% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/get_episode.R \name{get_episode} \alias{get_episode} \alias{is_new_episode} \title{Determine (Clinical or Epidemic) Episodes} \usage{ get_episode(x, episode_days = NULL, case_free_days = NULL, ...) is_new_episode(x, episode_days = NULL, case_free_days = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{vector of dates (class \code{Date} or \code{POSIXt}), will be sorted internally to determine episodes} \item{episode_days}{episode length in days to specify the time period after which a new episode begins, can also be less than a day or \code{Inf}, see \emph{Details}} \item{case_free_days}{(inter-epidemic) interval length in days after which a new episode will start, can also be less than a day or \code{Inf}, see \emph{Details}} \item{...}{ignored, only in place to allow future extensions} } \value{ \itemize{ \item \code{\link[=get_episode]{get_episode()}}: an \link{integer} vector \item \code{\link[=is_new_episode]{is_new_episode()}}: a \link{logical} vector } } \description{ These functions determine which items in a vector can be considered (the start of) a new episode. This can be used to determine clinical episodes for any epidemiological analysis. The \code{\link[=get_episode]{get_episode()}} function returns the index number of the episode per group, while the \code{\link[=is_new_episode]{is_new_episode()}} function returns \code{TRUE} for every new \code{\link[=get_episode]{get_episode()}} index. Both absolute and relative episode determination are supported. } \details{ Episodes can be determined in two ways: absolute and relative. \enumerate{ \item Absolute This method uses \code{episode_days} to define an episode length in days, after which a new episode will start. A common use case in AMR data analysis is microbial epidemiology: episodes of \emph{S. aureus} bacteraemia in ICU patients for example. The episode length could then be 30 days, so that new \emph{S. aureus} isolates after an ICU episode of 30 days will be considered a different (or new) episode. Thus, this method counts \strong{since the start of the previous episode}. \item Relative This method uses \code{case_free_days} to quantify the duration of case-free days (the inter-epidemic interval), after which a new episode will start. A common use case is infectious disease epidemiology: episodes of norovirus outbreaks in a hospital for example. The case-free period could then be 14 days, so that new norovirus cases after that time will be considered a different (or new) episode. Thus, this methods counts \strong{since the last case in the previous episode}. } In a table:\tabular{ccc}{ Date \tab Using \code{episode_days = 7} \tab Using \code{case_free_days = 7} \cr 2023-01-01 \tab 1 \tab 1 \cr 2023-01-02 \tab 1 \tab 1 \cr 2023-01-05 \tab 1 \tab 1 \cr 2023-01-08 \tab 2** \tab 1 \cr 2023-02-21 \tab 3 \tab 2*** \cr 2023-02-22 \tab 3 \tab 2 \cr 2023-02-23 \tab 3 \tab 2 \cr 2023-02-24 \tab 3 \tab 2 \cr 2023-03-01 \tab 4 \tab 2 \cr } ** This marks the start of a new episode, because 8 January 2023 is more than 7 days since the start of the previous episode (1 January 2023). \cr *** This marks the start of a new episode, because 21 January 2023 is more than 7 days since the last case in the previous episode (8 January 2023). Either \code{episode_days} or \code{case_free_days} must be provided in the function. \subsection{Difference between \code{get_episode()} and \code{is_new_episode()}}{ The \code{\link[=get_episode]{get_episode()}} function returns the index number of the episode, so all cases/patients/isolates in the first episode will have the number 1, all cases/patients/isolates in the second episode will have the number 2, etc. The \code{\link[=is_new_episode]{is_new_episode()}} function returns \code{TRUE} for every new \code{\link[=get_episode]{get_episode()}} index, and is thus equal to \code{!duplicated(get_episode(...))}. To specify, when setting \code{episode_days = 365} (using method 1 as explained above), this is how the two functions differ:\tabular{cccc}{ patient \tab date \tab \code{get_episode()} \tab \code{is_new_episode()} \cr A \tab 2019-01-01 \tab 1 \tab TRUE \cr A \tab 2019-03-01 \tab 1 \tab FALSE \cr A \tab 2021-01-01 \tab 2 \tab TRUE \cr B \tab 2008-01-01 \tab 1 \tab TRUE \cr B \tab 2008-01-01 \tab 1 \tab FALSE \cr C \tab 2020-01-01 \tab 1 \tab TRUE \cr } } \subsection{Other}{ The \code{\link[=first_isolate]{first_isolate()}} function is a wrapper around the \code{\link[=is_new_episode]{is_new_episode()}} function, but is more efficient for data sets containing microorganism codes or names and allows for different isolate selection methods. The \code{dplyr} package is not required for these functions to work, but these episode functions do support \link[dplyr:group_by]{variable grouping} and work conveniently inside \code{dplyr} verbs such as \code{\link[dplyr:filter]{filter()}}, \code{\link[dplyr:mutate]{mutate()}} and \code{\link[dplyr:summarise]{summarise()}}. } } \examples{ # difference between absolute and relative determination of episodes: x <- data.frame(dates = as.Date(c( "2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-08", "2021-02-21", "2021-02-22", "2021-02-23", "2021-02-24", "2021-03-01", "2021-03-01" ))) x$absolute <- get_episode(x$dates, episode_days = 7) x$relative <- get_episode(x$dates, case_free_days = 7) x # `example_isolates` is a data set available in the AMR package. # See ?example_isolates df <- example_isolates[sample(seq_len(2000), size = 100), ] get_episode(df$date, episode_days = 60) # indices is_new_episode(df$date, episode_days = 60) # TRUE/FALSE # filter on results from the third 60-day episode only, using base R df[which(get_episode(df$date, 60) == 3), ] # the functions also work for less than a day, e.g. to include one per hour: get_episode( c( Sys.time(), Sys.time() + 60 * 60 ), episode_days = 1 / 24 ) \donttest{ if (require("dplyr")) { # is_new_episode() can also be used in dplyr verbs to determine patient # episodes based on any (combination of) grouping variables: df \%>\% mutate(condition = sample( x = c("A", "B", "C"), size = 100, replace = TRUE )) \%>\% group_by(patient, condition) \%>\% mutate(new_episode = is_new_episode(date, 365)) \%>\% select(patient, date, condition, new_episode) \%>\% arrange(patient, condition, date) } if (require("dplyr")) { df \%>\% group_by(ward, patient) \%>\% transmute(date, patient, new_index = get_episode(date, 60), new_logical = is_new_episode(date, 60) ) \%>\% arrange(patient, ward, date) } if (require("dplyr")) { df \%>\% group_by(ward) \%>\% summarise( n_patients = n_distinct(patient), n_episodes_365 = sum(is_new_episode(date, episode_days = 365)), n_episodes_60 = sum(is_new_episode(date, episode_days = 60)), n_episodes_30 = sum(is_new_episode(date, episode_days = 30)) ) } # grouping on patients and microorganisms leads to the same # results as first_isolate() when using 'episode-based': if (require("dplyr")) { x <- df \%>\% filter_first_isolate( include_unknown = TRUE, method = "episode-based" ) y <- df \%>\% group_by(patient, mo) \%>\% filter(is_new_episode(date, 365)) \%>\% ungroup() identical(x, y) } # but is_new_episode() has a lot more flexibility than first_isolate(), # since you can now group on anything that seems relevant: if (require("dplyr")) { df \%>\% group_by(patient, mo, ward) \%>\% mutate(flag_episode = is_new_episode(date, 365)) \%>\% select(group_vars(.), flag_episode) } } } \seealso{ \code{\link[=first_isolate]{first_isolate()}} }