Used in more than 100 countries
Since its first public release in early 2018, this package has been downloaded from more than 100 countries (as of March 2020, CRAN logs). Click the map to enlarge, to see the names of the countries.
# `AMR` (for R)
> *18 October 2019*
> A methods paper about this package has been preprinted at bioRxiv (DOI: 10.1101/810622). It was **updated on 18 December 2019** and in parallel sent to a journal. Please click [here for the paper on bioRxiv's publishers page](
### What is `AMR` (for R)?
Used in more than 100 countries
Since its first public release in early 2018, this package has been downloaded from more than 100 countries (as of March 2020, CRAN logs). Click the map to enlarge, to see the names of the countries.