* Function `guess_bactid` to determine the ID of a microorganism based on genus/species or known abbreviations like MRSA
* Functions `clipboard_import` and `clipboard_export` as helper functions to quickly copy and paste from/to software like Excel and SPSS
* Function `MDRO` to determine Multi Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) with support for country-specific guidelines. Suggest your own via [this link](https://github.com/msberends/AMR/issues/new?title=New%20guideline%20for%20MDRO&body=%3C--%20Please%20add%20your%20country%20code,%20guideline%20name,%20version%20and%20source%20below%20and%20remove%20this%20line--%3E). Functions `BRMO` and `MRGN` are wrappers for Dutch and German guidelines, respectively
* Function `freq` to create frequency tables, with additional info in a header
* New algorithm to determine weighted isolates, can now be `"points"` or `"keyantibiotics"`, see `?first_isolate`