## ----setup, include = FALSE, results = 'markup'-------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#" ) library(dplyr) library(AMR) ## ---- echo = TRUE, results = 'hide'-------------------------------------- # just using base R freq(septic_patients$sex) # using base R to select the variable and pass it on with a pipe septic_patients$sex %>% freq() # do it all with pipes, using the `select` function of the dplyr package septic_patients %>% select(sex) %>% freq() ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- freq(septic_patients$sex) ## ---- echo = TRUE, results = 'hide'-------------------------------------- my_patients <- septic_patients %>% left_join_microorganisms() ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- colnames(microorganisms) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- dim(septic_patients) dim(my_patients) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- my_patients %>% select(genus, species) %>% freq() ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- # # get age distribution of unique patients septic_patients %>% distinct(patient_id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% select(age) %>% freq(nmax = 5) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(hospital_id) %>% freq() ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(hospital_id) %>% freq(sort.count = TRUE) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(amox) %>% freq() ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(date) %>% freq(nmax = 5) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(amox) %>% freq(na.rm = FALSE) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(hospital_id) %>% freq(row.names = FALSE) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- septic_patients %>% select(hospital_id) %>% freq(markdown = TRUE) ## ---- echo = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- my_df <- septic_patients %>% select(hospital_id) %>% freq(as.data.frame = TRUE) my_df class(my_df) ## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # this will print "2018" in 2018, and "2018-yyyy" after 2018. yrs <- c(2018:format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")) yrs <- c(min(yrs), max(yrs)) yrs <- paste(unique(yrs), collapse = "-")