% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ggplot_rsi.R \name{ggplot_rsi} \alias{ggplot_rsi} \alias{geom_rsi} \alias{facet_rsi} \alias{scale_y_percent} \alias{scale_rsi_colours} \alias{theme_rsi} \title{AMR bar plots with \code{ggplot}} \usage{ ggplot_rsi(data, x = "Antibiotic", facet = NULL) geom_rsi(position = "stack", x = c("Antibiotic", "Interpretation")) facet_rsi(facet = c("Interpretation", "Antibiotic")) scale_y_percent() scale_rsi_colours() theme_rsi() } \arguments{ \item{data}{a \code{data.frame} with column(s) of class \code{"rsi"} (see \code{\link{as.rsi}})} \item{x}{parameter to show on x axis, either \code{"Antibiotic"} (default) or \code{"Interpretation"}} \item{facet}{parameter to split plots by, either \code{"Interpretation"} (default) or \code{"Antibiotic"}} \item{position}{position adjustment of bars, either \code{"stack"} (default) or \code{"dodge"}} } \description{ Use these functions to create bar plots for antimicrobial resistance analysis. All functions rely on internal \code{\link{ggplot}} functions. } \details{ At default, the names of antibiotics will be shown on the plots using \code{\link{abname}}. This can be set with the option \code{get_antibiotic_names} (a logical value), so change it e.g. to \code{FALSE} with \code{options(get_antibiotic_names = FALSE)}. \strong{The functions}\cr \code{geom_rsi} will take any variable from the data that has an \code{rsi} class (created with \code{\link{as.rsi}}) using \code{\link{portion_df}} and will plot bars with the percentage R, I and S. The default behaviour is to have the bars stacked and to have the different antibiotics on the x axis. \code{facet_rsi} creates 2d plots (at default based on S/I/R) using \code{\link{facet_wrap}}. \code{scale_y_percent} transforms the y axis to a 0 to 100% range. \code{scale_rsi_colours} sets colours to the bars: green for S, yellow for I and red for R. \code{theme_rsi} is a \code{\link{theme}} with minimal distraction. \code{ggplot_rsi} is a wrapper around all above functions that uses data as first input. This makes it possible to use this function after a pipe (\code{\%>\%}). See Examples. } \examples{ library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) # get antimicrobial results for drugs against a UTI: ggplot(septic_patients \%>\% select(amox, nitr, fosf, trim, cipr)) + geom_rsi() # prettify it using some additional functions df <- septic_patients[, c("amox", "nitr", "fosf", "trim", "cipr")] ggplot(df) + geom_rsi(x = "Interpretation") + facet_rsi(facet = "Antibiotic") + scale_y_percent() + scale_rsi_colours() + theme_rsi() # or better yet, simplify this using the wrapper function - a single command: septic_patients \%>\% select(amox, nitr, fosf, trim, cipr) \%>\% ggplot_rsi() septic_patients \%>\% select(amox, nitr, fosf, trim, cipr) \%>\% ggplot_rsi(x = "Interpretation", facet = "Antibiotic") }