% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/guess_ab_col.R \name{guess_ab_col} \alias{guess_ab_col} \title{Guess antibiotic column} \usage{ guess_ab_col(x = NULL, search_string = NULL, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \link{data.frame}} \item{search_string}{a text to search \code{x} for, will be checked with \code{\link[=as.ab]{as.ab()}} if this value is not a column in \code{x}} \item{verbose}{a logical to indicate whether additional info should be printed} } \value{ A column name of \code{x}, or \code{NULL} when no result is found. } \description{ This tries to find a column name in a data set based on information from the \link{antibiotics} data set. Also supports WHONET abbreviations. } \details{ You can look for an antibiotic (trade) name or abbreviation and it will search \code{x} and the \link{antibiotics} data set for any column containing a name or code of that antibiotic. \strong{Longer columns names take precendence over shorter column names.} } \section{Maturing lifecycle}{ \if{html}{\figure{lifecycle_maturing.svg}{options: style=margin-bottom:5px} \cr} The \link[=lifecycle]{lifecycle} of this function is \strong{maturing}. The unlying code of a maturing function has been roughed out, but finer details might still change. Since this function needs wider usage and more extensive testing, you are very welcome \href{https://github.com/msberends/AMR/issues}{to suggest changes at our repository} or \link[=AMR]{write us an email (see section 'Contact Us')}. } \section{Read more on our website!}{ On our website \url{https://msberends.github.io/AMR} you can find \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/AMR.html}{a comprehensive tutorial} about how to conduct AMR analysis, the \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/reference}{complete documentation of all functions} (which reads a lot easier than here in R) and \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/WHONET.html}{an example analysis using WHONET data}. As we would like to better understand the backgrounds and needs of our users, please \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/survey.html}{participate in our survey}! } \examples{ df <- data.frame(amox = "S", tetr = "R") guess_ab_col(df, "amoxicillin") # [1] "amox" guess_ab_col(df, "J01AA07") # ATC code of tetracycline # [1] "tetr" guess_ab_col(df, "J01AA07", verbose = TRUE) # NOTE: Using column `tetr` as input for `J01AA07` (tetracycline). # [1] "tetr" # WHONET codes df <- data.frame(AMP_ND10 = "R", AMC_ED20 = "S") guess_ab_col(df, "ampicillin") # [1] "AMP_ND10" guess_ab_col(df, "J01CR02") # [1] "AMC_ED20" guess_ab_col(df, as.ab("augmentin")) # [1] "AMC_ED20" # Longer names take precendence: df <- data.frame(AMP_ED2 = "S", AMP_ED20 = "S") guess_ab_col(df, "ampicillin") # [1] "AMP_ED20" }