% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/clipboard.R \name{clipboard} \alias{clipboard} \alias{clipboard_import} \alias{clipboard_export} \title{Import/export from clipboard} \usage{ clipboard_import(sep = "\\t", header = TRUE, dec = ".", na = c("", "NA", "NULL"), startrow = 1, as_vector = TRUE) clipboard_export(x, sep = "\\t", dec = ".", na = "", header = TRUE, info = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{sep}{the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If \code{sep = ""} (the default for \code{read.table}) the separator is \sQuote{white space}, that is one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns.} \item{header}{a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from the file format: \code{header} is set to \code{TRUE} if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns.} \item{dec}{the character used in the file for decimal points.} \item{na}{the string to use for missing values in the data.} \item{startrow}{\emph{n}th row to start importing from. When \code{header = TRUE}, the import will start on row \code{startrow} \emph{below} the header.} \item{as_vector}{a logical value indicating whether data consisting of only one column should be imported as vector using \code{\link[dplyr]{pull}}. This will strip off the header.} \item{x}{the object to be written, preferably a matrix or data frame. If not, it is attempted to coerce \code{x} to a data frame.} \item{info}{print info about copying} } \value{ data.frame } \description{ These are helper functions around \code{\link{read.table}} and \code{\link{write.table}} to import from and export to clipboard with support for Windows, Linux and macOS. The data will be read and written as tab-separated by default, which makes it possible to copy and paste from other software like Excel and SPSS without further transformation. See Details for an example. } \details{ For \code{clipboard_export()}, the reserved clipboard size for exporting will be set to 125\% of the object size of \code{x}. This way, it is possible to export data with thousands of rows as the only limit will be your systems RAM. \if{html}{ Example for copying from Excel: \out{