# ==================================================================== # # TITLE: # # AMR: An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data # # # # SOURCE CODE: # # https://github.com/msberends/AMR # # # # PLEASE CITE THIS SOFTWARE AS: # # Berends MS, Luz CF, Friedrich AW, et al. (2022). # # AMR: An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data. # # Journal of Statistical Software, 104(3), 1-31. # # https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v104.i03 # # # # Developed at the University of Groningen and the University Medical # # Center Groningen in The Netherlands, in collaboration with many # # colleagues from around the world, see our website. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # # # Visit our website for the full manual and a complete tutorial about # # how to conduct AMR data analysis: https://msberends.github.io/AMR/ # # ==================================================================== # # Existing SIR ------------------------------------------------------------ # we must only have EUCAST and CLSI, because otherwise the rules in as.sir() will fail expect_identical( unique(gsub("[^A-Z]", "", AMR::clinical_breakpoints$guideline)), c("EUCAST", "CLSI") ) # no missing SDDs expect_identical(sum(is.na(AMR::clinical_breakpoints$is_SDD)), 0L) expect_true(as.sir("S") < as.sir("I")) expect_true(as.sir("I") < as.sir("R")) expect_true(is.sir(as.sir("S"))) x <- example_isolates$AMX expect_inherits(x[1], "sir") expect_inherits(x[[1]], "sir") expect_inherits(c(x[1], x[9]), "sir") expect_inherits(unique(x[1], x[9]), "sir") pdf(NULL) # prevent Rplots.pdf being created expect_silent(barplot(as.sir(c("S", "SDD", "I", "R", "NI")))) expect_silent(plot(as.sir(c("S", "SDD", "I", "R", "NI")))) if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("ggplot2")) { expect_inherits(ggplot2::autoplot(as.sir(c("S", "SDD", "I", "R", "NI"))), "gg") } expect_stdout(print(as.sir(c("S", "SDD", "I", "R", "NI")))) expect_equal(as.character(as.sir(c(1:3))), c("S", "I", "R")) expect_equal(as.character(as.sir(c(1:3))), c("S", "I", "R")) expect_equal(suppressWarnings(as.logical(as.sir("INVALID VALUE"))), NA) expect_equal( summary(as.sir(c("S", "R"))), structure(c( "Class" = "sir", "%S" = "50.0% (n=1)", "%SDD" = " 0.0% (n=0)", "%I" = " 0.0% (n=0)", "%R" = "50.0% (n=1)", "%NI" = " 0.0% (n=0)" ), class = c("summaryDefault", "table")) ) expect_identical( as.logical(lapply(example_isolates, is_sir_eligible)), as.logical(lapply(example_isolates, is.sir)) ) expect_error(as.sir.mic(as.mic(16))) expect_error(as.sir.disk(as.disk(16))) expect_error(get_guideline("this one does not exist")) if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("dplyr", min_version = "1.0.0", also_load = TRUE)) { # 40 sir columns expect_equal( example_isolates %>% mutate_at(vars(PEN:RIF), as.character) %>% lapply(is_sir_eligible) %>% as.logical() %>% sum(), 40 ) expect_equal(sum(is.sir(example_isolates)), 40) expect_stdout(print(tibble(ab = as.sir("S")))) expect_true(example_isolates %>% select(AMC, MEM) %>% mutate(MEM = as.sir(ifelse(AMC == "S", "S", MEM))) %>% pull(MEM) %>% is.sir()) expect_true(example_isolates %>% select(AMC, MEM) %>% mutate(MEM = if_else(AMC == "S", "S", MEM)) %>% pull(MEM) %>% is.sir()) } if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("skimr", min_version = "2.0.0", also_load = TRUE)) { expect_inherits( skim(example_isolates), "data.frame" ) if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("dplyr", min_version = "1.0.0", also_load = TRUE)) { expect_inherits( example_isolates %>% mutate( m = as.mic(2), d = as.disk(20) ) %>% skim(), "data.frame" ) } } expect_equal(as.sir(c("", "-", NA, "NULL")), c(NA_sir_, NA_sir_, NA_sir_, NA_sir_)) # Human ------------------------------------------------------------------- mics <- as.mic(2 ^ c(-4:6)) # 0.0625 to 64 in factors of 2 expect_identical(as.character(as.sir(mics, mo = "Enterobacterales", ab = "AMC", guideline = "EUCAST 2022", uti = FALSE, include_PKPD = FALSE)), c("S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "R", "R", "R")) expect_identical(as.character(as.sir(mics, mo = "Enterobacterales", ab = "AMC", guideline = "EUCAST 2022", uti = TRUE, include_PKPD = FALSE)), c("S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "R")) expect_identical(as.character(as.sir(mics, mo = "Escherichia coli", ab = "AMC", guideline = "EUCAST 2022", uti = FALSE, include_PKPD = FALSE)), c("S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "R", "R", "R")) # test SIR using dplyr's mutate_if(...) and mutate(across(...)) out1 <- as.sir(as.mic(c(0.256, 0.5, 1, 2)), mo = "Escherichia coli", ab = "ertapenem", guideline = "EUCAST 2023") expect_identical(out1, as.sir(c("S", "S", "R", "R"))) if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("dplyr", min_version = "1.0.0", also_load = TRUE)) { out2 <- data.frame(mo = "Escherichia coli", ab = "ertapenem", some_mics = as.mic(c(0.256, 0.5, 1, 2))) %>% mutate(across(where(is.mic), function(x) as.sir(x, mo = "mo", ab = "ab", guideline = "EUCAST 2023"))) %>% pull(some_mics) out3 <- data.frame(mo = "Escherichia coli", ab = "ertapenem", some_mics = as.mic(c(0.256, 0.5, 1, 2))) %>% mutate_if(is.mic, as.sir, mo = "mo", ab = "ab", guideline = "EUCAST 2023") %>% pull(some_mics) expect_identical(out1, out2) expect_identical(out1, out3) } # S. pneumoniae/ampicillin in EUCAST 2020: 0.5-2 ug/ml (R is only > 2) expect_equal(suppressMessages( as.character( as.sir( x = as.mic(c(0.125, 0.5, 1, 2, 4)), mo = "B_STRPT_PNMN", ab = "AMP", guideline = "EUCAST 2020" ) )), c("S", "S", "I", "I", "R") ) # S. pneumoniae/amoxicillin in CLSI 2019: 2-8 ug/ml (R is 8 and > 8) expect_equal(suppressMessages( as.character( as.sir( x = as.mic(c(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)), mo = "B_STRPT_PNMN", ab = "AMX", guideline = "CLSI 2019" ) )), c("S", "S", "I", "R", "R") ) expect_true(is.data.frame(sir_interpretation_history(clean = FALSE))) expect_true(is.data.frame(sir_interpretation_history(clean = TRUE))) expect_true(NROW(sir_interpretation_history()) == 0) # cutoffs at MIC = 8 expect_equal( suppressMessages(as.sir(as.mic(2), "E. coli", "ampicillin", guideline = "EUCAST 2020")), as.sir("S") ) expect_equal( suppressMessages(as.sir(as.mic(32), "E. coli", "ampicillin", guideline = "EUCAST 2020")), as.sir("R") ) if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("dplyr", min_version = "1.0.0", also_load = TRUE)) { expect_true(suppressWarnings(example_isolates %>% mutate(amox_mic = as.mic(2)) %>% select(mo, amox_mic) %>% as.sir() %>% pull(amox_mic) %>% is.sir())) } expect_equal( as.character( as.sir( x = as.disk(22), mo = "B_STRPT_PNMN", ab = "ERY", guideline = "CLSI" ) ), "S" ) expect_equal( as.character( as.sir( x = as.disk(18), mo = "B_STRPT_PNMN", ab = "ERY", guideline = "CLSI" ) ), "I" ) expect_equal( as.character( as.sir( x = as.disk(10), mo = "B_STRPT_PNMN", ab = "ERY", guideline = "CLSI" ) ), "R" ) if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("dplyr", min_version = "1.0.0", also_load = TRUE)) { expect_true(example_isolates %>% mutate(amox_disk = as.disk(15)) %>% select(mo, amox_disk) %>% as.sir(guideline = "CLSI") %>% pull(amox_disk) %>% is.sir()) # used by group_by() on sir_calc_df(), check some internals to see if grouped calculation without tidyverse works groups <- example_isolates %>% group_by(mo) %>% attributes() %>% .