "Escherichia coli"),
#' gent = random_mic(10, ab = "gent", mo = "Escherichia coli"),
#' tobr = random_mic(10, ab = "tobr", mo = "Escherichia coli")