# `AMR` This is an [R package](https://www.r-project.org) to simplify the analysis and prediction of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). ![logo_uni](man/figures/logo_en.png)![logo_umcg](man/figures/logo_umcg.png) This R package was created for academic research by PhD students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the [University of Groningen](https://www.rug.nl/) and the Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention department of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). They also maintain this package, see [Authors](#authors). ## Why this package? This R package contains functions to make microbiological, epidemiological data analysis easier. It allows the use of some new S3 classes to work with MIC values and antimicrobial interpretations (i.e. values S, I and R). AMR can also be predicted for the forthcoming years with the `rsi_predict` function. For use with the `dplyr` package, the `rsi` function can be used in conjunction with `summarise` to calculate the resistance percentages of different antibiotic columns of a table. It also contains functions to translate antibiotic codes from the lab (like `"AMOX"`) or the [WHO](https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=J01CA04&showdescription=no) (like `"J01CA04"`) to trivial names (like `"amoxicillin"`) and vice versa. ## How to use it? ```r # Call it with: library(AMR) # For a list of functions: help(package = "AMR") ``` ### Databases included in package ```r # Dataset with ATC antibiotics codes, official names and DDD's (oral and parenteral) ablist # A tibble: 420 x 12 # Dataset with bacteria codes and properties like gram stain and aerobic/anaerobic bactlist # A tibble: 2,507 x 10 ``` ### New classes This package contains two new S3 classes: `mic` for MIC values (e.g. from Vitek or Phoenix) and `rsi` for antimicrobial drug interpretations (i.e. S, I and R). Both are actually ordered factors under the hood (an MIC of `2` being higher than `<=1` but lower than `>=32`, and for class `rsi` factors are ordered as `S < I < R`). Both classes have extensions for existing generic functions like `print`, `summary` and `plot`. ```r # Transform values to new classes mic_data <- as.mic(c(">=32", "1.0", "8", "<=0.128", "8", "16", "16")) rsi_data <- as.rsi(c(rep("S", 474), rep("I", 36), rep("R", 370))) ``` These functions also try to coerce valid values. Quick overviews when just printing objects: ```r mic_data # Class 'mic': 7 isolates # # 0 # # <=0.128 1 8 16 >=32 # 1 1 2 2 1 rsi_data # Class 'rsi': 880 isolates # # : 0 # Sum of S: 474 # Sum of IR: 406 # - Sum of R: 370 # - Sum of I: 36 # # %S %IR %I %R # 53.9 46.1 4.1 42.0 ``` A plot of `rsi_data`: ```r plot(rsi_data) ``` ![example](man/figures/rsi_example.png) Other epidemiological functions: ```r # Apply EUCAST Expert Rules v3.1 (latest) to antibiotic columns EUCAST_rules(...) # Determine key antibiotic based on bacteria ID key_antibiotics(...) # Check if key antibiotics are equal key_antibiotics_equal(...) # Selection of first isolates of any patient first_isolate(...) # Calculate resistance levels of antibiotics rsi(...) # Predict resistance levels of antibiotics rsi_predict(...) # Get name of antibiotic by ATC code abname(...) abname("J01CR02", from = "atc", to = "umcg") # "AMCL" ``` ## How to get it? This package is only available here on GitHub, but respects the [CRAN Repository Policy](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html). *Installation commands:* ```r library(devtools) install_github("msberends/AMR") ``` *Working behind a proxy? Then use:* ```r library(httr) library(devtools) set_config(use_proxy("yourproxydomain.com", 8080, "username", "password", "any")) # change "any" to "basic" or "digest" if needed install_github("msberends/AMR") reset_config() ``` ## Authors - [Berends MS](https://github.com/msberends)1,2, PhD Student - [Luz CF](https://github.com/ceefluz)1, PhD Student - [Hassing EEA](https://github.com/erwinhassing)2, Data Analyst (contributor) 1 Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands 2 Department of Medical, Market and Innovation (MMI), Certe Medische diagnostiek & advies, Groningen, the Netherlands ## Copyright This R package is licensed under the [GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0](https://github.com/msberends/AMR/blob/master/LICENSE). In a nutshell, this means that this package: - May be used for commercial purposes - May be used for private purposes - May be modified, although: - Modifications **must** be released under the same license when distributing the package - Changes made to the code **must** be documented - May be distributed, although: - Source code **must** be made available when the package is distributed - A copy of the license and copyright notice **must** be included with the package. - Comes with a LIMITATION of liability - Comes with NO warranty