# ==================================================================== # # TITLE: # # AMR: An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data # # # # SOURCE CODE: # # https://github.com/msberends/AMR # # # # PLEASE CITE THIS SOFTWARE AS: # # Berends MS, Luz CF, Friedrich AW, et al. (2022). # # AMR: An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data. # # Journal of Statistical Software, 104(3), 1-31. # # https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v104.i03 # # # # Developed at the University of Groningen and the University Medical # # Center Groningen in The Netherlands, in collaboration with many # # colleagues from around the world, see our website. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # # # Visit our website for the full manual and a complete tutorial about # # how to conduct AMR data analysis: https://msberends.github.io/AMR/ # # ==================================================================== # expect_identical(av_name("ACI", language = NULL), "Aciclovir") expect_identical(av_atc("ACI"), "J05AB01") expect_identical(av_cid("ACI"), as.integer(135398513)) expect_inherits(av_tradenames("ACI"), "character") expect_inherits(av_tradenames(c("ACI", "ACI")), "list") expect_identical(av_group("ACI", language = NULL),"Nucleosides and nucleotides excl. reverse transcriptase inhibitors") expect_identical(av_name(135398513, language = NULL), "Aciclovir") expect_identical(av_name("J05AB01", language = NULL), "Aciclovir") expect_identical(av_ddd("ACI", "oral"), 4) expect_identical(av_ddd_units("ACI", "iv"), "g") expect_identical(av_ddd("ACI", "iv"), 4) expect_identical( av_name(x = c("ACI", "VALA"), tolower = TRUE, language = NULL), c("aciclovir", "valaciclovir") ) expect_inherits(av_info("ACI"), "list") expect_error(av_property("acic", "invalid property")) expect_error(av_name("acic", language = "INVALID")) expect_stdout(print(av_name("acic", language = NULL))) expect_equal(av_name("29113-8", language = NULL), "Abacavir") expect_equal( av_loinc("Abacavir"), c("29113-8", "30273-7", "30287-7", "30303-2", "78772-1", "78773-9", "79134-3", "80118-3") ) expect_true(av_url("ACI") %like% "fhi[.]no")