# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis # # # # AUTHORS # # Berends MS (m.s.berends@umcg.nl), Luz CF (c.f.luz@umcg.nl) # # # # LICENCE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0, # # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # ==================================================================== # #' Determine first (weighted) isolates #' #' Determine first (weighted) isolates of all microorganisms of every patient per episode and (if needed) per specimen type. #' @param tbl a \code{data.frame} containing isolates. #' @param col_date column name of the result date (or date that is was received on the lab) #' @param col_patid column name of the unique IDs of the patients #' @param col_genus column name of the genus of the microorganisms #' @param col_species column name of the species of the microorganisms #' @param col_testcode column name of the test codes, see Details #' @param col_specimen column name of the specimen type or group #' @param col_icu column name of the logicals (\code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}) whether a ward or department is an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) #' @param col_keyantibiotics column name of the key antibiotics to determine first \emph{weighted} isolates, see \code{\link{key_antibiotics}}. #' @param episode_days episode in days after which a genus/species combination will be determined as 'first isolate' again #' @param testcodes_exclude character vector with test codes that should be excluded (caseINsensitive) #' @param icu_exclude logical whether ICU isolates should be excluded #' @param filter_specimen specimen group or type that should be excluded #' @param output_logical return output as \code{logical} (will else the values \code{0} or \code{1}) #' @param ignore_I ignore \code{"I"} as antimicrobial interpretation of key antibiotics (with \code{FALSE}, changes in antibiograms from S to I and I to R will be interpreted as difference) #' @param info print progress # @param ... parameters to pass through to \code{first_isolate}. #' @rdname first_isolate #' @details To conduct an analysis of antimicrobial resistance, you should only include the first isolate of every patient per episode. If you would not do this, you could easily get an overestimate or underestimate of the resistance of an antibiotic. Imagine that a patient was admitted with an MRSA and that is was found in 5 different blood cultures the following week. The resistance percentage of oxacillin of all \emph{S. aureus} isolates would be overestimated, because you included this MRSA more than once. It would be selection bias. #' #' Use \code{col_testcode = NA} to \strong{not} exclude certain test codes (like test codes for screening). In that case \code{testcodes_exclude} will be ignored. #' @keywords isolate isolates first #' @importFrom dplyr arrange_at lag between row_number filter mutate arrange #' @return A vector to add to table, see Examples. #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' #' # set key antibiotics to a new variable #' tbl$keyab <- key_antibiotics(tbl) #' #' tbl$first_isolate <- #' first_isolate(tbl) #' #' tbl$first_isolate_weighed <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' col_keyantibiotics = 'keyab') #' #' tbl$first_blood_isolate <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' filter_specimen = 'Blood') #' #' tbl$first_blood_isolate_weighed <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' filter_specimen = 'Blood', #' col_keyantibiotics = 'keyab') #' #' tbl$first_urine_isolate <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' filter_specimen = 