# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis # # # # SOURCE # # https://gitlab.com/msberends/AMR # # # # LICENCE # # (c) 2018-2020 Berends MS, Luz CF et al. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # Visit our website for more info: https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR. # # ==================================================================== # #' Filter isolates on result in antimicrobial class #' #' Filter isolates on results in specific antimicrobial classes. This makes it easy to filter on isolates that were tested for e.g. any aminoglycoside, or to filter on carbapenem-resistant isolates without the need to specify the drugs. #' @inheritSection lifecycle Stable lifecycle #' @param x a data set #' @param ab_class an antimicrobial class, like `"carbapenems"`, as can be found in [`antibiotics$group`][antibiotics] #' @param result an antibiotic result: S, I or R (or a combination of more of them) #' @param scope the scope to check which variables to check, can be `"any"` (default) or `"all"` #' @param ... parameters passed on to `filter_at` from the `dplyr` package #' @details The columns `group`, `atc_group1` and `atc_group2` of the [antibiotics] data set will be searched for the input given in `ab_class` (case-insensitive). Next, `x` will be checked for column names with a value in any abbreviation, code or official name found in the [antibiotics] data set. #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' library(dplyr) #' #' # filter on isolates that have any result for any aminoglycoside #' example_isolates %>% filter_ab_class("aminoglycoside") #' example_isolates %>% filter_aminoglycosides() #' #' # this is essentially the same as (but without determination of column names): #' example_isolates %>% #' filter_at(.vars = vars(c("GEN", "TOB", "AMK", "KAN")), #' .vars_predicate = any_vars(. %in% c("S", "I", "R"))) #' #' #' # filter on isolates that show resistance to ANY aminoglycoside #' example_isolates %>% filter_aminoglycosides("R", "any") #' #' # filter on isolates that show resistance to ALL aminoglycosides #' example_isolates %>% filter_aminoglycosides("R", "all") #' #' # filter on isolates that show resistance to #' # any aminoglycoside and any fluoroquinolone #' example_isolates %>% #' filter_aminoglycosides("R") %>% #' filter_fluoroquinolones("R") #' #' # filter on isolates that show resistance to #' # all aminoglycosides and all fluoroquinolones #' example_isolates %>% #' filter_aminoglycosides("R", "all") %>% #' filter_fluoroquinolones("R", "all") #' } filter_ab_class <- function(x, ab_class, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { check_dataset_integrity() if (!is.data.frame(x)) { stop("`x` must be a data frame.", call. = FALSE) } # save to return later x_class <- class(x) x.bak <- x x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) scope <- scope[1L] if (is.null(result)) { result <- c("S", "I", "R") } # make result = "SI" works too: result <- unlist(strsplit(result, "")) if (!all(result %in% c("S", "I", "R"))) { stop("`result` must be one or more of: S, I, R", call. = FALSE) } if (!all(scope %in% c("any", "all"))) { stop("`scope` must be one of: any, all", call. = FALSE) } # get all columns in data with names that resemble antibiotics ab_in_data <- suppressMessages(get_column_abx(x)) if (length(ab_in_data) == 0) { message(font_blue("NOTE: no antimicrobial agents found, data left unchanged.")) return(x.bak) } # get reference data ab_class <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", ".*", ab_class) ab_class <- gsub("(ph|f)", "(ph|f)", ab_class) ab_class <- gsub("(t|th)", "(t|th)", ab_class) ab_reference <- subset(antibiotics, group %like% ab_class | atc_group1 %like% ab_class | atc_group2 %like% ab_class) ab_group <- find_ab_group(ab_class) # get the columns with a group names in the chosen ab class agents <- ab_in_data[names(ab_in_data) %in% ab_reference$ab] if (length(agents) == 0) { message(font_blue(paste0("NOTE: no antimicrobial agents of class ", ab_group, " found (such as ", find_ab_names(ab_class, 2), "), data left unchanged."))) return(x.bak) } if (length(result) == 1) { operator <- " is " } else { operator <- " is one of " } if (scope == "any") { scope_txt <- " or " scope_fn <- any } else { scope_txt <- " and " scope_fn <- all if (length(agents) > 1) { operator <- gsub("is", "are", operator) } } if (length(agents) > 1) { scope <- paste(scope, "of columns ") } else { scope <- "column " } # sort columns on official name agents <- agents[order(ab_name(names(agents), language = NULL))] message(font_blue(paste0("Filtering on ", ab_group, ": ", scope, paste(paste0("`", font_bold(agents, collapse = NULL), "` (", ab_name(names(agents), tolower = TRUE, language = NULL), ")"), collapse = scope_txt), operator, toString(result)))) filtered <- as.logical(by(x, seq_len(nrow(x)), function(row) scope_fn(unlist(row[, agents]) %in% result, na.rm = TRUE))) x <- x[which(filtered), , drop = FALSE] class(x) <- x_class x } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_aminoglycosides <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "aminoglycoside", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_carbapenems <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "carbapenem", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_cephalosporins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "cephalosporin", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_1st_cephalosporins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "cephalosporins (1st gen.)", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_2nd_cephalosporins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "cephalosporins (2nd gen.)", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_3rd_cephalosporins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "cephalosporins (3rd gen.)", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_4th_cephalosporins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "cephalosporins (4th gen.)", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_5th_cephalosporins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "cephalosporins (5th gen.)", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_fluoroquinolones <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "fluoroquinolone", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_glycopeptides <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "glycopeptide", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_macrolides <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "macrolide", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_penicillins <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "penicillin", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } #' @rdname filter_ab_class #' @export filter_tetracyclines <- function(x, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) { filter_ab_class(x = x, ab_class = "tetracycline", result = result, scope = scope, ...) } find_ab_group <- function(ab_class) { ifelse(ab_class %in% c("aminoglycoside", "carbapenem", "cephalosporin", "fluoroquinolone", "glycopeptide", "macrolide", "tetracycline"), paste0(ab_class, "s"), antibiotics %>% subset(group %like% ab_class | atc_group1 %like% ab_class | atc_group2 %like% ab_class) %>% pull(group) %>% unique() %>% tolower() %>% paste(collapse = "/") ) } find_ab_names <- function(ab_group, n = 3) { drugs <- antibiotics[which(antibiotics$group %like% ab_group), "name"] paste0(sort(ab_name(sample(drugs, size = min(n, length(drugs)), replace = FALSE), tolower = TRUE, language = NULL)), collapse = ", ") }