* This package has been archived on 22 May 2021 because of errors in the dplyr package, causing the skimr package to fail: . This AMR package contains a fix around this error. Nonetheless, an automated email sent to the maintainer with a warning that the AMR package would be archived would have saved us this archiving. Perhaps an idea for future development of CRAN? * This package continuously has a tarball size of over 7 MB and an installation size of over 5 MB, which will return a NOTE on R CMD CHECK. This has been the case in the last releases as well. The package size is needed to offer users reference data for the complete taxonomy of microorganisms - one of the most important features of this package. This was written and explained in a manuscript that was accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Software earlier this year. We will add the paper as a vignette after publication in a next version. All data sets were compressed using `compression = "xz"` to make them as small as possible.