% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/filter_ab_class.R \name{filter_ab_class} \alias{filter_ab_class} \alias{filter_aminoglycosides} \alias{filter_carbapenems} \alias{filter_cephalosporins} \alias{filter_1st_cephalosporins} \alias{filter_2nd_cephalosporins} \alias{filter_3rd_cephalosporins} \alias{filter_4th_cephalosporins} \alias{filter_fluoroquinolones} \alias{filter_glycopeptides} \alias{filter_macrolides} \alias{filter_tetracyclines} \title{Filter isolates on result in antibiotic class} \usage{ filter_ab_class(tbl, ab_class, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_aminoglycosides(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_carbapenems(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_cephalosporins(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_1st_cephalosporins(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_2nd_cephalosporins(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_3rd_cephalosporins(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_4th_cephalosporins(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_fluoroquinolones(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_glycopeptides(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_macrolides(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) filter_tetracyclines(tbl, result = NULL, scope = "any", ...) } \arguments{ \item{tbl}{a data set} \item{ab_class}{an antimicrobial class, like \code{"carbapenems"}. More specifically, this should be a text that can be found in a 4th level ATC group (chemical subgroup) or a 5th level ATC group (chemical substance), please see \href{https://www.whocc.no/atc/structure_and_principles/}{this explanation on the WHOCC website}.} \item{result}{an antibiotic result: S, I or R (or a combination of more of them)} \item{scope}{the scope to check which variables to check, can be \code{"any"} (default) or \code{"all"}} \item{...}{parameters passed on to \code{\link[dplyr]{filter_at}}} } \description{ Filter isolates on results in specific antibiotic variables based on their class (ATC groups). This makes it easy to get a list of isolates that were tested for e.g. any aminoglycoside. } \details{ The \code{\link{antibiotics}} data set will be searched for \code{ab_class} in the columns \code{atc_group1} and \code{atc_group2} (case-insensitive). Next, \code{tbl} will be checked for column names with a value in any abbreviations, codes or official names found in the \code{antibiotics} data set. } \examples{ library(dplyr) # filter on isolates that have any result for any aminoglycoside septic_patients \%>\% filter_aminoglycosides() # this is essentially the same as: septic_patients \%>\% filter_at(.vars = vars(c("gent", "tobr", "amik", "kana")), .vars_predicate = any_vars(. \%in\% c("S", "I", "R"))) # filter on isolates that show resistance to ANY aminoglycoside septic_patients \%>\% filter_aminoglycosides("R") # filter on isolates that show resistance to ALL aminoglycosides septic_patients \%>\% filter_aminoglycosides("R", "all") # filter on isolates that show resistance to # any aminoglycoside and any fluoroquinolone septic_patients \%>\% filter_aminoglycosides("R") \%>\% filter_fluoroquinolones("R") # filter on isolates that show resistance to # all aminoglycosides and all fluoroquinolones septic_patients \%>\% filter_aminoglycosides("R", "all") \%>\% filter_fluoroquinolones("R", "all") } \keyword{fillter_class} \keyword{filter}