'Urine') #' #' tbl$first_urine_isolate_weighed <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' filter_specimen = 'Urine', #' col_keyantibiotics = 'keyab') #' #' tbl$first_resp_isolate <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' filter_specimen = 'Respiratory') #' #' tbl$first_resp_isolate_weighed <- #' first_isolate(tbl, #' filter_specimen = 'Respiratory', #' col_keyantibiotics = 'keyab') #' } first_isolate <- function(tbl, col_date, col_patid, col_genus, col_species, col_testcode = NA, col_specimen, col_icu, col_keyantibiotics = NA, episode_days = 365, testcodes_exclude = '', icu_exclude = FALSE, filter_specimen = NA, output_logical = TRUE, ignore_I = TRUE, info = TRUE) { # controleren of kolommen wel bestaan check_columns_existance <- function(column, tblname = tbl) { if (NROW(tblname) <= 1 | NCOL(tblname) <= 1) { stop('Please check tbl for existance.') } if (!is.na(column)) { if (!(column %in% colnames(tblname))) { stop('Column ', column, ' not found.') } } } check_columns_existance(col_date) check_columns_existance(col_patid) check_columns_existance(col_genus) check_columns_existance(col_species) check_columns_existance(col_testcode) check_columns_existance(col_icu) check_columns_existance(col_keyantibiotics) if (is.na(col_testcode)) { testcodes_exclude <- NA } # testcodes verwijderen die ingevuld zijn if (!is.na(testcodes_exclude[1]) & testcodes_exclude[1] != '' & info == TRUE) { cat('Isolates from these test codes will be ignored:\n', toString(testcodes_exclude), '\n') } if (is.na(col_icu)) { icu_exclude <- FALSE } else { tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(col_icu = tbl %>% pull(col_icu) %>% as.logical()) } specgroup.notice <- '' weighted.notice <- '' # filteren op materiaalgroep en sleutelantibiotica gebruiken wanneer deze ingevuld zijn if (!is.na(filter_specimen) & filter_specimen != '') { check_columns_existance(col_specimen, tbl) if (info == TRUE) { cat('Isolates other than of specimen group \'', filter_specimen, '\' will be ignored. ', sep = '') } } else { filter_specimen <- '' } if (col_keyantibiotics %in% c(NA, '')) { col_keyantibiotics <- '' } else { tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(key_ab = tbl %>% pull(col_keyantibiotics)) } if (is.na(testcodes_exclude[1])) { testcodes_exclude <- '' } # nieuwe dataframe maken met de oorspronkelijke rij-index, 0-bepaling en juiste sortering #cat('Sorting table...') tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(first_isolate_row_index = 1:nrow(tbl), eersteisolaatbepaling = 0, date_lab = tbl %>% pull(col_date), species = if_else(is.na(species), '', species), genus = if_else(is.na(genus), '', genus)) if (filter_specimen == '') { if (icu_exclude == FALSE) { if (info == TRUE) { cat('Isolates from ICU will *NOT* be ignored.\n') } tbl <- tbl %>% arrange_at(c(col_patid, col_genus, col_species, col_date)) row.start <- 1 row.end <- nrow(tbl) } else { if (info == TRUE) { cat('Isolates from ICU will be ignored.\n') } tbl <- tbl %>% arrange_at(c(col_icu, col_patid, col_genus, col_species, col_date)) suppressWarnings( row.start <- which(tbl %>% pull(col_icu) == FALSE) %>% min(na.rm = TRUE) ) suppressWarnings( row.end <- which(tbl %>% pull(col_icu) == FALSE) %>% max(na.rm = TRUE) ) } } else { # sorteren op materiaal en alleen die rijen analyseren om tijd te besparen if (icu_exclude == FALSE) { if (info == TRUE) { cat('Isolates from ICU will *NOT* be ignored.\n') } tbl <- tbl %>% arrange_at(c(col_specimen, col_patid, col_genus, col_species, col_date)) suppressWarnings( row.start <- which(tbl %>% pull(col_specimen) == filter_specimen) %>% min(na.rm = TRUE) ) suppressWarnings( row.end <- which(tbl %>% pull(col_specimen) == filter_specimen) %>% max(na.rm = TRUE) ) } else { if (info == TRUE) { cat('Isolates from ICU will be ignored.