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These functions can be used for generating random MIC values and disk diffusion diameters, for AMR data analysis practice. By providing a microorganism and antimicrobial drug, the generated results will reflect reality as much as possible.


random_mic(size = NULL, mo = NULL, ab = NULL, ...)

random_disk(size = NULL, mo = NULL, ab = NULL, ...)

random_rsi(size = NULL, prob_RSI = c(0.33, 0.33, 0.33), ...)



desired size of the returned vector. If used in a data.frame call or dplyr verb, will get the current (group) size if left blank.


any character that can be coerced to a valid microorganism code with


any character that can be coerced to a valid antimicrobial drug code with as.ab()


ignored, only in place to allow future extensions


a vector of length 3: the probabilities for "R" (1st value), "S" (2nd value) and "I" (3rd value)


class mic for random_mic() (see as.mic()) and class disk for random_disk() (see as.disk())


The base R function sample() is used for generating values.

Generated values are based on the EUCAST 2022 guideline as implemented in the rsi_translation data set. To create specific generated values per bug or drug, set the mo and/or ab argument.


#> Class 'mic'
#>  [1] 128     0.025   2       1       32      0.125   16      >=256   0.025  
#> [10] 0.025   <=0.002 0.01    1       <=0.002 >=256   2       16      1      
#> [19] 4       64      8       8       0.005   0.0625  0.5    
#> Class 'disk'
#>  [1] 37 44 23 13 39 50 44 18 36 31 40 46 36 29 34 45 32 48 46 45 28 10 50 17 47
#> Class 'rsi'
#>  [1] I I S I I S I I R R I S S I S I S S R I R R R I S

# \donttest{
# make the random generation more realistic by setting a bug and/or drug:
random_mic(25, "Klebsiella pneumoniae") # range 0.0625-64
#> Class 'mic'
#>  [1] 4       <=0.001 8       <=0.001 >=256   0.025   <=0.001 0.5     4      
#> [10] 0.25    2       0.002   0.002   1       128     0.125   <=0.001 0.005  
#> [19] 0.5     4       0.125   2       128     16      32     
random_mic(25, "Klebsiella pneumoniae", "meropenem") # range 0.0625-16
#> Class 'mic'
#>  [1] 4   8   <=1 2   32  8   8   4   4   8   2   8   16  2   64  4   <=1 <=1 <=1
#> [20] 32  4   2   8   16  16 
random_mic(25, "Streptococcus pneumoniae", "meropenem") # range 0.0625-4
#> Class 'mic'
#>  [1] <=0.125 0.5     1       <=0.125 0.25    4       0.25    0.5     4      
#> [10] 0.5     4       2       <=0.125 >=8     0.5     >=8     0.5     2      
#> [19] 0.5     >=8     0.25    1       <=0.125 <=0.125 0.25   

random_disk(25, "Klebsiella pneumoniae") # range 8-50
#> Class 'disk'
#>  [1] 37 15 44 15 46 50 48 20 41 40 41 25 41 50 47 40 20 27 18 16 47 42 45 40 46
random_disk(25, "Klebsiella pneumoniae", "ampicillin") # range 11-17
#> Class 'disk'
#>  [1] 17 16 15 13 13 17 16 13 16 14 14 13 11 17 12 17 12 16 16 17 17 11 14 16 13
random_disk(25, "Streptococcus pneumoniae", "ampicillin") # range 12-27
#> Class 'disk'
#>  [1] 19 22 23 22 24 18 25 23 26 25 19 21 18 18 23 15 24 17 17 24 22 20 26 26 16
# }