library(dplyr) # Installed WHONET 2019 software on Windows (, # opened C:\WHONET\Codes\WHONETCodes.mdb in MS Access # and exported table 'DRGLST1' to MS Excel DRGLST1 <- readxl::read_excel("data-raw/DRGLST1.xlsx", na = c("", "NA", "-")) rsi_translation <- DRGLST1 %>% # only keep CLSI and EUCAST guidelines: filter(GUIDELINES %like% "^(CLSI|EUCST)") %>% mutate(DISK_S = ifelse(as.double(DISK_S) > 50, 50, DISK_S), MIC_R = ifelse(as.double(MIC_R) %in% c(1025, 129, 513), as.double(MIC_R) - 1, MIC_R)) %>% # set a nice layout: transmute(guideline = gsub("([0-9]+)$", " 20\\1", gsub("EUCST", "EUCAST", GUIDELINES)), method = TESTMETHOD, site = SITE_INF, mo =, ab = as.ab(WHON5_CODE), ref_tbl = REF_TABLE, dose_disk = POTENCY, S_disk = as.disk(DISK_S), R_disk = as.disk(DISK_R), S_mic = as.mic(MIC_S), R_mic = as.mic(MIC_R)) %>% filter(!, !, !mo %in% c("UNKNOWN", "B_GRAMN", "B_GRAMP", "F_FUNGUS", "F_YEAST")) %>% arrange(desc(guideline), mo, ab) print(mo_failures()) # create 2 tables: MIC and disk tbl_mic <- rsi_translation %>% filter(method == "MIC") %>% mutate(breakpoint_S = as.double(S_mic), breakpoint_R = as.double(R_mic)) tbl_disk <- rsi_translation %>% filter(method == "DISK") %>% mutate(breakpoint_S = as.double(S_disk), breakpoint_R = as.double(R_disk)) # merge them so every record is a unique combination of method, mo and ab rsi_translation <- bind_rows(tbl_mic, tbl_disk) %>% rename(disk_dose = dose_disk) %>% mutate(disk_dose = gsub("ยต", "u", disk_dose)) %>% select(-ends_with("_mic"), -ends_with("_disk")) # add extra CLSI general guidelines clsi_general <- read_tsv("data-raw/DRGLST.txt") %>% filter(CLSI == "X") %>% select(WHON5_CODE, disk_dose = POTENCY, starts_with("CLSI"), -c(CLSI, CLSI_ORDER)) %>% mutate_at(vars(matches("CLSI")), as.double) %>% pivot_longer(-c(WHON5_CODE, disk_dose)) %>% mutate(method = ifelse(name %like% "_D", "DISK", "MIC"), breakpoint = paste0("breakpoint_", gsub(".*([A-Z])$", "\\1", name)), guideline = paste0("CLSI 20", cleaner::clean_integer(name))) %>% filter(breakpoint != "breakpoint_I", ! %>% select(-name) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = breakpoint, values_from = value) %>% transmute(guideline, method, site = NA_character_, mo ="UNKNOWN"), ab = as.ab(WHON5_CODE), ref_tbl = "Generic CLSI rules", disk_dose = gsub("/", "-", disk_dose, fixed = TRUE), breakpoint_S, breakpoint_R) # add new EUCAST with read_EUCAST.R # 2020-04-14 did that now for 2019 and 2020 rsi_translation <- rsi_translation %>% # filter(guideline != "EUCAST 2019") %>% bind_rows(new_EUCAST) %>% bind_rows(clsi_general) %>% mutate(uti = site %like% "(UTI|urinary)") %>% = FALSE) %>% # force classes again mutate(mo =, ab = as.ab(ab)) %>% arrange(desc(guideline), ab, mo, method) # save to package usethis::use_data(rsi_translation, overwrite = TRUE) rm(rsi_translation) devtools::load_all(".")