% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/mo_property.R \name{mo_property} \alias{mo_property} \alias{mo_fullname} \alias{mo_shortname} \alias{mo_subspecies} \alias{mo_species} \alias{mo_genus} \alias{mo_family} \alias{mo_order} \alias{mo_class} \alias{mo_phylum} \alias{mo_subkingdom} \alias{mo_type} \alias{mo_TSN} \alias{mo_gramstain} \alias{mo_taxonomy} \title{Property of a microorganism} \usage{ mo_fullname(x, Becker = FALSE, Lancefield = FALSE, language = NULL) mo_shortname(x, Becker = FALSE, Lancefield = FALSE, language = NULL) mo_subspecies(x, Becker = FALSE, Lancefield = FALSE, language = NULL) mo_species(x, Becker = FALSE, Lancefield = FALSE, language = NULL) mo_genus(x, language = NULL) mo_family(x) mo_order(x) mo_class(x) mo_phylum(x) mo_subkingdom(x) mo_type(x, language = NULL) mo_TSN(x) mo_gramstain(x, language = NULL) mo_property(x, property = "fullname", Becker = FALSE, Lancefield = FALSE, language = NULL) mo_taxonomy(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{any (vector of) text that can be coerced to a valid microorganism code with \code{\link{as.mo}}} \item{Becker}{a logical to indicate whether \emph{Staphylococci} should be categorised into Coagulase Negative \emph{Staphylococci} ("CoNS") and Coagulase Positive \emph{Staphylococci} ("CoPS") instead of their own species, according to Karsten Becker \emph{et al.} [1]. This excludes \emph{Staphylococcus aureus} at default, use \code{Becker = "all"} to also categorise \emph{S. aureus} as "CoPS".} \item{Lancefield}{a logical to indicate whether beta-haemolytic \emph{Streptococci} should be categorised into Lancefield groups instead of their own species, according to Rebecca C. Lancefield [2]. These \emph{Streptococci} will be categorised in their first group, e.g. \emph{Streptococcus dysgalactiae} will be group C, although officially it was also categorised into groups G and L. This excludes \emph{Enterococci} at default (who are in group D), use \code{Lancefield = "all"} to also categorise all \emph{Enterococci} as group D.} \item{language}{language of the returned text, defaults to English (\code{"en"}) and can also be set with \code{\link{getOption}("AMR_locale")}. Either one of \code{"en"} (English), \code{"de"} (German), \code{"nl"} (Dutch), \code{"es"} (Spanish) or \code{"pt"} (Portuguese).} \item{property}{one of the column names of one of the \code{\link{microorganisms}} data set or \code{"shortname"}} } \value{ A \code{list} (in case of \code{mo_taxonomy}) or a \code{character} otherwise } \description{ Use these functions to return a specific property of a microorganism from the \code{\link{microorganisms}} data set. All input values will be evaluated internally with \code{\link{as.mo}}. } \section{ITIS}{ \if{html}{\figure{itis_logo.jpg}{options: height=60px style=margin-bottom:5px} \cr} This \code{AMR} package contains the \strong{complete microbial taxonomic data} (with seven taxonomic ranks - from subkingdom to subspecies) from the publicly available Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS, \url{https://www.itis.gov}). ITIS is a partnership of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agencies and taxonomic specialists [3]. The complete taxonomic kingdoms Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoa are included in this package, as well as all previously accepted names known to ITIS. } \section{Source}{ [1] Becker K \emph{et al.} \strong{Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci}. 2014. Clin Microbiol Rev. 27(4): 870–926. \url{https://dx.doi.org/10.1128/CMR.00109-13} [2] Lancefield RC \strong{A serological differentiation of human and other groups of hemolytic streptococci}. 1933. J Exp Med. 57(4): 571–95. \url{https://dx.doi.org/10.1084/jem.57.4.571} [3] Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Retrieved September 2018. \url{http://www.itis.gov} } \examples{ # All properties mo_subkingdom("E. coli") # "Negibacteria" mo_phylum("E. coli") # "Proteobacteria" mo_class("E. coli") # "Gammaproteobacteria" mo_order("E. coli") # "Enterobacteriales" mo_family("E. coli") # "Enterobacteriaceae" mo_genus("E. coli") # "Escherichia" mo_species("E. coli") # "coli" mo_subspecies("E. coli") # NA mo_fullname("E. coli") # "Escherichia coli" mo_shortname("E. coli") # "E. coli" mo_gramstain("E. coli") # "Gram negative" mo_TSN("E. coli") # 285 mo_type("E. coli") # "Bacteria" # Abbreviations known in the field mo_genus("MRSA") # "Staphylococcus" mo_species("MRSA") # "aureus" mo_shortname("MRSA") # "S. aureus" mo_gramstain("MRSA") # "Gram positive" mo_genus("VISA") # "Staphylococcus" mo_species("VISA") # "aureus" # Known subspecies mo_genus("doylei") # "Campylobacter" mo_species("doylei") # "jejuni" mo_fullname("doylei") # "Campylobacter jejuni doylei" mo_fullname("K. pneu rh") # "Klebsiella pneumoniae rhinoscleromatis" mo_shortname("K. pneu rh") # "K. pneumoniae" # Becker classification, see ?as.mo mo_fullname("S. epi") # "Staphylococcus epidermidis" mo_fullname("S. epi", Becker = TRUE) # "Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus (CoNS)" mo_shortname("S. epi") # "S. epidermidis" mo_shortname("S. epi", Becker = TRUE) # "CoNS" # Lancefield classification, see ?as.mo mo_fullname("S. pyo") # "Streptococcus pyogenes" mo_fullname("S. pyo", Lancefield = TRUE) # "Streptococcus group A" mo_shortname("S. pyo") # "S. pyogenes" mo_shortname("S. pyo", Lancefield = TRUE) # "GAS" # Language support for German, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese mo_type("E. coli", language = "de") # "Bakterium" mo_type("E. coli", language = "nl") # "Bacterie" mo_type("E. coli", language = "es") # "Bakteria" mo_gramstain("E. coli", language = "de") # "Gramnegativ" mo_gramstain("E. coli", language = "nl") # "Gram-negatief" mo_gramstain("E. coli", language = "es") # "Gram negativo" mo_fullname("S. pyogenes", Lancefield = TRUE, language = "de") # "Streptococcus Gruppe A" mo_fullname("S. pyogenes", Lancefield = TRUE, language = "nl") # "Streptococcus groep A" # Complete taxonomy up to Subkingdom, returns a list mo_taxonomy("E. coli") } \seealso{ \code{\link{microorganisms}} }