Gets data from the WHOCC website to determine properties of an Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) (e.g. an antibiotic), such as the name, defined daily dose (DDD) or standard unit.

  administration = "O",
  url = "",
  url_vet = ""

atc_online_groups(atc_code, ...)

atc_online_ddd(atc_code, ...)

atc_online_ddd_units(atc_code, ...)



a character (vector) with ATC code(s) of antibiotics, will be coerced with as.ab() and ab_atc() internally if not a valid ATC code


property of an ATC code. Valid values are "ATC", "Name", "DDD", "U" ("unit"), "Adm.R", "Note" and groups. For this last option, all hierarchical groups of an ATC code will be returned, see Examples.


type of administration when using property = "Adm.R", see Details


url of website of the WHOCC. The sign %s can be used as a placeholder for ATC codes.


url of website of the WHOCC for veterinary medicine. The sign %s can be used as a placeholder for ATC_vet codes (that all start with "Q").


arguments to pass on to atc_property


Options for argument administration:

  • "Implant" = Implant

  • "Inhal" = Inhalation

  • "Instill" = Instillation

  • "N" = nasal

  • "O" = oral

  • "P" = parenteral

  • "R" = rectal

  • "SL" = sublingual/buccal

  • "TD" = transdermal

  • "V" = vaginal

Abbreviations of return values when using property = "U" (unit):

  • "g" = gram

  • "mg" = milligram

  • "mcg" = microgram

  • "U" = unit

  • "TU" = thousand units

  • "MU" = million units

  • "mmol" = millimole

  • "ml" = millilitre (e.g. eyedrops)

N.B. This function requires an internet connection and only works if the following packages are installed: curl, rvest, xml2.

Stable Lifecycle

The lifecycle of this function is stable. In a stable function, major changes are unlikely. This means that the unlying code will generally evolve by adding new arguments; removing arguments or changing the meaning of existing arguments will be avoided.

If the unlying code needs breaking changes, they will occur gradually. For example, an argument will be deprecated and first continue to work, but will emit a message informing you of the change. Next, typically after at least one newly released version on CRAN, the message will be transformed to an error.

Read more on Our Website!

On our website you can find a comprehensive tutorial about how to conduct AMR data analysis, the complete documentation of all functions and an example analysis using WHONET data.


# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("curl") && requireNamespace("rvest") && requireNamespace("xml2")) { 
  # oral DDD (Defined Daily Dose) of amoxicillin
  atc_online_property("J01CA04", "DDD", "O")

  # parenteral DDD (Defined Daily Dose) of amoxicillin
  atc_online_property("J01CA04", "DDD", "P")

  atc_online_property("J01CA04", property = "groups") # search hierarchical groups of amoxicillin
# }