# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis # # # # AUTHORS # # Berends MS (m.s.berends@umcg.nl), Luz CF (c.f.luz@umcg.nl) # # # # LICENCE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0, # # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # ==================================================================== # #' Data set with 423 antibiotics #' #' A data set containing all antibiotics with a J0 code and some other antimicrobial agents, with their DDDs. Except for trade names and abbreviations, all properties were downloaded from the WHO, see Source. #' @format A \code{\link{tibble}} with 423 observations and 18 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{atc}}{ATC code, like \code{J01CR02}} #' \item{\code{certe}}{Certe code, like \code{amcl}} #' \item{\code{umcg}}{UMCG code, like \code{AMCL}} #' \item{\code{abbr}}{Abbreviation as used by many countries, used internally by \code{\link{as.atc}}} #' \item{\code{official}}{Official name by the WHO, like \code{"Amoxicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor"}} #' \item{\code{official_nl}}{Official name in the Netherlands, like \code{"Amoxicilline met enzymremmer"}} #' \item{\code{trivial_nl}}{Trivial name in Dutch, like \code{"Amoxicilline/clavulaanzuur"}} #' \item{\code{trade_name}}{Trade name as used by many countries (a total of 294), used internally by \code{\link{as.atc}}} #' \item{\code{oral_ddd}}{Defined Daily Dose (DDD), oral treatment} #' \item{\code{oral_units}}{Units of \code{ddd_units}} #' \item{\code{iv_ddd}}{Defined Daily Dose (DDD), parenteral treatment} #' \item{\code{iv_units}}{Units of \code{iv_ddd}} #' \item{\code{atc_group1}}{ATC group, like \code{"Macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramins"}} #' \item{\code{atc_group2}}{Subgroup of \code{atc_group1}, like \code{"Macrolides"}} #' \item{\code{atc_group1_nl}}{ATC group in Dutch, like \code{"Macroliden, lincosamiden en streptograminen"}} #' \item{\code{atc_group2_nl}}{Subgroup of \code{atc_group1} in Dutch, like \code{"Macroliden"}} #' \item{\code{useful_gramnegative}}{\code{FALSE} if not useful according to EUCAST, \code{NA} otherwise (see Source)} #' \item{\code{useful_grampositive}}{\code{FALSE} if not useful according to EUCAST, \code{NA} otherwise (see Source)} #' } #' @source - World Health Organization: \url{https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/} \cr - EUCAST - Expert rules intrinsic exceptional V3.1 \cr - MOLIS (LIS of Certe): \url{https://www.certe.nl} \cr - GLIMS (LIS of UMCG): \url{https://www.umcg.nl} #' @seealso \code{\link{microorganisms}} # use this later to further fill AMR::antibiotics # drug <- "Ciprofloxacin" # url <- xml2::read_html(paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pccompound?term=", drug)) %>% # html_nodes(".rslt") %>% # .[[1]] %>% # html_nodes(".title a") %>% # html_attr("href") %>% # gsub("/compound/", "/rest/pug_view/data/compound/", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% # paste0("/XML/?response_type=display") # synonyms <- url %>% # read_xml() %>% # xml_contents() %>% .[[6]] %>% # xml_contents() %>% .[[8]] %>% # xml_contents() %>% .[[3]] %>% # xml_contents() %>% .[[3]] %>% # xml_contents() %>% # paste() %>% # .[. %like% "StringValueList"] %>% # gsub("[]", "", .) # last two columns created with: # antibiotics %>% # mutate(useful_gramnegative = # if_else( # atc_group1 %like% '(fusidic|glycopeptide|macrolide|lincosamide|daptomycin|linezolid)' | # atc_group2 %like% '(fusidic|glycopeptide|macrolide|lincosamide|daptomycin|linezolid)' | # official %like% '(fusidic|glycopeptide|macrolide|lincosamide|daptomycin|linezolid)', # FALSE, # NA # ), # useful_grampositive = # if_else( # atc_group1 %like% '(aztreonam|temocillin|polymyxin|colistin|nalidixic)' | # atc_group2 %like% '(aztreonam|temocillin|polymyxin|colistin|nalidixic)' | # official %like% '(aztreonam|temocillin|polymyxin|colistin|nalidixic)', # FALSE, # NA # ) # ) # # ADD NEW TRADE NAMES FROM OTHER