\n') } tbl <- tbl %>% arrange_at(c(col_icu, col_specimen, col_patid, col_genus, col_species, col_date)) suppressWarnings( row.start <- which(tbl %>% pull(col_specimen) == filter_specimen & tbl %>% pull(col_icu) == FALSE) %>% min(na.rm = TRUE) ) suppressWarnings( row.end <- which(tbl %>% pull(col_specimen) == filter_specimen & tbl %>% pull(col_icu) == FALSE) %>% max(na.rm = TRUE) ) } } if (abs(row.start) == Inf | abs(row.end) == Inf) { if (info == TRUE) { cat('No isolates found.\n') } # NA's maken waar genus niet beschikbaar is tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(real_first_isolate = if_else(genus == '', NA, FALSE)) if (output_logical == FALSE) { tbl$real_first_isolate <- tbl %>% pull(real_first_isolate) %>% as.integer() } return(tbl %>% pull(real_first_isolate)) } scope.size <- tbl %>% filter(row_number() %>% between(row.start, row.end), genus != '') %>% nrow() # Analyse van eerste isolaat ---- all_first <- tbl %>% mutate(other_pat_or_mo = if_else(patient_id == lag(patient_id) & genus == lag(genus) & species == lag(species), FALSE, TRUE), days_diff = 0) %>% mutate(days_diff = if_else(other_pat_or_mo == FALSE, (date_lab - lag(date_lab)) + lag(days_diff), 0)) if (col_keyantibiotics != '') { # dit duurt 2 min bij 120.000 isolaten if (info == TRUE) { cat('Comparing key antibiotics for first weighted isolates') if (ignore_I == TRUE) { cat(' (ignoring I)') } cat('...\n') } all_first <- all_first %>% mutate(key_ab_lag = lag(key_ab)) %>% mutate(key_ab_other = !key_antibiotics_equal(key_ab, key_ab_lag, ignore_I = ignore_I, info = info)) %>% mutate( real_first_isolate = if_else( between(row_number(), row.start, row.end) & genus != '' & (other_pat_or_mo | days_diff >= episode_days | key_ab_other), TRUE, FALSE)) if (info == TRUE) { cat('\n') } } else { all_first <- all_first %>% mutate( real_first_isolate = if_else( between(row_number(), row.start, row.end) & genus != '' & (other_pat_or_mo | days_diff >= episode_days), TRUE, FALSE)) } # allereerst isolaat als TRUE all_first[row.start, 'real_first_isolate'] <- TRUE # geen testen die uitgesloten moeten worden, of ICU if (!is.na(col_testcode)) { all_first[which(all_first[, col_testcode] %in% tolower(testcodes_exclude)), 'real_first_isolate'] <- FALSE } if (icu_exclude == TRUE) { all_first[which(all_first[, col_icu] == TRUE), 'real_first_isolate'] <- FALSE } # NA's maken waar genus niet beschikbaar is all_first <- all_first %>% mutate(real_first_isolate = if_else(genus == '', NA, real_first_isolate)) all_first <- all_first %>% arrange(first_isolate_row_index) %>% pull(real_first_isolate) if (info == TRUE) { cat(paste0('\nFound ', all_first %>% sum(na.rm = TRUE), ' first ', weighted.notice, 'isolates (', (all_first %>% sum(na.rm = TRUE) / scope.size) %>% percent(), ' of isolates in scope [where genus was not empty] and ', (all_first %>% sum(na.rm = TRUE) / tbl %>% nrow()) %>% percent(), ' of total)\n')) } if (output_logical == FALSE) { all_first <- all_first %>% as.integer() } all_first } #' Key antibiotics based on bacteria ID #' #' @param tbl table with antibiotics coloms, like \code{amox} and \code{amcl}. #' @param col_bactcode column of bacteria IDs in \code{tbl}; these should occur in \code{bactlist$bactid}, see \code{\link{bactlist}} #' @param info print warnings #' @param amcl,amox,cfot,cfta,cftr,cfur,cipr,clar,clin,clox,doxy,gent,line,mero,peni,pita,rifa,teic,trsu,vanc column names of antibiotics. #' @export #' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate if_else #' @return Character of length 1. #' @seealso \code{\link{mo_property}} \code{\link{ablist}} #' @examples #' \donttest{ #' #' # set key antibiotics to a new variable #' tbl$keyab <- key_antibiotics(tbl) #' } key_antibiotics <- function(tbl, col_bactcode = 'bacteriecode', info = TRUE, amcl = 'amcl', amox = 'amox', cfot = 'cfot', cfta = 'cfta', cftr = 'cftr', cfur = 'cfur', cipr = 'cipr', clar = 'clar', clin = 'clin', clox = 'clox', doxy = 'doxy', gent = 'gent', line = 'line', mero = 'mero', peni = 'peni', pita = 'pita', rifa = 'rifa', teic = 'teic', trsu = 'trsu', vanc = 'vanc') { keylist <- character(length = nrow(tbl)) # check columns col.list <- c(amox, cfot, cfta, cftr, cfur, cipr, clar, clin, clox, doxy, gent, line, mero, peni, pita, rifa, teic, trsu, vanc) col.list <- col.list[!is.na(col.list)] if (!all(col.list %in% colnames(tbl))) { if (info == TRUE) { warning('These columns do not exist and will be ignored:\n', col.list[!(col.list %in% colnames(tbl))] %>% toString(), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE) } } # bactlist aan vastknopen tbl <- tbl %>% left_join_bactlist(col_bactcode) tbl$key_ab <- NA_character_ # Staphylococcus list_ab <- c(clox, trsu, teic, vanc, doxy, line, clar, rifa) list_ab <- list_ab[list_ab %in% colnames(tbl)] tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(key_ab = if_else(genus == 'Staphylococcus', apply(X = tbl[, list_ab], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")), key_ab)) # Rest of Gram + list_ab <- c(peni, amox, teic, vanc, clin, line, clar, trsu) list_ab <- list_ab[list_ab %in% colnames(tbl)] tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(key_ab = if_else(gramstain %like% '^Positi[e]?ve', apply(X = tbl[, list_ab], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")), key_ab)) # Gram - list_ab <- c(amox, amcl, pita, cfur, cfot, cfta, cftr, mero, cipr, trsu, gent) list_ab <- list_ab[list_ab %in% colnames(tbl)] tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(key_ab = if_else(gramstain %like% '^Negati[e]?ve', apply(X = tbl[, list_ab], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")), key_ab)) # format tbl <- tbl %>% mutate(key_ab = gsub('(NA|NULL)', '-', key_ab) %>% toupper()) tbl$key_ab } # Compare key antibiotics # # Check whether two text values with key antibiotics match. Supports vectors. # @param x,y tekst (or multiple text vectors) with antimicrobial interpretations # @param ignore_I ignore \code{"I"} as antimicrobial interpretation of key antibiotics (with \code{FALSE}, changes in antibiograms from S to I and I to R will be interpreted as difference) # @param info print progress # @return logical # @export # @seealso \code{\link{key_antibiotics}} # only internal use key_antibiotics_equal <- function(x, y, ignore_I = TRUE, info = FALSE) { if (length(x) != length(y)) { stop('Length of `x` and `y` must be equal.') } result <- logical(length(x)) if (info == TRUE) { voortgang <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(x)) } for (i in 1:length(x)) { if (info == TRUE) { voortgang$tick()$print() } if (is.na(x[i])) { x[i] <- '' } if (is.na(y[i])) { y[i] <- '' } if (nchar(x[i]) != nchar(y[i])) { result[i] <- FALSE } else if (x[i] == '' & y[i] == '') { result[i] <- TRUE } else { x2 <- strsplit(x[i], "")[[1]] y2 <- strsplit(y[i], "")[[1]] if (ignore_I == TRUE) { valid_chars <- c('S', 's', 'R', 'r') } else { valid_chars <- c('S', 's', 'I', 'i', 'R', 'r') } # Ongeldige waarden (zoals "-", NA) op beide locaties verwijderen x2[which(!x2 %in% valid_chars)] <- '?' x2[which(!y2 %in% valid_chars)] <- '?' y2[which(!x2 %in% valid_chars)] <- '?' y2[which(!y2 %in% valid_chars)] <- '?' result[i] <- all(x2 == y2) } } if (info == TRUE) { cat('\n') } result }