# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Data Analysis for R # # # # SOURCE # # https://github.com/msberends/AMR # # # # LICENCE # # (c) 2018-2022 Berends MS, Luz CF et al. # # Developed at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in # # collaboration with non-profit organisations Certe Medical # # Diagnostics & Advice, and University Medical Center Groningen. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # # # Visit our website for the full manual and a complete tutorial about # # how to conduct AMR data analysis: https://msberends.github.io/AMR/ # # ==================================================================== # #' Translate Strings from the AMR Package #' #' For language-dependent output of AMR functions, like [mo_name()], [mo_gramstain()], [mo_type()] and [ab_name()]. #' @inheritSection lifecycle Stable Lifecycle #' @param x text to translate #' @param lang language to choose. Use one of these supported language names or ISO-639-1 codes: `r paste0('"', names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED), '" ("' , LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED, '")', collapse = ", ")`. #' @details The currently `r length(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED)` supported languages are `r vector_and(names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED), quotes = FALSE, sort = FALSE)`. All these languages have translations available for all antimicrobial agents and colloquial microorganism names. #' #' Please suggest your own translations [by creating a new issue on our repository](https://github.com/msberends/AMR/issues/new?title=Translations). Strings will be translated to foreign languages if they are defined in [this repository file](https://github.com/msberends/AMR/blob/main/data-raw/translations.tsv). This file will be read by all functions where a translated output can be desired, like all [`mo_*`][mo_property()] functions (such as [mo_name()], [mo_gramstain()], [mo_type()], etc.) and [`ab_*`][ab_property()] functions (such as [ab_name()], [ab_group()], etc.). #' #' ## Changing the Default Language #' The system language will be used at default (as returned by `Sys.getenv("LANG")` or, if `LANG` is not set, [Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")]), if that language is supported. But the language to be used can be overwritten in two ways and will be checked in this order: #' #' 1. Setting the R option `AMR_locale`, either by using `set_AMR_locale()` or by running e.g. `options(AMR_locale = "de")`. #' #' Note that setting an \R option only works in the same session. Save the command `options(AMR_locale = "(your language)")` to your `.Rprofile` file to apply it for every session. #' 2. Setting the system variable `LANGUAGE` or `LANG`, e.g. by adding `LANGUAGE="de_DE.utf8"` to your `.Renviron` file in your home directory. #' #' Thus, if the R option `AMR_locale` is set, the system variables `LANGUAGE` and `LANG` will be ignored. #' @inheritSection AMR Read more on Our Website! #' @rdname translate #' @name translate #' @export #' @examples #' # Current settings #' ab_name("Ciprofloxacin") #' mo_name("Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus") #' #' # setting another language #' set_AMR_locale("Greek") #' ab_name("Ciprofloxacin") #' mo_name("Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus") #' #' set_AMR_locale("Spanish") #' ab_name("Ciprofloxacin") #' mo_name("Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus") #' #' reset_AMR_locale() get_AMR_locale <- function() { if (!is.null(getOption("AMR_locale", default = NULL))) { return(validate_language(getOption("AMR_locale"), extra_txt = "set with `options(AMR_locale = ...)`")) } lang <- "" # now check the LANGUAGE system variable - return it if set if (!identical("", Sys.getenv("LANGUAGE"))) { lang <- Sys.getenv("LANGUAGE") } if (!identical("", Sys.getenv("LANG"))) { lang <- Sys.getenv("LANG") } if (lang == "") { lang <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE") } lang <- find_language(lang) if (lang != "en" && interactive() && message_not_thrown_before("get_AMR_locale", entire_session = TRUE)) { message_("Assuming the ", names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED)[LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED == lang], " language for the AMR package. Change this with `set_AMR_locale()`. ", "This note will be shown once per session.") } lang } #' @rdname translate #' @export set_AMR_locale <- function(lang) { lang <- validate_language(lang) options(AMR_locale = lang) message_("Using the ", names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED)[LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED == lang], " language for the AMR package for this session.") } #' @rdname translate #' @export reset_AMR_locale <- function() { options(AMR_locale = NULL) message_("Language for the AMR package reset to English for this session.") } #' @rdname translate #' @export translate_AMR <- function(x, language = get_AMR_locale()) { translate_into_language(x, language = language) } validate_language <- function(language, extra_txt = character(0)) { language.bak <- language language <- LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED[which(tolower(language) == LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED | tolower(names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED)) == tolower(language))][1] stop_ifnot(language %in% LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED, "unsupported language for AMR package", extra_txt, ": \"", language.bak, "\". Use one of these language names or ISO-639-1 codes: ", paste0('"', names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED), '" ("' , LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED, '")', collapse = ", "), call = FALSE) unname(language) } find_language <- function(lang) { # grepl() with ignore.case = FALSE is 8x faster than %like_case% if (grepl("^(English|en_|EN_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { # as first option to optimise speed "en" } else if (grepl("^(Chinese|zh_|ZH_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "zh" } else if (grepl("^(Danish|Dansk|da_|DA_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "da" } else if (grepl("^(Dutch|Nederlands|nl_|NL_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "nl" } else if (grepl("^(French|Fran.+ais|fr_|FR_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "fr" } else if (grepl("^(German|Deutsch|de_|DE_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "de" } else if (grepl("^(Greek|el_|EL_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "el" } else if (grepl("^(Italian|Italiano|it_|IT_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "it" } else if (grepl("^(Japanese|ja_|JA_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "ja" } else if (grepl("^(Polish|polsk|pl_|PL_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "pl" } else if (grepl("^(Portuguese|Portugu.+s|pt_|PT_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "pt" } else if (grepl("^(Russian|pycc|ru_|RU_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "ru" } else if (grepl("^(Spanish|Espa.+ol|es_|ES_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "es" } else if (grepl("^(Swedish|Svenskt|sv_|SV_)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "sv" } else if (grepl("^(Ukrainian|uk_|UK)", lang, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = TRUE)) { "uk" } else { # other language -> set to English "en" } } # translate strings based on inst/translations.tsv translate_into_language <- function(from, language = get_AMR_locale(), only_unknown = FALSE, only_affect_ab_names = FALSE, only_affect_mo_names = FALSE) { if (is.null(language)) { return(from) } if (language %in% c("en", "", NA)) { return(from) } df_trans <- TRANSLATIONS # internal data file from.bak <- from from_unique <- unique(from) from_unique_translated <- from_unique # name of language used language.bak <- language language <- LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED[which(tolower(language) == LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED | tolower(names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED)) == tolower(language))][1] stop_ifnot(language %in% LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED, "unsupported language: \"", language.bak, "\" - use one of these language names or ISO-639-1 codes: ", paste0('"', names(LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED), '" ("' , LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED, '")', collapse = ", "), call = FALSE) # only keep lines where translation is available for this language df_trans <- df_trans[which(!is.na(df_trans[, language, drop = TRUE])), , drop = FALSE] # and where the original string is not equal to the string in the target language df_trans <- df_trans[which(df_trans[, "pattern", drop = TRUE] != df_trans[, language, drop = TRUE]), , drop = FALSE] if (only_unknown == TRUE) { df_trans <- subset(df_trans, pattern %like% "unknown") } if (only_affect_ab_names == TRUE) { df_trans <- subset(df_trans, affect_ab_name == TRUE) } if (only_affect_mo_names == TRUE) { df_trans <- subset(df_trans, affect_mo_name == TRUE) } if (NROW(df_trans) == 0) { return(from) } # default: case sensitive if value if 'case_sensitive' is missing: df_trans$case_sensitive[is.na(df_trans$case_sensitive)] <- TRUE # default: not using regular expressions if 'regular_expr' is missing: df_trans$regular_expr[is.na(df_trans$regular_expr)] <- FALSE # check if text to look for is in one of the patterns any_form_in_patterns <- tryCatch( any(from_unique %like% paste0("(", paste(gsub(" +\\(.*", "", df_trans$pattern), collapse = "|"), ")")), error = function(e) { warning_("Translation not possible. Please open an issue on GitHub (https://github.com/msberends/AMR/issues).") return(FALSE) }) if (NROW(df_trans) == 0 | !any_form_in_patterns) { return(from) } lapply(seq_len(nrow(df_trans)), function(i) from_unique_translated <<- gsub(pattern = df_trans$pattern[i], replacement = df_trans[i, language, drop = TRUE], x = from_unique_translated, ignore.case = !df_trans$case_sensitive[i] & df_trans$regular_expr[i], fixed = !df_trans$regular_expr[i], perl = df_trans$regular_expr[i])) # force UTF-8 for diacritics from_unique_translated <- enc2utf8(from_unique_translated) # a kind of left join to get all results back from_unique_translated[match(from.bak, from_unique)] }