$groups expect_equal(nrow(groups), 90) expect_equal(class(groups$.rows), c("vctrs_list_of", "vctrs_vctr", "list")) expect_equal(groups$.rows[[1]], c(101, 524, 1368)) expect_equal(example_isolates[c(101, 524, 1368), "mo", drop = TRUE], rep(groups$mo[1], 3)) } # frequency tables if (AMR:::pkg_is_available("cleaner")) { expect_inherits(cleaner::freq(example_isolates$AMX), "freq") } df <- data.frame( microorganism = "Escherichia coli", AMP = as.mic(8), CIP = as.mic(0.256), GEN = as.disk(18), TOB = as.disk(16), ERY = "R", # note about assigning <rsi> class CLR = "V" ) # note about cleaning expect_inherits( suppressWarnings(as.sir(df)), "data.frame" ) expect_inherits( suppressWarnings(as.sir(data.frame( mo = "Escherichia coli", amoxi = c("S", "SDD", "I", "R", "NI", "invalid") ))$amoxi), "sir" ) # expect_warning(as.sir(data.frame(mo = "E. coli", NIT = c("<= 2", 32)))) expect_message(as.sir(data.frame( mo = "E. coli", NIT = c("<= 2", 32), uti = TRUE ))) expect_message(as.sir(data.frame( mo = "E. coli", NIT = c("<= 2", 32), specimen = c("urine", "blood") ))) # SDD vs I in CLSI 2024 expect_identical(as.sir(as.mic(2 ^ c(-2:4)), mo = "Enterococcus faecium", ab = "Dapto", guideline = "CLSI 2024"), as.sir(c("SDD", "SDD", "SDD", "SDD", "SDD", "R", "R"))) expect_identical(as.sir(as.mic(2 ^ c(-2:2)), mo = "Enterococcus faecium", ab = "Cipro ", guideline = "CLSI 2024"), as.sir(c("S", "S", "S", "I", "R"))) # Veterinary -------------------------------------------------------------- sir_history <- sir_interpretation_history(clean = TRUE) mics <- as.mic(2 ^ c(-4:6)) # 0.0625 to 64 in factors of 2 vet <- data.frame(animal = c(rep("cat", 3), rep("dogs", 3), "canine", "equine", "horse", "cattle", "bird"), PRA = mics, FLR = mics, mo = mo_name(rep(c("B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_PSTRL_MLTC", "B_MNNHM_HMLY"), 4)[-1])) out_vet <- as.sir(vet, host = vet$animal, guideline = "CLSI 2023") # host column name instead of values expect_identical(out_vet, as.sir(vet, host = "animal", guideline = "CLSI 2023")) # check outcomes expect_identical(out_vet$PRA, as.sir(c("S", NA, "S", NA, NA, "R", NA, NA, NA, "I", NA))) expect_identical(out_vet$FLR, as.sir(c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "R", NA))) out_vet <- as.sir(vet, host = "animal", guideline = "EUCAST 2023") expect_identical(out_vet$PRA, rep(NA_sir_, 11)) expect_identical(out_vet$FLR, as.sir(c("S", "S", NA, "S", "S", NA, "I", "R", NA, "R", "R"))) sir_history <- sir_interpretation_history() expect_identical(sort(sir_history$host), c("cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cats", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "cattle", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "dogs", "horse", "horse", "horse", "horse", "horse", "horse", "horse", "horse", "horse", "poultry","poultry","poultry","poultry")) # ECOFF ------------------------------------------------------------------- expect_equal( suppressMessages(as.sir(as.mic(2), "E. coli", "ampicillin", guideline = "EUCAST 2020", breakpoint_type = "ECOFF")), as.sir("S") ) # old method expect_warning(as.sir(as.mic(2), "E. coli", "ampicillin", guideline = "EUCAST 2020", ecoff = TRUE))