DATAFRAME # antibiotics_add_to_property <- function(ab_df, atc, property, value) { # if (length(atc) > 1L) { # stop("only one atc at a time") # } # if (!property %in% c("abbr", "trade_name")) { # stop("only possible for abbr and trade_name") # } # # value <- gsub(ab_df[which(ab_df$atc == atc),] %>% pull("official"), "", value, fixed = TRUE) # value <- gsub("||", "|", value, fixed = TRUE) # value <- gsub("[äáàâ]", "a", value) # value <- gsub("[ëéèê]", "e", value) # value <- gsub("[ïíìî]", "i", value) # value <- gsub("[öóòô]", "o", value) # value <- gsub("[üúùû]", "u", value) # if (!atc %in% ab_df$atc) { # message("SKIPPING - UNKNOWN ATC: ", atc) # } # if (is.na(value)) { # message("SKIPPING - VALUE MISSES: ", atc) # } # if (atc %in% ab_df$atc & !is.na(value)) { # current <- ab_df[which(ab_df$atc == atc),] %>% pull(property) # if (!is.na(current)) { # value <- paste(current, value, sep = "|") # } # value <- strsplit(value, "|", fixed = TRUE) %>% unlist() %>% unique() %>% paste(collapse = "|") # value <- gsub("||", "|", value, fixed = TRUE) # # print(value) # ab_df[which(ab_df$atc == atc), property] <- value # message("Added ", value, " to ", ab_official(atc), " (", atc, ", ", ab_certe(atc), ")") # } # ab_df # } # "antibiotics" #' Data set with taxonomic data from ITIS #' #' A data set containing the complete microbial taxonomy of the kingdoms Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoa. MO codes can be looked up using \code{\link{as.mo}}. #' @inheritSection as.mo ITIS #' @format A \code{\link{data.frame}} with 18,831 observations and 15 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{mo}}{ID of microorganism} #' \item{\code{tsn}}{Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN), as defined by ITIS} #' \item{\code{genus}}{Taxonomic genus of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{species}}{Taxonomic species of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{subspecies}}{Taxonomic subspecies of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{fullname}}{Full name, like \code{"Echerichia coli"}} #' \item{\code{family}}{Taxonomic family of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{order}}{Taxonomic order of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{class}}{Taxonomic class of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{phylum}}{Taxonomic phylum of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{subkingdom}}{Taxonomic subkingdom of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{gramstain}}{Gram of microorganism, like \code{"Gram negative"}} #' \item{\code{type}}{Type of microorganism, like \code{"Bacteria"} and \code{"Fungi"}} #' \item{\code{prevalence}}{A rounded integer based on prevalence of the microorganism. Used internally by \code{\link{as.mo}}, otherwise quite meaningless.} #' \item{\code{mo.old}}{The old ID for package versions 0.3.0 and lower.} #' } #' @source [3] Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) on-line database, \url{https://www.itis.gov}. #' @seealso \code{\link{as.mo}} \code{\link{mo_property}} \code{\link{microorganisms.umcg}} "microorganisms" #' Data set with old taxonomic data from ITIS #' #' A data set containing old (previously valid or accepted) taxonomic names according to ITIS. This data set is used internally by \code{\link{as.mo}}. #' @inheritSection as.mo ITIS #' @format A \code{\link{data.frame}} with 2,384 observations and 5 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{tsn}}{Old Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN), as defined by ITIS} #' \item{\code{name}}{Old taxonomic name of the microorganism as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{tsn_new}}{New Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN), as defined by ITIS} #' \item{\code{authors}}{Authors responsible for renaming as found in ITIS, see Source} #' \item{\code{year}}{Year in which the literature was published about the renaming as found in ITIS, see Source} #' } #' @source [3] Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) on-line database, \url{https://www.itis.gov}. #' @seealso \code{\link{as.mo}} \code{\link{mo_property}} \code{\link{microorganisms}} "microorganisms.old" #' Translation table for UMCG #' #' A data set containing all bacteria codes of UMCG MMB. These codes can be joined to data with an ID from \code{\link{microorganisms}$mo} (using \code{\link{left_join_microorganisms}}). GLIMS codes can also be translated to valid \code{MO}s with \code{\link{guess_mo}}. #' @format A \code{\link{tibble}} with 1,095 observations and 2 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{umcg}}{Code of microorganism according to UMCG MMB} #' \item{\code{certe}}{Code of microorganism according to Certe MMB} #' } #' @seealso \code{\link{as.mo}} \code{\link{microorganisms.certe}} \code{\link{microorganisms}} "microorganisms.umcg" #' Translation table for Certe #' #' A data set containing all bacteria codes of Certe MMB. These codes can be joined to data with an ID from \code{\link{microorganisms}$mo} (using \code{\link{left_join_microorganisms}}). GLIMS codes can also be translated to valid \code{MO}s with \code{\link{guess_mo}}. #' @format A \code{\link{tibble}} with 2,664 observations and 2 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{certe}}{Code of microorganism according to Certe MMB} #' \item{\code{mo}}{Code of microorganism in \code{\link{microorganisms}}} #' } #' @seealso \code{\link{as.mo}} \code{\link{microorganisms}} "microorganisms.certe" #' Data set with 2000 blood culture isolates of septic patients #' #' An anonymised data set containing 2,000 microbial blood culture isolates with their full antibiograms found in septic patients in 4 different hospitals in the Netherlands, between 2001 and 2017. It is true, genuine data. This \code{data.frame} can be used to practice AMR analysis. For examples, press F1. #' @format A \code{\link{tibble}} with 2,000 observations and 49 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{date}}{date of receipt at the laboratory} #' \item{\code{hospital_id}}{ID of the hospital, from A to D} #' \item{\code{ward_icu}}{logical to determine if ward is an intensive care unit} #' \item{\code{ward_clinical}}{logical to determine if ward is a regular clinical ward} #' \item{\code{ward_outpatient}}{logical to determine if ward is an outpatient clinic} #' \item{\code{age}}{age of the patient} #' \item{\code{sex}}{sex of the patient} #' \item{\code{patient_id}}{ID of the patient, first 10 characters of an SHA hash containing irretrievable information} #' \item{\code{mo}}{ID of microorganism, see \code{\link{microorganisms}}} #' \item{\code{peni:rifa}}{40 different antibiotics with class \code{rsi} (see \code{\link{as.rsi}}); these column names occur in \code{\link{antibiotics}} data set and can be translated with \code{\link{abname}}} #' } # source MOLIS (LIS of Certe) - \url{https://www.certe.nl} #' @examples #' # ----------- # #' # PREPARATION # #' # ----------- # #' #' # Save this example data set to an object, so we can edit it: #' my_data <- septic_patients #' #' # load the dplyr package to make data science A LOT easier #' library(dplyr) #' #' # Add first isolates to our data set: #' my_data <- my_data %>% #' mutate(first_isolates = first_isolate(my_data, "date", "patient_id", "mo")) #' #' # -------- # #' # ANALYSIS # #' # -------- # #' #' # 1. Get the amoxicillin resistance percentages (p) #' # and numbers (n) of E. coli, divided by hospital: #' #' my_data %>% #' filter(mo == guess_mo("E. coli"), #' first_isolates == TRUE) %>% #' group_by(hospital_id) %>% #' summarise(n = n_rsi(amox), #' p = portion_IR(amox)) #' #' #' # 2. Get the amoxicillin/clavulanic acid resistance #' # percentages of E. coli, trend over the years: #' #' my_data %>% #' filter(mo == guess_mo("E. coli"), #' first_isolates == TRUE) %>% #' group_by(year = format(date, "%Y")) %>% #' summarise(n = n_rsi(amcl), #' p = portion_IR(amcl, minimum = 20)) "septic_patients"