% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/data.R \docType{data} \name{septic_patients} \alias{septic_patients} \title{Data set with 2000 blood culture isolates of septic patients} \format{A \code{\link{tibble}} with 2,000 observations and 49 variables: \describe{ \item{\code{date}}{date of receipt at the laboratory} \item{\code{hospital_id}}{ID of the hospital, from A to D} \item{\code{ward_icu}}{logical to determine if ward is an intensive care unit} \item{\code{ward_clinical}}{logical to determine if ward is a regular clinical ward} \item{\code{ward_outpatient}}{logical to determine if ward is an outpatient clinic} \item{\code{age}}{age of the patient} \item{\code{sex}}{sex of the patient} \item{\code{patient_id}}{ID of the patient, first 10 characters of an SHA hash containing irretrievable information} \item{\code{mo}}{ID of microorganism, see \code{\link{microorganisms}}} \item{\code{peni:rifa}}{40 different antibiotics with class \code{rsi} (see \code{\link{as.rsi}}); these column names occur in \code{\link{antibiotics}} data set and can be translated with \code{\link{abname}}} }} \usage{ septic_patients } \description{ An anonymised data set containing 2,000 microbial blood culture isolates with their full antibiograms found in septic patients in 4 different hospitals in the Netherlands, between 2001 and 2017. It is true, genuine data. This \code{data.frame} can be used to practice AMR analysis. For examples, press F1. } \examples{ # ----------- # # PREPARATION # # ----------- # # Save this example data set to an object, so we can edit it: my_data <- septic_patients # load the dplyr package to make data science A LOT easier library(dplyr) # Add first isolates to our data set: my_data <- my_data \%>\% mutate(first_isolates = first_isolate(my_data, "date", "patient_id", "mo")) # -------- # # ANALYSIS # # -------- # # 1. Get the amoxicillin resistance percentages (p) # and numbers (n) of E. coli, divided by hospital: my_data \%>\% filter(mo == guess_mo("E. coli"), first_isolates == TRUE) \%>\% group_by(hospital_id) \%>\% summarise(n = n_rsi(amox), p = portion_IR(amox)) # 2. Get the amoxicillin/clavulanic acid resistance # percentages of E. coli, trend over the years: my_data \%>\% filter(mo == guess_mo("E. coli"), first_isolates == TRUE) \%>\% group_by(year = format(date, "\%Y")) \%>\% summarise(n = n_rsi(amcl), p = portion_IR(amcl, minimum = 20)) } \keyword{datasets}